Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 2050: Sell ​​Chinook

Chinook’s unique dual-rotor design is unique and praised so far. This design has many advantages, and it looks very sci-fi. This giant has appeared in countless Hollywood blockbusters.

Are the powerful Chinooks really so skilled that the motherland and polar bears can\'t make them? We must know that Chinook has been around for decades. Although it has been upgraded several times, it is understandable that India cannot produce the source technology, but the strong industrial strength of the motherland and polar bears cannot be produced so far. It is not a simple technical problem. , It is a matter of demand.

The Polar Bear’s Mi-26 is larger, enough for their needs, and because the motherland has a large land territory and long-term strategic needs, it does not need heavy overseas firepower to airborne, naturally, it does not need a transport helicopter of the Chinook level.

But India can\'t. They have no choice. Even if the problem of a slave is, it can be ignored in the face of demand.

Chinook’s dominance over the years has caused a high failure rate. During the Afu Khan War for more than ten years, more than one hundred helicopters crashed by the U.S. Army. About half of these crashed were Chinooks. Therefore, Chinook is also called a deadly helicopter by the military. This problem has always plagued the U.S. military. India’s logistical support capability is known to all around the world. In this case, buy a bunch of broken, problematic helicopters. I\'m afraid this lieutenant has really done it all.

Of course, Yang Cheng will not sell Ah San’s brand new Chinook. It must be new, but the kernel has been pieced together for countless times. It’s best to only be used for training, and problems occur as soon as they are on the battlefield. Of course, the price is high, and the cheap Indians are not happy.

Regardless of whether they are tall or happy, Yang Orange is blooming, Chinook, a good thing.

As a heavy-duty transport helicopter, Chinook, known as the "Hercules in the Air", has taken on important responsibilities since its birth, and its upgrading is still in progress.

The bugs on it are endless and will never be solved.

Once, a NATO "Chinook" was shot down by Taliban forces in Afu Khan, killing 38 people, including seal members and several crew members.

This was the most tragic death of the US military in the past 10 years in the Afu Khan War. Chinook once again set a deadly record.

There are often too many surprising similarities in history. Taliban, Chinook, SEALs... these details are so similar to the scene in 2005.

That year, the U.S. troops stationed in Afghan received a signal for help from the eastern mountainous area of ​​Afu Khan.

After receiving the signal for help, the 4 Chinook helicopters immediately set off, fully loaded with rescue forces including seals and flew to the mountains.

This was the US Army\'s "Operation Red Wings" that shocked the world. In that operation, a Chinook was shot down by the Taliban, and all 16 American soldiers on board were killed, of which 8 were seals...

The Chinook heavy transport helicopter is the most typical dual-rotor tandem structure, with a large cabin and convenient external lifting.

Because it became famous during the Vietnam War and was widely used in deep combat missions in the Gulf War, Chinook\'s name is well known all over the world.

The actual combat proved that Chinook is indeed a first-class helicopter. Its unique rotor system and transmission have significantly improved its tactical and technical performance, especially its ability to carry artillery, which is more than other transport helicopters. .

It can quickly transport a formed M-198 howitzer artillery company to a combat area far away from the base, and quickly form strike fire after landing.

When the enemy finds and reacts, Chinook can quickly move the artillery to a safe place. Using this method, within 24 hours, only 10 Chinooks can transport an artillery company to 36 different locations. position.

Perhaps precisely because of this irreplaceable capability, since its development in 1956, the Air Hercules has been transformed and never surpassed.

At present, the latest model has reached "F", and the first 5 letters are filled.

The main force currently in service is the CH-47D Chinook. One of its outstanding problems is the vibration problem. The upgrade of the F type adjusts the fuselage to make the structure more rigid, which reduces the vibration and reduces the vibration suppression system. Weight. Since the rigid part of the fuselage is mostly located on the upper part of the front end, the CH-47F uses a brand-new cockpit. Lower vibration can reduce use and maintenance costs, while improving the reliability of avionics and control systems.

CH-47F is also equipped with an improved data modem that can receive commands and situation reports from air or ground platforms.

However, in order to control costs and reduce the difficulty of integration, CH-47F still uses existing electromechanical instruments to display engine parameters. Although CH-47F uses a new data bus, it has not installed a forward-looking infrared night vision sensor.

This version of F is estimated to serve the US military for more than 10 years.

With the large number of hunting outfits of the F version, there will be a large number of D-type retirements or withdrawals from the main front-line troops. This is an opportunity to intervene.

Yang Cheng feels that it is not a big problem to get a few more than ten. At the price of Chinook, even if it is a second-hand product that has been used for more than ten years, it is estimated that it will be able to dig out the Lieutenant General\'s wallet without ten!

Although he doesn\'t care about Indians being pitted, Yang Cheng is still very curious. In fact, Chinook doesn\'t have a good image in his impression: loud movement, loud noise, and big targets. Is it really suitable as a vehicle for raids?

Moreover, large transport helicopters that usually transport dozens of soldiers are not protected by armed helicopters. For a helicopter with a net weight of 20 tons, a body length of 30 meters and a speed of about 260 kilometers per hour, there is no electronic detection system to avoid enemy fire. It is a miracle that Nugan\'s reputation can be maintained up to now.

Of course, as a military layman, these issues are not a problem. Chinook is indeed a "slow fat man".

But it has slow low-altitude flight speed, high-altitude flight speed, and Chinook can carry more than 30 people at one time, and the other commonly used helicopter CH-60 "Black Hawk" in the U.S. Army at most It can carry 10 people.

If two or three black hawks move at the same time, the target will be larger, and there will be more communication and coordination requirements. In addition, the destination of the action is a valley, and they need to fly over the mountains. Chinooks have a stronger climbing ability than the black hawks.

Moreover, all CH-47D Chinooks of the US military are equipped with an airborne anti-missile defense system that can cope with the threat of enemy radar and missiles.

But when flying at low altitudes, especially when encountering backward weapons such as shoulder-mounted rocket-propelled grenades, Chinook is tantamount to getting into close hand-to-hand combat.

Rocket-propelled grenade is a non-guided weapon. To deal with this weapon, armor can only be used. If the armor is too thick, it will cause difficulty in climbing and cannot fly in the mountains. This is an unsolvable bug.

But it doesn’t matter, it’s a question of whether the Indians have the opportunity to put the Chinook on the battlefield. It’s really going to go up. It’s a big deal to spend a few more RPGs, it’s very cheap!

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