Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 2049: Big fat sheep must be slaughtered

"Ask the lieutenant general, are you interested in the t34c trainer? The Marine Corps is about to replace a batch, about 24, with an average life span of thousands of hours.

How about selling 210 million yuan together with parts? "

Demien has been in contact with Yang Cheng for a long time, and people have become shameless. How about 210 million? That pile of junk goods, the Marine Corps disliked it, and shouted 210 million, so I am embarrassed to ask how?

Yang Cheng thought for a while, "Round it up and sell it to 400 million. Although it is a second-hand product, it’s a rule to sell it three times. I think it’s not a big problem, but it might have to make up another 10 million for the Lieutenant General. , This money counts for you."

Demien thought that she had clearly realized Yang Cheng\'s shamelessness, but she was dumbfounded at this moment. Whose rounding is so? This is too. . . Too good at doing business.

Forgetting the share he can get, Demien said in a magnificent manner, "For the Marine Corps."

Yang Cheng was happy, and sure enough, he was close to Zhu Zhechi. He has been with himself for a long time, and he is good at doing business, not bad, and he can teach him.

"Okay, you figure it out. I\'ll talk to the lieutenant general. I have paid the money in advance. You can inform the Marines that the delivery is ready. By the way, don\'t forget to refurbish."

"Don\'t worry, you can\'t forget it. Make sure it looks the same as the new one. Painting won\'t take much effort."

After hanging up the phone, Yang Cheng returned to her seat lightly, and she grinned while watching the Lieutenant General without speaking.

The Lieutenant General straightened his hair and swallowed, "Mr. Yang, you..."

Yang Cheng waved her hand, without saying anything, it was another check, 20 million~

"General, please, please return the previous check. Let\'s get a new one!"

The lieutenant’s eyes are very thief, and he won’t make a mistake if he looks at 2000 backwards. He feels that he is about to have a heart attack. What is the situation that he has increased by 10 million in a blink of an eye?

No, this money can’t be collected, who knows what earth-shattering thing this kid is going to do~

"That one..."

Yang Cheng didn\'t give him a chance to think at all, so he used the money to kill him when he dealt with greedy people.

"That\'s right, the Marine Corps is going to replace the trainer. I think of a way to take down the trainer they are going to retire.

You can rest assured that although it is about to be retired, it is still 70% new and good. Before shipment, I will arrange for someone to repair and replace the parts to ensure that they are restored to the best working condition. "

The lieutenant general is not a waste. He knows the well-known models in various countries around the world, "t34c? I have heard of it, but there are often problems."

Yang Cheng waved his hand and said casually, "How can it be so serious? Think about it, who is the trainer for? Students, who can guarantee that everyone on board is an elite student?

There must be some individuals whose level is not enough, and accidents caused the plane to fall and casualties. This is normal. How can training new pilots guarantee 100% safety?

If it can be done, the pilot will not be so special. "

The lieutenant general wondered, this is reasonable, can\'t because of the accident magnified by the media, the plane is not good, really not, Americans will use it for decades? I am afraid that new models have already been developed.

Moreover, the army has indeed increased the training of new pilots recently. At this time, a number of advanced trainers have entered service, which has a positive impact on training.

Thinking about it this way, the lieutenant general was relieved, "Well, I want it, how much?"

Yang Cheng\'s eyeballs turned, 4 to his lips and added 1, "500 million, how about it? Not expensive, right? You know that the brand new t34c sells for as much as 40 million US dollars, but there are 24 units. I But I tried my best to help you keep the price down.

Of course, I do not deny that there is a small part of my profit, but not much, just to make cooperation happy. "

The Lieutenant General was taken aback, "500 million? So expensive? This is just a trainer."

Yang Cheng answered naturally, "Of course, this is only a trainer. If it is an F35, at least a zero must be added."

The implication is that the trainer is so cheap, so be happy.

"500 million is too expensive!" the Lieutenant General muttered.

At this time, Yang Cheng didn\'t explain anything, just clicked on the check with his finger on the desktop. Is 500 million expensive? Okay, it\'s quite expensive, but is it still expensive in the face of 20 million?

Lieutenant General\'s eyes fluctuated slightly, and Yang Cheng caught the moment and said, "By the way, I have an apartment in the UK with an area of ​​about 500 square meters, located near Hyde Park.

Is the general interested in sending his family to live there? I arrange the whole process~"

The Lieutenant General\'s pupils shrank, and it was another property worth tens of millions of pounds. His heart could not bear any more.

If you live and die, if you look at the face of more than 30 million, isn\'t it 500 million? The big deal is to be discovered, take the family and leave, plus the wealth accumulated over the years, with the family can also lead a top life in the UK.

"Okay, only 500 million, but we have to sign two contracts."

Yang Chengxin understood, "Understand, we will make more agreements, and what follow-up service and training agreements will be counted in. We will definitely not make it difficult for the generals to do."

When you feel comfortable, the lieutenant general feels comfortable. Doing business with this kind of person is a pleasure. Think about everything for you, and just wait to collect the money. This fool does not do business.

