Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 208: Disney in the game

At noon, after having a simple meal in Quora’s canteen, Yang Cheng took Liu Yifei and left by car.

In the back row of Gust, Yang Cheng closed his eyes and slumbered, recalling the news that Charlie Chievo had accidentally revealed during the meal, and his frowned brows could not relax for a long time.

In a separate area of ​​the quora canteen, Yang Cheng and Charlie Chievo pressed their throats and communicated in very low voices.

"Mr. Yang, in fact Quora\'s core algorithm is closely related to artificial intelligence."

"What?" Yang Cheng\'s eyes widened, looking very surprised.

Although Yang Cheng is not a computer professional, he has a simple understanding of programming. As soon as Quora was launched, it caused a storm in the IT industry because of its smooth system.

Many people have also studied, why is Quora so powerful?

Some IT gods gave the answer. It is the back-end system carefully designed by the two founders of Facebook, Charlie and Chievo. They not only independently wrote a brand-new search library, but also designed the best compression package and Compression algorithm to relieve the pressure on the server, this search technology has entered the semi-intelligent field from a certain perspective.

Yang Cheng suddenly remembered a report he had read in his previous life. The author of that report asked many netizens why a company that had never made a profit or even failed to see its profit direction could be sold by Wall Street for US$1.8 billion. Market value? Presumably the companies involved in the investment have also received similar news.

Since 1945, the EDVAC program proposed by von Neumann for the first time clarified that the new machine consists of five parts, including: arithmetic unit, controller, memory, input and output equipment, and described the functions and relationships of these five parts. ——This design idea is still in use today. Therefore, if you mention the current computer, von Neumann’s idea is still the main architecture.

In 1956, the Dartmouth Conference proposed the term "artificial intelligence" to determine the development direction of artificial intelligence

Up to now, the Internet and computers have invaded every inch of people’s lives, and the industry has basically divided artificial intelligence into three stages: computational intelligence, perceptual intelligence, and cognitive intelligence. At present, computational intelligence has been realized, and perceptual intelligence has achieved major breakthroughs. Progress, and cognitive intelligence is a recognized development goal.

Human beings have never stopped exploring the development of this ideal model of artificial intelligence.

Of course, Yang Cheng\'s goal is not so great. He always only pays attention to the wonderfulness and comfort that he can live in his limited life. As for the thoughts of great men left to future generations, he has never had it.

The foundation for achieving his personal small goal is New Times Media. He also determined early on the future development direction of New Times Media, which is to achieve corner overtaking in the field of big data. But now he has the opportunity to get involved in artificial intelligence. The glutton named greed was about to move in his body, he decided to accept Charlie\'s invitation to cooperate and act as Quora\'s umbrella!

"What are you thinking about?" Liu Yifei finally couldn\'t restrain her curiosity, and asked Yang Cheng, who had closed her eyes and calmed down since getting into the car.

"Oh, I was thinking about the conversation with Charlie during lunch. Did you snub you?" Yang Cheng smiled apologetically, put away his thoughts, and turned to look at the beauty around him.

I was a little embarrassed by Yang Cheng, avoiding Yang Cheng\'s gaze, looking out the window, and muttering, "What the **** do you do? It feels so mysterious."

"Hehe, are you curious?" Yang Orange smirked and moved closer, her wretched expression really inconsistent with his outfit.

Liu Yifei leaned back amusedly, leaned against the door panel, and shook her head, "I just said that, don\'t take it seriously."

Yang Cheng was able to stop, sat back to the original position, but teased her mouth, "If you are curious, you will be curious. What can\'t you admit? You can search for my information on Google. What can you want?"

Liu Yifei suffocated her mouth and stopped answering with a hum.

"By the way, you really don\'t have a boyfriend?" Yang Cheng asked again with a straightened face.

"No, why do you always ask this question?" Liu Yifei frowned slightly, her tone a little unhappy.

"No, what do you think of me?" Yang Cheng put on a smile that she thought was the brightest.

Liu Yifei\'s expression was stagnant, and she covered her mouth for a while and chuckled, "This joke is quite funny."

"Who said I was joking? I\'m serious!" Yang Cheng was not in a hurry, just rolled his eyes and solemnly emphasized.

"Forget it, we are not suitable." Liu Yifei put away her smile, her eyes were not blinking, as if she wanted to judge the truth from Yang Cheng\'s face, it took a long time to refuse with a soft voice.

Yang Cheng was very calm and did not have a frustrated expression at all, "I think it\'s very appropriate. You are single, I am single, and there is no obstacle around you; you are a star, I am the second generation, it is simply a standard configuration; you are beautiful and suffocating. , And although I am not as handsome as scumbags, I am not ugly, I have a standard body, and no one dares to say unworthy standing next to you.

Are so many reasons not enough? "

Liu Yifei is holding her shoulders, her face is cute, and there is no serious aura at all, "The difference is far, and the two of us don\'t understand this. It is enough to disprove the fallacies and heresies you just mentioned."

Yang Cheng chuckled, "Understanding, it takes time. I am not worried about this. I have the confidence that after you understand me, you will be willing to accept me."

"Oh, then wait until I understand you." Liu Yifei seemed to grab a life-saving straw, and immediately used Yang Cheng\'s words as an excuse.

Just trying to take advantage of the victory, the phone ringing suddenly sounded, making Liu Yifei a sigh of relief, and Yang Cheng cursed in a low voice, took out the phone and glanced at the caller ID, and answered uncomfortably, "David, what\'s the matter? "

"Um, you have something right now? Then I\'ll call back in a while?" David Ellison thought it disturbed Yang Cheng\'s important business.

Yang Cheng glanced at Liu Tianxian who didn\'t dare to look at deliberately increased the volume, "I was confessing to a girl, but I was interrupted by a call from you. Tell me what\'s the matter."

Liu Yifei heard it very clearly and understood very clearly, her body shuddered subconsciously, and she turned her head awkwardly and glared at Yang Cheng, before turning back to look at the scenery outside the car window. She didn\'t know what was so good about this piece of Gobi.

"Haha, deserve it, tell you business, Disney officially quoted DreamWorks, 24 dollars a share." David Ellison smiled and talked about business.

Yang Cheng sat upright. He didn\'t doubt the accuracy of David Ellison\'s news, but asked, "Where is Comcast? What about the Wanda Group?"

"I can\'t inquire about the Wanda Group, but Comcast is very quiet, but SoftBank and Hasbro are a little uneasy. According to the information I have collected, the two companies intend to raise the price to 25 US dollars."

"Comcast holds tens of billions of cash flow and doesn\'t want Disney at all. DreamWorks is a piece of fat right now. Anyone with long teeth wants to come up and take a bite. Fuck, the previous plan is invalidated. They can\'t let them play, David , We also quoted it at US$27.” Yang Cheng seemed to be talking to himself, but David Ellison understood what Yang Cheng meant, and fighting Comcast and Disney in cash flow would undoubtedly be a death.

And as the war situation becomes more chaotic, I am afraid that more and more predators will jump out to grab the food. Now the only advantage of the media in the new era is efficiency. Yang Cheng can determine the use of group funds in one sentence, and those big groups need Reports at various levels, and when they are discussed on the board of directors, they will even attract inquiries from shareholders, and all fighters will be delayed.

Yang Cheng just wanted to grab the fat of DreamWorks first when these big groups couldn\'t pay attention, and waited until he wanted to take it away. That was daydreaming!