Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 2054: Avatar Two?

To be honest, "Legend of Fallen Street", a drama based on the background of the times, was not popular in the past, but it is different now. The mainstream movie viewers are actually not clear about what happened decades ago, at most Hearing people say that there is no clear concept at all, which makes them curious.

Coupled with the large-scale dedication of the actors, this play can easily become a hit.

Only if there is a hit drama in the local area, can he boldly expand overseas markets. Yang Cheng took this step very cautiously. He didn\'t want to pick sesame seeds and lose watermelons.

"By the way, James\' project needs additional investment. I feel that Fox can\'t hold it anymore." Donna said gleefully.

"Huh? James\' project? "Avatar 2"?"

"Yes, it is said that 50% of the work has been completed, but now it is time to increase the budget. Fox must have a headache. After all, starting from the ship, James has a history of unlimited budget increase."

Yang Cheng deliberated, "It is impossible for others to increase the budget, but he is James Cameron. I think Fox will eventually give in."

After all, in the eyes of industry insiders, Cameron is a director who can surprise people, so his request is worth a gamble.

Before the release of Avatar, people didn’t have to worry about whether the movie should be watched in 3D or 2D, but the film is the art carrier most affected by technology. Technological breakthroughs can make the presentation of movies more diversified, while "Avatar" can change The audience\'s viewing habits, this is undoubtedly a landmark work.

And this landmark work belongs to the man who conquered the world with a big ship. Isn’t it worth a gamble for the two great successes?

Cameron took the immature 3D technology at the time and completed a transformation with "Avatar", and "Avatar" really lived up to its trust, sweeping the box office of 2.788 billion US dollars, becoming the biggest winner in the history of world film and changing the audience. While watching movies, he also turned 3D into a fixed shooting mode for later commercial blockbusters.

Of course, 8 years have passed since the release of "Avatar", but the sci-fi images that appeared in the movie are still vivid, and the expectations for "Avatar 2" have reached the peak, but the technology needs to be polished, and people are the same, and they are anxious. Can\'t hot tofu.

With technological innovation, Cameron, as a technology madman, must give it a try, so the budget increase is understandable.

It is said that the real-life shooting of the second part is about to be completed. This series of shooting includes performance capture shooting and real-life shooting, and it is very complicated to shoot multiple parts together.

Of course, the more complicated work is still in the later stage. This time it is a multi-part joint shooting. Just finishing the material is enough to make people heady, and ordinary directors really can\'t control it.

Cameron has prepared a total of 5 for Avatar World, but this does not mean that the latter two will be released as scheduled. After all, Fox is also going to make money. If the box office of the 2nd and 3rd is not as expected, the latter two will not be born. .

The plot of "Avatar 2" takes place five years after "Avatar". The protagonist Jack Sally has become the patriarch of the Nami tribe on the planet Pandora, and has a pair of lovely children with his wife, but at this time the earth has been The destruction of mankind is horrible, and mankind has set the target on Pandora. Jack has to face the problem of how to deal with the conflict between mankind and his tribe.

The plot is very simple, and the drama conflicts are also very clear, but everyone knows that watching Avatar is not the plot, as long as you don\'t have brain damage.

But Donna mentioned it suddenly, did she have any thoughts?

"Do you want to get involved?"

Donna did not deny, "I do have this idea, but I know it is unlikely~"

Yang Cheng nodded, "Fox won\'t agree that we go in and divide the cake."

"Yes, but I\'m thinking, since we can\'t participate, should we make a similar blockbuster? I mean the technical aspect~"

Yang Cheng was taken aback, and then thought, "You mean a naked-eye 3D movie?"

"More than 120 frames~"

"Hiss~" Yang Cheng took a breath, "Your idea is a little bold~"

Eight years ago, Cameron put on a pair of glasses to viewers around the world with an "Avatar". Today, after 8 years, Kashen threatened to help everyone take off the glasses. And his reliance is naked eye 3D + laser holography!

Glasses-free 3D, a display technology that became popular 5 years ago, but because of the immaturity of technology, it was once forgotten in the corner. At this stage, if you want to get 3D sensory enjoyment from the flat screen, you must How difficult is it to take this pair of glasses for everyone through "Avatar", and then want to take off the glasses you put on?

On this basis, 120 frames are added. Although Yang Cheng does not understand the technology, he can also imagine the complicated problems he will face.

Hollywood is the favorite place to follow the trend. It is difficult for the major Hollywood factories. After seeing the popularity of "Avatar" worldwide, didn\'t you want to follow the trend?

Of course not, but why hasn\'t a similar movie been seen so far? Because Cameron has only one.

Of course, the principles of technology and practical applications are obscure and difficult to understand. Before the technology is truly in contact with the public, it is far from possible to "imagine" "Avatar 2" only by relying on the term "120 frames + naked eye 3D + laser holography". The technology used in the movie will make the movie screen and viewing experience reach what height.

It is difficult to follow the trend based on imagination alone.

But when it comes to 120 frames, it should be familiar to everyone. It is really not Cameron that makes everyone familiar with this technology, but the Chinese director Li Yu.

Last year his work "Billy Lynn\'s Midfield War" was screened using this technology. When watching the 120-frame version, every detail of the actor\'s face can be seen clearly, not only There are skin "blemishes" such as pores, dark circles and pimples, as well as various subtle facial expressions, such as the trembling of the muscles in the jaw when the actor is emotional, the violent green veins on his forehead, or the turning of his eyes.

There is a scene where Billy Lynn and his family are having dinner together. Two very small flies appear in the camera, and the normal version is difficult to see clearly.

The filming process is to collect and record the light changes in a continuous time as discrete static movie pictures.

In the screening stage, to make these static images "moving" again, the principle of persistence of vision of the human eye must be applied.

Experiments have shown that the visual persistence time of the human eye is about 0.1 seconds, so as long as the screen switching speed is greater than 12 frames/second, the human eye will connect the last frame of the temporary image with the next frame to form a continuous The visual experience.

This is the origin of 120 frames.

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