Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 2056: Happy Mid-Autumn Festival

"What about "Avatar"? How did you start?"

How did this great film begin? There have been several legends in the outside world, but none of them are as convincing as Cameron said personally, even this guy is also a master of storytelling.

"I remember that it was the spring of 2005. I met with Fox executives and asked for an investment of several million dollars to shoot "Avatar" which I wrote the script 10 years ago.

At that time, the other party asked me a question: Do all aliens need to drag a tail?

My answer is yes, they need to have tails.

Then I didn\'t say anything, and I stopped explaining.

The Fox executives stopped questioning and agreed to start the shooting test. They knew that I was a blockbuster in Hollywood, and I didn\'t need to say much about my power. "

This kind of narcissism may only be undisturbed by Cameron.

"Next, I hired experts to design a new language system for the Nami people on Pandora; set out to name the animals and plants on Pandora; determine the planet\'s atmospheric density; create alien music. Finally, the writer and editor The team compiled a 350-page "Pandora Encyclopedia Handbook."

Yang Cheng\'s timely support, "Undoubtedly, "Avatar" makes you aspire to the movie world again."

Cameron smiled and shrugged. He didn\'t speak. At this moment, silence was better than speech.

"I like to explore the world more than movies. Of course, movies are another form of exploration, you know..."

Yang Cheng nodded, "I understand~"

"I once drove a green submarine alone, slowed down through the layers of the sea, and finally landed gently on the seabed of 10,898 meters.

The Mariana Trench, known as the deepest part of the earth, welcomed the third person to arrive after 52 years.

I don’t know how many more dives, but my goal is to explore this unknown world as much as possible.

Since I was 15 years old and obtained a scuba diving certificate in a swimming pool in Buffalo, New York, I spent more than 40 years in the sea for more than 30,000 hours and had more than 72 deep-sea diving experiences, of which 33 The second goal was the wreck site of the Titanic.

The sea is so colorful and many magical creatures live in it. Compared with our imagination, natural imagination has no boundaries at all.

I think that so far I still know very little about the ocean, but my curiosity about the ocean continues. "

Cameron made no secret of expressing his love for the sea. Yang Cheng said, "I think you have combined your love for diving with movies and become a source of inspiration for countless creations."

"Yes~" Cameron affirmed.

Like many celebrities loved by biographers, James Cameron’s early life was extraordinary and full of prophecy.

He was born in a middle-class family in Orlando, Canada. His father is an electrical engineer and his mother is an artist. It seems that he is destined to have both engineering and artistic talents from birth.

In the 1960s, the scope of human activities expanded with the development of science and technology. The Americans landed on the moon and reached the Mariana Trench.

Through television, Cameron and his peers began to see different places in the world, different creatures, and their love for science fiction and nature, accompanied by the growth of Cameron\'s generation.

His inner hobby has always been the highest point that guides Cameron. After graduating from high school, he quickly dropped out of college because he was bored with college courses, and ran to do conscious and interesting mechanical repair work. For a long time, his master Karma is to drive trucks for others to make money.

It wasn\'t until he saw "Star Wars" that he finally chose film as his career. He likes to tell stories and draw pictures, and film seems to be the most suitable job.

"I didn\'t go to college, but I was baptized by two of the best universities in the world. One is the movies I watched, I learned enough knowledge from countless classic works; the other is working at Kaman Studio That period of experience, anyone who has experienced work of that intensity will become a talent.” Looking back on his career, Cameron said.

From the production of special effects models for "Star Wars" to the group director and film production designer for "Horror Galaxy", "stunt" has become the most important label of Cameron\'s movies.

Cameron, who is not a professional diver, has not forgotten to put his love on the screen.

In 1989, Cameron\'s third heavyweight work "Abyss", written and directed by Cameron, came out. This sci-fi film originated from the ideas that appeared in high school biology classes-the story of the oil driller discovering the future underwater creatures ———The description of the mysterious creatures under the sea is a major attempt in the film.

In order to better shape the deep-sea creatures, Cameron set a new milestone for the development of movie special effects in "Abyss".

First of all, he created unprecedented underwater special effects. Cameron creatively used various methods to express underwater wonders in the film. Its underwater special effects inspired a group of filmmakers. ", "Red Tide Storm", and "U-571" were all greatly influenced by this film. Cameron himself later used "Titanic" and used many stunts he had practiced in "Abyss." .

On the other hand, he used "computer-generated animation"-CG.

The application of CG produced the first soft-surface, computer-made image in film history. This technology not only solves the difficulty of using models to photograph three-dimensional moving organisms, it creates a convincing image of intelligent underwater swimming creatures, but also creates the most unforgettable scene in the film—a deformable water column.

Although the film almost made the company lose money, audiences around the world were shocked by this new technology.

"By the way, UU reading, do you know? The filming of "Titanic" was actually just to satisfy my desire for adventure."

Yang Cheng was stunned, "Yes, I have heard this legend, but is it true? I thought it was fabricated by the media."

"It\'s true. Back then, I left the book "Titanic: Illustrated History" on the desk of Twentieth Century Fox Chairman Peter Chernin and said to him: The story of Romeo and Juliet is on this ship. !

I think this sentence worked, and I told him: We are going to sink to the bottom of the sea and shoot the real picture of the Titanic. We will show this clip at the premiere. This will cause a great sensation. The box office will be good too!

I thought it would fail, but to my surprise, Fox agreed to support me to explore the Titanic.

But the film company didn\'t know. For me, diving to visit the wreck of the Titanic was the main purpose, and filming was just a way of doing it. I still feel crazy. "

Although it was crazy, everyone could hear the pride in his tone.

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