Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 2055: happy National Day!

(Undoubtedly, I was stuck on the highway, and the high speed changed to the parking lot in seconds. I don’t expect dinner anymore. Wait for tomorrow’s lunch. I wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival. o(╥﹏╥)o)

Nowadays, people usually watch movies with 24 frames of shooting and projection technology, that is, 24 frames per second to shoot and play, and 120 frames means there will be 120 frames in one second. "Billy Lynn’s "The Battle of the Midfield" directly increases the number of frames per second in the original movie shooting by 5 times, and you can see more details than a 24-frame movie.

The ghosting disappears at high speeds, which is equivalent to recognizing the clarity of a 4K static image every second of the picture recognized by the human eye, eliminating the blurring of the picture caused by the smear phenomenon, which is equivalent to indirectly improving the picture The sharpness of the image quality is similar to that of directly improving the resolution.

To be honest, if it is only 120 frame technology, it is not very difficult to achieve. After all, there are successful precedents. The real difficulty of "Avatar 2" is the "naked-eye 3D" and "full-scale imaging." "The combination.

In the cognition of ordinary people, naked-eye 3D and holographic images are two relatively conflicting concepts. The former mostly serves the plane and uses the illusion of parallax to achieve the "evolution" of 2D images into 3D images, and does not rely on the help of glasses. Therefore it is called the naked eye.

The latter is usually referred to as "holographic projection". Its true completeness is to achieve "floating" display without any solid medium. At this stage, it can only be achieved through the refraction of the screen and light, so the two The combination of contradictory things is really hard to imagine.

Can you imagine the taste of bibimbap with beef sauce and blueberry sauce?

Of course, it\'s not impossible in theory, but it depends on the chef\'s level, and in the movie, it depends on Cameron\'s skill.

If "Avatar 2" can really achieve the effect that Cameron said, it will undoubtedly be a step-by-step leap for film technology, and the cost of such a leap is cumulative.

For example, starting from the image collection, the upgrade of photographic equipment, "Billy Lynn\'s Midfield Battle", 4k, 3D, 120 frames, a few words together, it is indeed a little scary.

4K has been popular for a long time, and now even the kidney machine can shoot 4K videos, not to mention 3D. Since the advent of "Avatar" in 2009, 3D seems to have become the standard for almost all commercial blockbusters.

What about another 120 frames? The high frame rate makes the 3D motion image look clearer, and now that 4K is coming, there is more reason for the high frame rate, because if the motion is blurred, how much K is useless, so 4K and high frame rate will develop together.

And now the highest frame rate standard of 4K/UHD in the latest standard is set as 120/sec. The two complement each other, and the advantages need not be said.

And James Cameron began to promote the benefits of high frame rate as early as 2008. After 75 years of 2D film production technology, people have become accustomed to 24 frames with stroboscopic effects.

The same thing, when viewed in 3D, the effect of this stroboscopic effect will be more obvious, not because it is inherently worse, but because everything else becomes better.

The picture suddenly looks so real, as if the audience is standing in the same room as the character, but when the camera is shaken, there will be a strange ghost.

Maybe you have never noticed it before. In fact, it has been hidden in the most conspicuous position. Some people call it jitter, while others call it stroboscopic.

Cameron called it an "annoying thing", and it is also very easy to solve, because digital cinema can achieve three-dimensional reproduction, and it also provides a solution to the stroboscopic problem.

But no matter how simple it is, it means a major upgrade of the image capture equipment. For example, in the filming process of "Billy Lynn\'s Midfield Battle" by Director Li Yu, the same lens was set up to shoot with multiple equipment and overlapped. Technology to further improve the stability of the frame rate.

In the same way, the naked-eye 3D technology that will be used in "Avatar 2" will definitely be updated and upgraded. By then, it will not only change a movie, but an entire industry.

From this perspective, it is indeed necessary to make arrangements in advance. After all, after losing the advantage of the prophet, Yang Orange is still a little nervous.

However, when working with Cameron, Yang Cheng held a pessimistic attitude. Although he fell in love with Fox, the cooperation between the two parties was still solid, and it was difficult for Yang Cheng to step in.

Besides, Cameron himself is not short of money, it is useless to rely on money.

From any point of view, "Avatar" is a great work, a grand scene, James Cameron\'s feelings of "a sword for ten years", the transformation of the film industry, and the promotion of the equipment update of movie theaters. This is not a small contribution, but also Cameron, who is a major shareholder of a photographic equipment manufacturer, has made a lot of money.

