Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 2064: German castle

The most bloody, and the most likely to arouse the audience\'s atmosphere is that less than a week after the wedding, Charles gave Camilla a bracelet with the letters of the two names in front of Diana.

Once, Diana heard Charles call and say, "No matter what happens, I will always love you."

During his marriage to Diana, Charles still kept dating Camilla. Even on the day that Diana gave birth to William, he did not have a paternity, but stayed with Camilla.

Finally, the pure Diana realized this scam, realized that she was just a tool used by the royal family to hide the ugliness, and became a beautiful puppet and vase. Therefore, she suffered from depression.

In order to get Charles to leave Camilla, she even jumped down from upstairs when she was pregnant, just to prevent them from meeting, but in the eyes of people who don\'t love you, what you do is useless.

Diana\'s beauty, gentleness and madness, became unreasonable in Charles\'s eyes, and strengthened his mind to leave Diana.

Once, at the birthday banquet of Camilla\'s sister, Diana suddenly appeared, dressed up with bright lights, as if to demonstrate to his rivals.

But at that banquet, Charles and Camilla disappeared together again. Diana found them and said to them, "I know what happened to you. I\'m sorry to stand in between you. I know because of my existence." , It’s like **** to you, but I know how things are, please don’t think of me as a fool."

Unexpectedly, Camilla asked her in turn, "You have got everything. With two beautiful children, people love you. What else do you want?"

Finally, Diana, who couldn\'t stand this bad marriage, chose to divorce after 16 years of exhaustion from her appearance. The so-called "prince and Cinderella\'s false fairy tale" was finally broken.

The following year, Diana had the “paparazzi accident” that shocked the world and died in Paris, France, at the age of 36.

The "true love" between Charles and Camilla is still going on. At this moment, Camilla can no longer bear it. She started the "Forcing the Palace to Power Plan" and tried every means to make a public appearance with Prince Charles. .

This made the entire British royal family hate her very much. The queen mother who was still alive even said: As long as she lives a day, she will not be allowed to marry into the royal family.

But in the end, the royal family still failed to hinder them. In 2005, Prince Charles finally married Camilla, but their marriage was not approved by the British Pope. In addition, the influence of the title of Diana during his lifetime was too great. Ra does not have an official title of "Princess".

Only honored as "Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Cornwall".

However, Camilla felt the difficulty of being a princess only after he really entered the marriage. Because of her love for Diana, the British people did not wait to see her and kept comparing Princess Diana with her.

Every time I attend an event, I have to be diss old and ugly, and Prince Charles, because of his affairs with her and his own personality problems, was ridiculed as the "long standby crown prince".

So much so that there are rumors among the people that the queen will pass the throne directly to Prince William. This is not a joke, but the vision of the British people!

After all, most people in corrupt countries cannot accept that women like Camilla will become their queens.

But recently, the "True Love" Charles and Camilla\'s life has not been too good.

Camilla has been absent from royal events many times in succession, and there are reports that they have been divorced. I don\'t know if it is true. If it is true, it is definitely a kind of irony.

40 years ago, they hurt Diana for "love", and 40 years later, their marriage also came to an end. This seemingly fateful curse, in fact, has long been a sign that he can be so cruel to another woman, One day when you can\'t say the future, the big knife will fall on you.

But Charles also seems to be cursed, God is blessing him, and the beauty is not available!

Yang Cheng glanced at Charles with complicated eyes, then changed the subject, "His Royal Highness should go out to receive guests, it\'s not in a hurry."

Charles was stunned and nodded, "Okay, let William accompany you around, I\'ll go to receive it first, and talk later."

Watching the crown prince leave the garden room, William sighed insignificantly. It seemed that he was also confused about his father.

"Let\'s go, go out for a drink~" William exhaled.


Today, the palace was full of guests, and there were people everywhere. Some of them looked familiar, but most of them were strangers who didn\'t know each other, and Yang Cheng was not in the mood to socialize.

There were a few people who wanted to start a conversation with William, but seeing him look like a stranger, they all avoided it, which saved the trouble of talking.

The two went to the side hall of the banquet room to take a bottle of wine, returned to the garden room, and drank to the sunset.

I don\'t know what\'s going on, the atmosphere suddenly just like this, and it is true that emotions can be contagious. In an exaggeration, William almost 100% felt Yang Cheng\'s inner activities when he first watched Charles.

However, it was inconvenient for Yang Cheng to talk more about other family affairs, so she didn\'t speak, and drank to herself.

After a long while, both of them had a few glasses of wine, William then asked, "Do you have a favorite castle? I guess that except for the most memorable castles that cannot be sold, the rest are possible. "

Yang Cheng wondered, "Why?"

"You don\'t understand my father, I understand, what you said just now is in his heart." William said helplessly.

Yang Cheng was a little embarrassed. Which pot should not be opened and which pot should be mentioned, "Uh~ you know, I didn\'t want to buy it at first, but... well, if Leedsburg can sell..."

He licked his face and asked for Leeds Castle. If it weren\'t for fear of being seen, William really wanted to throw his eyes away and said everything, except for the monumental castle.

"Change another~"

Yang Cheng shrugged, UU reading "I really don\'t know. To be honest, if it is a German castle, I would definitely be interested. Both the scenery and the building itself are better than the British castle."

There is no need to be polite with William, Yang Cheng has one thing to say.

"Well, but German castles are not impossible." William said suddenly.

"What do you mean? The royal family\'s industry in Germany?" Yang Cheng felt that there was only one possibility.

William nodded, "Yes, in Bavaria, not far from Neuschwanstein Castle."

If you think about the chaotic relationship between European royalty, it\'s not hard to understand.

The husband of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom is Prince Albert from Germany. The former is slightly older than the latter. Because Prince Albert’s father and Queen Victoria’s mother are siblings, Queen Victoria and Prince Albert were originally related by blood The cousin and cousin who are very close together have nine children after marriage.

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