Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 2057: Explorer Cameron

"I saw the real Titanic with my naked eyes at a depth of 3810 meters in the North Atlantic.

My long-cherished wish for many years was fulfilled. At that time, there were no more than 10 submarines in the world that could reach this depth.

The Polar Bear’s Mir submarine is one of the submarines that participated in the expedition. In those years, my filming team and I conducted 12 deep-sea dives to explore the wreck site.

The shooting experience of "Titanic" gave me a great shock --- the human tragedies buried in the deep sea, and the romance and mystery contained therein.

When I first came to the deck of the Titanic, I seemed to hear the 1,500 people crying on the bumpy boat, I could see the huge waves of water pouring down to the railings, and Captain Smith saying goodbye to the crew.

At the same time, I once again confirmed my childhood dream in the deep sea: I seem to be in a science fiction.

I found that we can imagine a creature, but can never imagine the creatures seen through the submarine window.

I saw something that I had never seen before, and I also saw something that had never been seen before, because when we photographed them, they had not been described by science. I was shocked and I had to do more . "

Cameron was very excited, "My profession is a filmmaker, but I am an explorer at heart. Among the opportunities that Hollywood has created for me, nothing excites me more than exploring a place that no one has ever visited. The success of "Titanic" Later, I resolutely suspended my film work and decided to be a full-time explorer for a period of time. Of course, thanks to the cheque that Fox gave me."

He laughed at himself, "Until "Avatar" came out more than ten years later, many people thought that I had been lying on the beach enjoying the ten years since I disappeared after "Titanic".

But I took the team to do documentaries and science, and these careers integrated my whole life well. "

Yang Cheng said immediately, "I remember that during this period, several documentaries were produced, including "Dark Angels", "Return to the Battleship of Bsmarck", "Deep Sea Ghosts", "Deep Sea Alien", "The Lost Jesus" grave"."

Cameron did not expect Yang Cheng to be so precious to his work, or that kind of documentary that is not so important, even many people don\'t know.

"Ha, yes, I collaborated with Discovery Channel to shoot the documentary "Return to the Battleship BC".

In the minds of most military enthusiasts, this German-made steel behemoth has the same influence as the Titanic.

For the shipwreck of Bismarck, there have always been endless mysteries and legends.

Robbie Ballard discovered during his expedition that the Bismarck shipwreck in the lens was not a shattered hull. Its complete hull and solid armor made him guess that the Bismarck was not sunk by a torpedo as recorded in the history of war. .

I decided to participate in the expedition to solve this mystery, because the Bismarck sank at 16,000 feet of the seabed. The huge water pressure in the deep sea eliminated the possibility of any human detection, making all work must be done by robots. , The safety factor of various equipment is also greatly reduced.

I admit that whenever I board the miniature submarine for investigation, I feel like sitting in an elevator with frequent breakdowns, because the water pressure may cause a series of problems from the camera lens to the short circuit of the submarine\'s power system.

We have an advanced submarine dedicated camera that took detailed shots of the wreckage of the Bismarck. Its titanium shell is sufficient to withstand the pressure of 8,000 pounds per square inch.

The new type of robot with wireless remote control can make the lens penetrate into the wreck for the first time.

Through two months of observation, our team observed some bullet holes above the waterline of the ship, but nothing was found below the waterline, and there was no damage caused by torpedo attacks on the armor belt.

Of course, the most shocking new discovery is the situation observed by the robot after going deep into the wreckage.

When the robot reached the interior of the warship through the crack, at the end of the long and narrow crack, it encountered the traces caused by the torpedo attack, but experts found that the torpedo explosion did not break the internal armor at all.

What was destroyed was only the “sacrificable area” composed of water storage tanks and fuel tanks reserved by the designer to absorb the impact of torpedoes during construction. They absorbed the explosive impact of torpedoes without causing serious damage to the hull. Water, so we guessed that the Bismarck was probably scuttled by its crew.

When the battleship collided with the seabed, the huge internal pressure caused the hull to expand outward, but the armor belt surrounding the hull remained intact. Therefore, certain parts of the hull, especially the bottom, broke, making the solid hull look like an overwhelmingly burdened hull. The water balloon collapsed, resulting in the cracks discovered by the predecessors.

Of course, I am not saying that if the crew does not implement scuttling, Bismarck will return safely. Obviously, its condition at that time could not support its return to port. "

"This is a great discovery~" Yang Cheng found out that she had the talent to be a cross talk queen. What she could do with this little fire was pretty.

During the whole meal, Cameron was very happy, and one person occupied 90% of the speech. If Yang Cheng wasn\'t for praise, I am afraid that she could not say a word. Didn\'t she watch Donna keep smiling from beginning to end, and her face was stiff at the end? ?

Finally, she couldn\'t help but said, "Hey, guys, can you eat first and then talk, I\'m almost starving to death, if something happens, you will be responsible~"

Yang Cheng was also impressed. The truck driver was too able to talk. Could it be that the driving alone is too boring? Is this ability to talk to himself?

No wonder he is an environmentalist, and every mouth he can say can\'t do it at all.

The three of them finally started to eat, but after a few bites, Donna spoke, "James, I heard that the sequel to "Avatar" is having trouble?

You know, we are fully capable of helping you solve your problems. "

What\'s the trouble? Lack of money? It just so happens that New Era Pictures is not short of smiled, "There are indeed some troubles, but it is not impossible to solve, but thank you for your kindness, if there is a need, I will not refuse~"

This sentence is enough, this meal is just to set up a line, I don\'t expect a meal to divide the cake.

"Of course, please don\'t refuse our kindness. It has always been our wish to cooperate with you."

"Thank you very much, Donna, you don\'t have to, we are old friends."

"Of course, James, but your plans for the next few years are on "Avatar"?"

"It looks like this so far, I have no renewal inspiration yet."

"Well, if you can consider us, you also know about Fox and Disney recently, they probably don\'t have much energy to run a new big production."

Donna was pierced with this knife, which meant that Fox was already lonely.

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