So the director is just his sideline, and successful business people are his main business. Of course, he would certainly not admit it that way.

Donna also knows this, "Boss, in terms of technology, we can actually cooperate with Cameron. We use his technology, which is also a kind of promotion. I think he will not refuse. The rest is the matter of the movie itself. Find someone Good book, find another reliable director, and then bet whether God will favor us."

Yang Cheng nodded slightly, he was already tempted, "Then find a chance to talk to him?"

Donna said immediately, "He recently participated in an environmental conference in New York, I will go to meet him~"

Whether it is the CEO of Universal or the CEO of New Era Pictures, Donna\'s status is no lower than Cameron. If you invite in person, the other party should not refuse.

"Okay, try it~"

Donna\'s movements were very quick, and that evening she finalized a meal with Cameron.

Yang Cheng is still a little excited, and a little fan wants to meet his idol.

Although they have met on many occasions before, they have not had an in-depth dialogue. Today is an opportunity.

People who like Cameron should know all about Cameron\'s history.

Who would have thought that he was a truck driver in the first place?

Back then, the 22-year-old truck driver James Cameron went to watch "Star Wars" with a friend. The friend was intoxicated by the movie and couldn\'t extricate himself from it, but Cameron was ready to boxing after leaving the theater.

He dropped out of college and drove school meals in Orange County in Southern California all day, but in his spare time, he made small models and wrote science fiction.

But now, Cameron is facing a discouraging reality: his fantasy world has been brought into people\'s lives by Lucas\'s "Star Wars"...

So he bought some cheap photographic equipment, trying to restore Lucas\'s shooting process.

He blasted the bright light in the living room of his home and let the camera roll along a track to practice photography, but all this made his wife furious.

He often patrolled the library of the University of Southern California all day, reading all the books related to special effects, and he became, in his own words, "completely obsessed."

Then he persuaded a group of local dentists to invest US$20,000 to produce Cameron’s version of "Star Wars."

Together with a friend, he wrote a script called "Alternation of Generations" and spent all the money on a 12-minute clip: a fight scene between an alien robot and a woman who manipulates a large number of skeletons. Those skeleton warriors are Cameron carefully assembled the model by himself!

He originally planned to use this clip to win a studio and then make a full-length film.

However, after peddling in Hollywood for months, he returned empty-handed.

In desperation, Cameron had to work hard to do something worthwhile: working under Roger Coman, the king of the B-class film, and being hired to build a miniature spaceship for the movie "Conquest of the Century".

He gradually gained power in his own way, and later became one of Koman\'s virtual visual effects experts.

Until 1981, he ascended to the throne of director and produced the horror film "Piranha II: Breeding".

One night, after the editing meeting of "Piranha", Cameron fell asleep with a high fever. He dreamed that he saw a robot walking towards a frightened woman with its teeth and claws. The dream was fixed here. In the following year, Cameron completed a script based on this dream scene.

Anyway, the story is quite convincing. A small film financing company was completely fooled and funded to direct the film.

Three years later, this film was released, establishing the superstar status of the starring actor Arnold Schwarzenegger in one fell swoop. This is "Terminator" and the beginning of Cameron\'s becoming a top director.

But who would have thought that he subverted people\'s imagination with a big ship? His path as a great director is full of miracles.

When filming "Titanic", Cameron had been estimating how much he might lose, but now when looking back at its fantastic box office revenue, it is easy to forget that this film was once predicted as a box office poison.

The budget is only 100 million U.S. dollars, but the actual shooting investment has doubled, claiming to be the most expensive film ever.

Fox repeatedly asked Cameron to reduce costs, but he promised to give up all director fees and profit sharing in order to complete all his imagination of the film.

He also put a razor blade on the editing desk, with a sticky note on it: The film is successful before it can be I only know that I made a US$200 million love blockbuster. , And the end is almost everyone killed, what am I doing? "

This is Yang Cheng\'s answer when he asked him what he thought when shooting the ship.

At that time, the Hollywood industry was "the biggest gamble in film history" and questioned whether Fox could recover the cost.

However, "Titanic" miraculously escaped the iceberg, with global box office revenue of 1.8 billion US dollars, becoming the world\'s highest grossing film.

And Fox was not stingy. It really deducted his director’s fees and profit sharing, and gave him a check for 75 million US dollars. With this money, he would spend the rest of his life without even going to work.

"It is this money that I can play as I want." Cameron said to Yang Cheng proudly.

"So what about "Avatar"? How did you start?" Yang Cheng was full of interest, like a full-fledged little fan, who didn\'t want to eat at all and was full of questions.

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