Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 206: Play routine

Leaving the club, Yang Cheng drove Liu Tianxian in the car, and Andrew drove her Porsche 911 behind him, and drove all the way to Valley Avenue.

Early autumn in Los Angeles is no different from summer. The sun seems to be covered by an orange lampshade, radiating a soft light, shining warmly on the body and face, and couples on the side of the road walk hand in hand on the sun-drenched sidewalk. Cast mottled shadows, like a sweet scene in a movie, fascinating.

In college, in order to match Lin Qian\'s taste, Yang Cheng did not study the Chinese restaurants in Los Angeles. One of the Sichuan restaurants was particularly impressive. It was called Impression Jinchengli. This restaurant abandoned the old-school Sichuan cuisine and focused on modern Sichuan and Chongqing. Popular dishes.

Moreover, the owner is very avant-garde and will change the menu according to recent fashion trends. Therefore, the menu here is not static, but changes according to the ingredients. The ingredients are personally selected by the owner every day. The spices come from Hanyuan County, Sichuan Province. The best pepper in the world.

What\'s more important is that the boss has carefully studied the secret recipe for many years, and the hot pot made by him is not on the menu. Generally, only frequent old customers and knowledgeable people in Z will order it. Of course, the price is worthy of the secret system. Two words.

Yang Cheng called in advance to book a box. Most Chinese come here to eat, and there are even more tourists. Liu Yifei\'s celebrity status is destined to be unable to sway the market like ordinary people.

Arriving in the store, Yang Cheng, who was familiar with the door, took Liu Yifei to the private room. The hot pot was set up, and a fragrant smell came with the boiling sound of ‘gulugulu’, a familiar taste.

"It smells so good~" Liu Yifei bent down involuntarily, covering her hair close to smelling.

Yang Cheng followed behind and closed the door with a smile, "Are you hungry? Eat it, I specially ordered the boss’s signature, butter pot bottom, trust me, this is definitely the most authentic hot pot you can eat outside of Country Z Up."

"Well, then I\'m welcome." Liu Yifei\'s eyeballs fell into a pot, swallowing saliva, and nodding repeatedly.

Yes, foodies don\'t care about their status or status. Seeing that food is always a starving ghost reborn.

"Eat quickly, it\'s not enough to order more." Yang Cheng took a pair of clean chopsticks unhurriedly and put the same ingredients into the boiling pot.

Generally speaking, butter hot pot is the most fragrant, but it is also easy to get greasy and get angry. The owner of this shop is ingenious and puts dried flowers in the base material, including chrysanthemums, jasmine, etc., to enhance the fragrance and aftertaste At the same time, it also plays a role in reducing fire and relieving greasiness.

Especially for some vegetables, such as boiled lotus root slices when picked up in a white pot, there will be a faint floral fragrance, which feels very refreshing.

Liu Yifei is a bite of meat and a bite of food, with a completely unstoppable rhythm, and his mouth is greasy, but his face comparable to Huajiao gives a different feeling. MMP and beautiful women are all cute when eating.

And Yang Cheng found that the girl seemed to like visceral food, and the platter of duck intestines and goose intestines had bottomed out at the moment.

Yang Cheng intimately asked for a pot of Mingqian green tea for Liu Yifei to relieve the greasiness. After she finished the first round and patted her stomach to rest, she asked amusedly, "If this boss can do business, you should take your The photos are taken and played in a loop at the entrance of the restaurant. It is sure to attract a large number of gluttons. It\'s too much for dinner!"

Hearing Yang Cheng\'s ridicule, Liu Yifei suddenly realized that he was showing such a taste in front of a man who had not seen him a few times. It was embarrassing to say that he turned his head away with blushing and did not dare to look at each other.

"How long will you stay in the United States this time?" Yang Cheng took the initiative to change the subject to resolve the other party\'s embarrassment.

Liu Yifei patted her cheek, took a sip of herbal tea, Danfeng looked at Yang Cheng beautifully and replied, "I have been here for almost half a month, and I will return to China after another week."

Yang Cheng nodded, "You can go with me at that time. I made an appointment with Mr. Ari\'s Ma at the Shanghai Stock Exchange."

"Don\'t bother you, I\'ve already booked a ticket." Liu Yifei quickly put down the teacup and waved his hand again and again.

"Quit, what a big deal." Yang Cheng made a decision for Liu Yifei nonchalantly.

Liu Yifei has a deep understanding of men’s domineering style. She doesn’t seem to be angry for any reason. She just stared at Yang Cheng dumbfounded, her beautiful eyes flickering, as if she was saying, “Why are you like this? , Always make decisions for others."

"By the way, are you going to have something tomorrow?" Yang Cheng won\'t give her time to think, so she just listened to the matter so as not to regret it again.

"Uh~ it\'s nothing." Liu Yifei turned her head for a moment, and she was going to accompany her mother to do her hair tomorrow, eh. . . Do your hair seriously! But when it came to my lips, it was another answer.

Yang Cheng satisfied Liu Yifei with tea, "Then accompany me to Silicon Valley tomorrow?"

"Why are you going to Silicon Valley?" Liu Yifei asked subconsciously.

"Visit a company." Yang Cheng replied while tilting Erlang\'s legs and boiling beef. He just patronized the gods, and he hadn\'t eaten two bites.

"Forget it, I\'m not going to follow you when you go to work." Liu Yifei suddenly felt that she was going It was a man who had just met for the second time, so he could talk and chat so casually.

Yang Cheng raised her eyebrows slightly, "Don\'t refuse, don\'t forget that my car has not been repaired yet."

Liu Yifei puffed up her buns face, "I have said that I will pay for it."

"Forget it, I don\'t want your car repair fee. I want you to agree to my three requirements." Yang Cheng rolled her eyes and played the idol drama routine.

"What? No... No way!" Liu Yifei glared, refused decisively, and still muttered in her mouth, "Who knows what excessive demands are made."

Yang Cheng didn\'t hear the following sentence either, but spread his hands, "Look, I crashed my car. I am driving without a car now. What if I delay work? You can\'t come and pick me up?"

Liu Yifei is dumbfounded, can you still say that? I stuttered, "Then, what is the car parked outside you?"

Yang Cheng shamelessly put the chopsticks on the table, "Oh, I asked a friend to borrow it."

"I, I don\'t believe it!" Liu Yifei has a feeling of beeping barking. Does a ghost believe it. Will anyone who can afford a Bugatti only have one car?

But Yang Cheng was so shameless that he had no car and had to pick him up tomorrow.

"Really, the company I will visit tomorrow is the target of my acquisition. It is worth hundreds of millions of dollars. If it is delayed, how can you compensate me?" Yang Cheng said with a smirk on her mouth, and said more severely.

"I, I~" Liu Yifei had been around for a long time, and didn\'t know how to refute it. At that moment, she looked like a little dragon girl\'s upper body, pure and simple, with a natural sense of cuteness.

Yang Cheng held back his laugh and waved his hand, "Hurry up, eat the second round, this hot pot has to be eaten like this, remember to pick me up at 8:30 tomorrow morning."

That is to say, Liu Yifei has a good temper and a kind-hearted personality. Anyone who is tougher, slapped him up early.