Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 205: Do you have a boyfriend?

Next, seeming to be affected by Yang Cheng\'s momentum, Michael Eisner\'s hand feel slipped, and he only hit a bogey (one shot above par) on the fifth hole, while Yang Cheng continued to work hard, another record. As a result of birdie, Yang Cheng\'s lead has reached 3 shots. In amateur competitions, the difference in scores is not too big, because it is difficult for amateurs to always maintain an excellent feel. Instability means everything. It is possible that it is impossible to say which mistake can tie the gap.

The subsequent game direction also verified this statement. Michael Eisner became more and more courageous and adjusted his mentality in time after the end of the fifth hole. He continued to play par excellence and birdied the 12th hole. , In one fell swoop to save the disadvantage.

And Yang Cheng may have underestimated the enemy, which made it difficult for him to concentrate in these holes. Although relying on excellent technology and unusual talents did not give Michael Eisner too many opportunities, it was eventually slowed down. The speed of the sprint gave the opponent time to catch up.

The two sides tied on the twelfth hole, and the game entered a white-hot stage. Two people came and went, no one was allowed. It was not until the last hole that Yang Cheng regained a shot with a balloon from the previous hole. Leading edge.

Now Yang Cheng is sitting on the battery car and slowly moving towards the 18th hole. The audience was a little unexpected because of this sudden fierce confrontation, but the old Americans who also like to join in the fun, spare no effort, and follow the big forces to In the last hole transition, everyone wanted to witness the birth of the winner.

In the back seat of the battery car, Yang Cheng drank ice water to cool her hot mind. He turned to look at Liu Tianxian, who was looking at the scenery, and chuckled, "I\'m sorry, but I didn\'t have time to receive you."

Liu Tianxian turned his head and smiled, "It doesn\'t matter Mr. Yang, your game is very exciting, the last hole is going to come on."

Yang Cheng shook her head, "Call me jason, Mr. Yang is too far-sighted."

Liu Tianxian just smiled and didn\'t answer the conversation, he was quite prepared.

"Crystal, it might be rude to ask, but I\'m curious if you have a boyfriend?" Yang Cheng was silent for a while, then suddenly turned his head and asked quietly.

"Uh~, I don\'t have a boyfriend." Liu Tianxian was stunned, and the slender fingers of his right hand inserted into the hair and fluttered backwards, replied in a delicate voice.

Yang Cheng smiled ghostly, and did not continue the topic, but stretched his arms and stretched his muscles and bones, and said relaxedly, "Think about what to eat at night? Or your favorite food? Wait until I finish the game to celebrate."

"So confident?"

"Of course, I don\'t need to risk offense on the last hole, as long as I make sure that I don\'t make mistakes. Unless Eisner can hit the Eagles or higher, I will win."

After saying this, the battery car also sent everyone to the kick-off area. Yang Cheng smiled confidently at Liu Tianxian and took the driver from the caddie without delay. The audience was not angry yet. When breathing well, he drew the white ball with one stroke.

As Yang Cheng planned, there was no need to be aggressive in the last hole. The fairway of the last hole was designed and the ball was steadily sent into the hole with the most standard route. Michael Eisner wanted to win. The ball, it is bound to be a gamble, from the beginning of the serve, I will do my best to hit the green as soon as possible.

It\'s a pity that things are counterproductive. The more anxious people are, the easier it is to make mistakes. Michael Eisner hit the ball into the grass area. This game completely lost suspense.

In the end, Yang Cheng defeated Michael Eisner\'s 73 with a total score of 70, and the par of the stadium was designed to be 71. In normal times, the results of the two are enough to be written into the history of the club\'s amateur competition. , But in this two-person bet, Yang Cheng is even better, and no one pays attention to what kind of results the loser gets.

After the game, Michael Eisner resumed the etiquette attitude that a successful person should have. He was not arrogant or discouraged. He held a putter that looked very memorable and shook hands with Yang Cheng. Congratulations, "Boy, you played well, I am willing to bet and lose, this Simon Kosal\'s fruit-wood metal head blade putter is yours."

Of course Yang Cheng would not be polite. There are no fathers and sons in the casino. What\'s more, the gambling started under the witness of so many people. If it is not accepted at this time, Eisner will look down on it instead.

But the mouth is forgiving and forgiving, owing everything to luck, "Thank you, Mr. Eisner, I have good luck today, I was lucky to win, and if we have the opportunity, we will learn again."

Michael Eisner smiled infrequently, "Okay, kid, you are very good, I like your character, but now I have abdicated from Disney, the influence is not as good as before, I am afraid I can\'t help you with the problem of DreamWorks."

The enemies who were arrogant before, now shake hands and talk very happily. This seems to many people to be incredible, even absurd, but in the eyes of the group including David Ellison, this is a mature, The realization that successful people should have is that in their world, there are no real friends and no permanent enemies. Only benefits are eternal!

Yang Cheng shook his head indifferently, "As long as it is a legitimate business competition, it doesn\'t matter if you lose, Mr. Eisner doesn\'t have to worry about it."

"Okay, then I will go first. Your friends are waiting to congratulate you, haha~" Michael Eisner laughed heartily and left, and David Ellison and Xiao Li surrounded him for the first time. .