As for national honor? The army is glorious? Is it worth 30 million?

As long as you cooperate well with this person and come here a few more times, his net worth will be hundreds of millions. Who will eat curry by then? Isn’t it good to go to England to eat seafood and steak?

"The deal, I\'ll go back and arrange for someone to sign an agreement with you, Mr. Yang, this meeting is so pleasant, please give me a chance, and I will bring your family to invite you to dinner."

Yang Cheng laughed, "The general is too polite. In the future, we will have the opportunity to eat. Although that is not a good idea, if one day you and your family move to London, then we can eat and chat as friends without having to suffer from you. Constrained by this military uniform."

The general thought about looking up at the sky, "Yes, I really hope that day will come sooner."

It seems that he also wants to get rid of this marshland as soon as possible, but Yang Chengtong has to ask whether he agrees with this matter. This time he has smashed tens of millions, not for the purpose of making a hammer sale. There is enough use value, wouldn\'t it be spent if you don\'t squeeze the money out?

So he said, "General, what I mean is that we can do a few more orders for similar cooperation, not for anything else, to protect you and your family in London in the future. You know, in London, hundreds of millions Worth is far from the status of a multi-millionaire."

The general smiled and said, "Mr. Yang, to tell you the truth, apart from these two large orders, I still have less than US$300 million in purchasing funds. Since the orders are all placed, why not once? Buy more sex?"

Yang Cheng\'s eyes flashed, **** it, knowing that this old boy didn\'t leak the truth, sure enough, there are still 300 million, tmd, this sheep is too fat, I\'m sorry for not being slaughtered.

"300 million, 300 million, wow, this is a lot of money, let me think about it, let me think about it, I will definitely find a weapon suitable for you." Yang Cheng massaged his temples while mobilizing the reserves of the brain. He kept talking about it, like a magic stick that fools people.

He felt that the second-hand **** of the US military was almost emptied by him, but no, 300 million US dollars is like the white thigh of a peerless beauty lying in front of him. If you don\'t get it, it is a crime!

Think about it, think about it again, there must be more~

No, he can\'t think about it alone, "General, what do your troops still lack? Fighters? AWACS? Helicopters~"

The lieutenant general laughed, "Didn\'t you just buy the helicopter?"

Yang Cheng wants to say, with the frequency of your crashes, how many months can this plane crash?

Of course, this cannot be said clearly, "Helicopters are also divided into types. There are armed helicopters. What about transport helicopters?"

The Lieutenant General was taken aback for a moment, rubbing his chin and said, "Several years ago, the Army put forward the idea of ​​forming a new mountain army. For this reason, it did not hesitate to spend a lot of money to buy a large number of US-made M777 ultra-light howitzers.

Modern mountain operations are combat operations under special conditions, and their characteristics determine the high requirements for equipment. Among them, the weight restrictions on artillery are quite large.

Any of our existing 155mm artillery can not meet the requirements of mountain combat. In the end, we can only choose the American M777. The combat weight of this ultralight howitzer is only about four tons, which can be very convenient for maneuvering.

But after I bought the artillery, I realized that just having a new artillery is not enough. Due to the mountainous terrain, the mobility of this artillery is affected. In order to improve its mobility, the best way is to transport it by air, so you need to buy one. A large transport helicopter capable of lifting it.

Army Aviation’s heavy-duty helicopters are the Mi-17 and Mi26 helicopters, but both helicopters have problems. The former has insufficient load capacity to lift the M777. The weight of 4 tons is close to the upper limit of its load capacity, let alone high. There will be power drops in altitude areas.

The Mi 26 has enough load capacity, but the number is very scarce. There are only a few in India, and its design has not considered the issue of plateau use at all. "

Yang Cheng couldn\'t help but want to kiss him. The old guy was interesting enough, and one mouthful was a big deal.

He has already guessed what the other party is going to say. After reading the book, India found that there is no more suitable helicopter except the US CH47. Don’t look at this helicopter has been in service for more than 50 years, but there is no suitable helicopter. The alternative model is still the main model in active service of the US military, and it is exported to foreign countries. Even the motherland has tried to buy it, but the US side broke the contract.

This is a multi-functional, twin-engine, twin-rotor heavy-duty transport helicopter with a maximum take-off weight of 23 tons and a maximum load of 10 tons. It has a cargo compartment that is 9 meters long and nearly 2 meters high. It can accommodate 44 soldiers and has a maximum lifting capacity. It also reaches more than 6 tons, which can lift large equipment such as 155mm artillery.

It has the ability to fly all-weather and adapt to harsh high temperature and plateau climate conditions, and can even take off and land on water.

It is definitely the large transport helicopter that Indians dream of. Of course, these data are not important. The important thing is that this thing is expensive, and the fuel and water are scary. It is definitely a big order.

The Lieutenant General is so interesting, Yang Cheng is a little ashamed, forget it, it\'s a big deal, wait for them to arrive in London, and then send them a few cars.

The car is very cheap. You can buy one of Chinook’s wheels for one of five Ferraris.

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