Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 2063: Crown Prince Love History

Prince Charles’s dinner was held in his Clarence Palace. Compared with Buckingham Palace, the Palace is not mysterious at all. There are many charity events for children held here every year, and there is a fixed opening period for tourists in summer. Of course, this is to Receiving tickets.

Her Excellency Queen also came here from time to time to stay for one night, and the palace reserved a room for the Queen.

Yang Cheng arrived with William. It was almost the finale. The two of them also deserved this position. A son and a top rich man, among the guests here today, the lonely nobles, may not be able to overwhelm Yang Cheng. One end.

The palace is not far from St. James’s Park and Buckingham Palace. It is close to the Green Garden, so the air is very good, especially after the rain, the fragrance of the green grass permeates the air.

After getting off the car, William pointed to Royal Mansion Road, "The Clarence Mansion was built in 1825. Between 1949 and 1952, grandmother and grandfather the Duke of Edinburgh lived here."

Yang Cheng thought for a while, "1951? The queen hadn\'t ascended the throne at that time, right?"

William was surprised, "You actually know? That\'s right, at that time grandmother hadn\'t ascended the throne, and father was only 3 years old."

Yang Cheng nodded, "Of course I know, after all, I am also the one who is about to win the title."

This is a joke, and William didn\'t take it seriously, "Ha~ Yeah, after my grandmother took the throne and moved to the throne, the owner of the Clarence House became the late Queen Mother. She lived here for 50 years.

The father moved into the palace in 2003 after the death of the Queen Mother, and 15 years have passed in an instant. "

Yang Cheng echoed, "Yes, time flies quickly."

The royal residence in front of me sounds very noble, but it is actually very close to the people, at least much simpler than Kensington Palace where William lives now.

"This place is actually open to the public. Father Christmas invites children from the children\'s orphanage to the palace to decorate the Christmas tree.

Every summer, visitors can go inside and visit the five rooms on the first floor, as well as the hundreds of cultural relics and precious photos on display. "

When entering the Clarence Palace, the first thing you see is this hall full of artworks. The former owner of the Palace, the Queen Mother, has an extremely rich collection of art, and the Palace has naturally become the royal residence with the most collections on display.

However, according to William, in fact, the palace was originally designed as a foyer room, which was a library. The Queen and his wife added bookshelves to this room during their stay in the palace. Later, the queen mother used it as a private small dining room.

Of course, today’s dinner was held in the largest banquet hall. By the way, the Queen and his wife celebrated their diamond wedding anniversary here.

And the first room on the left hand side of the present hall is the Lancaster Room, which is the waiting room for tourists, with eight watercolor paintings of Windsor Castle hanging on the wall.

Then there is the morning hall of the Royal Palace. This room was first used as a breakfast room. During the stay of the Queen and his wife, it became the study room of the Duke of Edinburgh. The finely carved ceiling pattern in the room was in the shape of the Queen Mother\'s crown.

The morning hall witnessed many important moments, and it was here that Prince George took the baptismal photos.

Outside the south-facing window of the morning hall is the rich garden of the palace. In order to introduce this beauty into the room, the former master of the palace, the Queen Mother, connected the original two rooms to create this garden room.

There is an extraordinary piano and a golden harp in the room, and its most charming part is naturally a large garden view.

Almost all rooms in the palace can enjoy the garden view, as if it is an extended space without excessive traces of the main building.

Charles has lived here for 15 years, how many 15 years are left in his life? About to become the longest reigning crown prince in the world, Charles\'s life was almost perfect.

Yang Cheng and Charles had met several times before, but they were all in public and there was no chance to talk in detail.

Today, because of the crown prince\'s request and William\'s personal leadership, the crown prince specially spared 10 minutes to chat with Yang Cheng in the garden room.

"Mr. Yang, I heard your name from William a long time ago."

Yang Cheng bowed his head slightly and saluted, "This is my honor, Your Highness."

Compared with getting along with William, Yang Cheng was still very cautious and not nervous when facing Prince Charles. He just didn\'t want to lose his manners.

"Feel free, can I call you jason?"

"Of course, Your Highness~"

"I heard from William that you are very interested in buying another manor? I heard that Beihai Manor has become more and more beautiful after you took over." The crown prince said kindly.

Yang Orange glared at William faintly, and this girl definitely did not make trouble in the middle.

But what can I say in this article, "Yes, I always have a plot for the castle. There is a great castle in Beihai Manor, which is majestic enough, but always lacks a touch of romance.

So I want a beautiful castle that can satisfy people\'s romantic plot, and use it as a gift for my fiancee. "

The amorous Prince Charles has a very good impression of Yang Cheng\'s unconcealed love, and said happily, "Wow, romantic boy, I will help you fulfill your wish.