But Yang Cheng looked at the lonely back in the distance, and felt a little bit unable to understand this tyrant. Could it be that when a person is old, even his personality will change?

You know that Michael Eisner\'s retirement is very intriguing. Disney\'s operating income increased by 10% and profits more than tripled; the box office bursting "Finding Nemo" and "Pirates of the Caribbean" two blockbusters brought more than 1.2 billion US dollars The income of theme parks and hotels began to pick up; after the acquisition of the American Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), it gradually stopped its free-fall losses. Everything looked very good.

However, less than a month after the annual report was published, the company’s largest individual shareholder, Walt Disney’s nephew Roy Disney, announced his resignation from the position of Vice Chairman of the Disney Company’s board of directors. By this time, the family members in the Disney Group had already No one is left.

In the letter of resignation, Roy once wrote: "I sincerely believe that it will be you, not me, who will leave Disney in the end." The disagreement between these two people has a long history. Roy believes that Eisner is depriving Disney of its founding. The soul given to it by humans has become profitable and confused.

During his career in charge of Disney, Michael Eisner created a golden age that began in the mid-1980s and ended in 1998. During this period, he survived countless oppositions from the board of directors and lower levels. This is due to his tough and strong personality. not open.

Although Eisner appeared righteous in his reply to Roy, implying that his resignation would help the company\'s development, in fact, the departure of the last family member put Eisner under pressure from public opinion. Many people think He was forced into the palace and even resigned soon.

In addition, Roy’s resignation marked Eisner’s self-contained management style to the extreme. He eliminated all opponents from the board of directors, but at the same time almost completely lost external trust. Such a lonely tyrant would be losing After a bet, congratulations and a subtle appreciation for the winner who defeated him is really unimaginable.

"Fuck, Jason, why didn\'t I know you still play golf?" Xiao Lizi rushed to interrupt Yang Cheng\'s thoughts, excited like a child, hugging Yang Cheng and slapped her back vigorously.

"Damn it, let me go, I\'m not gay." Yang Cheng pushed Xiao Li away disgustedly, exclaiming uncomfortably.

"Haha, Leon, you probably don’t know. When Jason was less than 20 years old, he played all over the Eastern Invincibles, let alone golf. As long as you can call it a normal sport, there is no such thing as this kid can’t. And everything is very good, his athletic talent makes God his old man jealous." David Ellison touted from the side.

Yang Cheng rolled her eyes, "Fuck off, can you not mention this?"

"OK, where shall we go to eat and celebrate?" David Ellison shrugged and changed the subject.

Unexpectedly, Yang Cheng shook his head again and again, "You two go. Didn\'t you see that my beautiful lady has an appointment?"

David Ellison and Xiao Lizi looked back at Liu Tianxian at the same time. The two well-informed playboys were also shocked by the beauty of Tianxian, "Fuck, I love **** and friends, but this girl is so sweet, Jason good taste."

Xiao Lizi spit out, nodded to Liu Tianxian from the air, turned his head and said compared to his thumb.

Ellison also agreed with, "Yes, sosweet." English vocabulary is also very poor.

"Come on, you guys stay cool and I have to accompany the girl." Yang Cheng was very disappointed to get rid of the people who came to Daxi, and pulled Liu Tianxian into the battery car to the club. Drive towards the clubhouse.

Yang Cheng drove the battery car and raised his arms in a relaxed and comfortable manner. The afternoon sun hit the body warmly, feeling the breeze, the sound of swallows in his ears, and a faint fragrance lingering on the tip of his nose. It was from a beautiful woman around him.

"Have you thought about what to eat at night?" The atmosphere in the car was a little dull, and Yang Cheng casually provoked the topic.

"No, Mr. Yang, should you choose? I\'ll treat you!" Liu Tianxian was still thinking about the crash.

"Well, do you prefer Chinese food or Western food? You are not allowed to say anything and what you want?" Yang Cheng decisively took over the task of the decision, but cleverly blocked the woman\'s usual answer.

Liu Tianxian laughed dumbly. He obviously didn\'t expect that Yang Cheng, a Chinese American, still knows women\'s routines, "Chinese food."

"Want to eat spicy? Sweet? Or seafood?" Yang Cheng continued to ask, at the same time to better understand Tianxian\'s\'habits\'.

And because of the diversity of Chinese immigrants in Los Angeles, it has grown to this day, and almost all kinds of Chinese cuisine can be tasted here, from the hot and spicy food of Sichuan and Chongqing to the salty food of the Northeast.

And most of the star restaurants are located in the extreme east corner of Los Angeles, especially the San Gabriel Valley. There are about 600 to 800 Chinese restaurants. There are more than 200 Chinese restaurants on Valley Avenue alone. The variety is not inferior to the domestic.

"Why don\'t we go eat hot pot?" Liu Tianxian is also an authentic foodie. At this moment, Yang Cheng aroused the gluttons in his stomach, and turned around happily, with a look of expectation and suggested to Yang Cheng. Tao.

Yang Cheng is not willing to miss this opportunity, and immediately said, "No problem, wait for me to call and have authentic Sichuan-Chongqing hot pot tonight!"