Let me think about it, a romantic castle. . . "

Charles is really a real person, and Yang Cheng is an excuse. This guy is really thinking about it. If he is not rational, he really wants to say: Would you like to sell Edinburgh to me?

He believed that once these words were said, the crown prince would definitely drag his 70-year-old body into a duel with Yang Cheng.

But then again, other castles, Yangcheng, also look down on. In the entire Great Britain, except Windsor and Edinburgh, Leedsburg may be able to hang on with romance.

In terms of creating romance, the old-fashioned Britons are several steps behind their rival Germany, so you can\'t admit it.

Even Leedsburg is not on the list of romantic castles because of its architecture, but because of one love legend after another. In fact, as far as the building itself is concerned, it really has nothing to do with beauty, but combined with the surrounding scenery, It became the most beautiful castle in Britain.

The entire castle stands on an island in Kent, and looks like it rises from a rippling lake from a distance.

The beautiful river water surrounds it, adding a little nobility to its elegant temperament.

Under the morning sun slowly, the tranquil lake surface in the Kent countryside gradually brightened. The blue lake and the surrounding green grass were plated with a layer of golden light, making it very quiet. At this time, Leeds Castle is like an awakened queen. Graceful and luxurious, elegant and generous.

Of course, unless the royal family goes bankrupt, it is impossible to sell the royal castle to a foreigner.

If Yang Cheng knew the royal prince\'s enthusiasm, not only because he wanted to make money for the royal family, but also faintly meant to treat him as a fellow, Yang Cheng would definitely spit on his face.

Bah~Who is the same as you, do you love a wife like you?

Speaking of the genes of the Windsor family is really strong, William also has a different hobby for married women, don\'t forget the one he asked Yang Cheng to help with before!

As we all know, the current "Princess" Camilla is not Charles\' first wife, but the mother of Prince William and Harry, but Diana, the eternal Rose of England, is.

And Diana once said in her autobiographical documentary, "The marriage of three people is too crowded", and the third person in her marriage with Charles is Camilla!

In fact, as outsiders, the story of Charles and Camilla is hard to tell right or wrong.

If Camilla is the third person in Diana\'s marriage, it can also be said that Diana is the third person in the relationship between Camilla and Charles.

Camilla is Diana\'s best friend. Before Charles and Diana met, he was in a deep love with Camilla. By the way, Camilla was two years older than Prince Charles, and was in love with her brother and sister.

When she was young, she had a nice face and a sense of humor, and was especially popular with boys.

She and Charles met in a polo match. Charles was immediately attracted by her and fell into a love that lasted for more than 40 years. However, Camilla was a famous "noble social flower" and was divorced and conservative at the time. The British royal family cannot accept such a princess.

So I gave Charles an ultimatum: If you want to marry Camilla, unless you give up the right to the throne

In fairy tales, the prince will definitely say: I don’t want a country, I only want a beauty

But in reality, Prince Charles has chosen, do you love beauty or love Jiangshan? nonexistent!

However, if he knew that he was about to break the world\'s longest reigning crown prince, he would definitely choose to love beauty or not.

However, the crown prince is also good at playing. He wants both fish and bear paws. He wants the throne and maintains the relationship between the two. Silently, Camilla agreed, so he and Camilla thought about it. A compromise method is to find a "puppet princess" that the royal family likes, and let the puppet princess fulfill the duties of the princess, and Camilla, although he cannot marry Charles, will always have Charles\' love.

In this way, Diana came into their sight. She was born an aristocrat and had never been in love. She was purely like a child. UU reading was wrong. At that time, Diana was a child, very young.

There is no need to re-elect, she is the perfect candidate for the "Puppet Princess", so Charles, who is 23 years older than Diana, began to "enthusiastically pursue" Diana. The facts have proved that the charm of the uncle is unmatched. Under this little girl who has never been involved in the world.

I don\'t know at that time whether Charles and Camilla had thought that their peculiar brains at that time would create another woman\'s life\'s sorrow.

Three years later, Charles and Diana, who had only met 13 faces, held a dream wedding that sensationalized the world. The 8-meter-long wedding dress, the beautiful diamond crown, and Diana\'s stunning beauty attracted the world. Over 700 million spectators watched the wedding.

At the wedding, Camilla also came, and "coincidentally" also wore a white dress on the lover\'s wedding day.

But her "true love" Prince Charles, while holding the bride Diana\'s hand through the crowd, looked at Camilla.

Is this plot familiar? The source of modern dog-blood romance has been found!

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