Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 2048: Then pit

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In fact, everyone didn\'t regard Ah San as a human being, but at least the superficial effort should be in place, right?

The United States is not even willing to do superficial effort, just plainly despise you. Poor Asan is still dreaming of the Spring and Autumn Period and automatically ignores it.

The most telling thing is the increasingly close arms supply relationship between India and Israel.

Selie Aerospace Industries, the most successful operating company in the Indian market, is a state-owned company, and the company quickly adopted the polar bear mode of operation: using the Indian Defense Research and Development Organization to provide cooperative research and development opportunities as a bait to win procurement contracts.

American companies are reluctant to deal with a state-owned company, let alone transfer high-end technology. They would rather set up a subsidiary in India to continue to control technology.

In short, in the past 30 years, India has become one of the world’s largest importers of advanced conventional weapons, but continuous arms procurement has failed to significantly improve India’s strategic position;

The Indian military is eager to modernize, but the military does not have a sufficient say in national affairs related to improving the national security situation.

The poor mechanism between the military and the civilian ZF has greatly reduced the effectiveness of the reorganization of armaments over the years.

The procurement of armaments with unclear targets bored both parties. This is why Demien was able to make an appointment with the Air Force lieutenant in a single phone call. It shows that the army does not want to play with ZF. Anyway, we have money and we buy our own. .

what? Illegal? Violation? Kill me? Have the ability to negotiate with the barracks!

Anyway, it is impossible to cook mature rice with raw rice and then sell it as raw rice.

That\'s why Yang Cheng said that he was lucky and had a good time. A general who doesn\'t care, has money in his hand and just wants to buy ‘good’ weapons, is absolutely true love!

After talking about the firearms business, Yang Cheng didn\'t say anything, and presented a check for 1.2 million US dollars from Yuanshan Bank, which can be exchanged at Yuanshan Bank all over the world, anytime!

The general, who was still stern-faced, saw the cheque and suddenly smiled when he ate curry, "Mr. Yang, can do business, I see your sincerity, this time the Apache helicopter, I want It~"

Yang Cheng laughed, "Of course, after a long time in contact, I will know that I am a very generous person, especially when it comes to treating friends, I would rather lose myself than my friends. This is my purpose of being a person~"

After a pause, he said in a low voice, "If the general is willing to use the unit price of 23 million US dollars to win this batch of Apaches, I am willing to compensate the general for 5 million US dollars, which is also a cash promissory note. Of course, it depends on what the general means. , If you want to transfer money immediately, I can also arrange it."

This time the Lieutenant General hesitated for a while. The 23 million US dollars is a bit expensive, but when I think of the large military expenditures, I don’t have to waste it sooner or later. At least I can buy a batch of real Apache helicopters when I spend it out. Of course, it’s more important. It’s the 5 million dollars. It’s better to make more money than to let others make money.

He had misunderstood the green light in Yang Cheng\'s eyes before, but now the same light flashes in his eyes. This Chinese is really rich.

In the blink of an eye, it has only been a long time since the meeting, and he has given away 6.2 million US dollars. Now he is willing to believe what Yang Cheng said. He is really generous to his friends.

"Yes, 23 million U.S. dollars, the price is a bit expensive, but the first time I cooperated, I wanted to show my sincerity and stop bargaining."

Yang Cheng said immediately, "Don\'t worry, the general will definitely not suffer a loss in making this transaction. In the future, you and I will have the opportunity to make big money in the future."

He regrets it now. He had known that he would go to the garbage factory in the United States before he came to see if there was any garbage that could be used for refurbishment and sold it to Asan, which would be considered a contribution to environmental protection.

Compared with the profit that is about to be obtained, how many millions are paid to the lieutenant general?

Yang Cheng waved a big hand, "Let\'s do it General, I\'ll make a whole for you, totaling 10 million U.S. dollars, can you see what the troops still lack?"

The Lieutenant General took a breath, 10 million? He had done dozens of trades in the past, and he counted as much as he could. Now Yang Cheng gave himself 10 million in one sentence. As for the purchase of weapons, he didn\'t worry at all. Is that a problem?

"What do you have in your hand?" This is a good question. What do I want in your hand, it is not a problem in the face of 10 million dollars.

Yang Cheng didn\'t have time to be happy, and quickly figured it out. In fact, he had no stock in his hands. The only stock was the US military warehouse that he had acquired in the Middle East. Now the contents are almost sold.

For other big weapons, he first took the order and then asked Demien to arrange the shipment, so he really couldn\'t answer this question for a while.

I apologize, "Can you give me 5 minutes to make a phone call? No way, I have too many things in my hands, I can\'t remember."

There are 10 million dollars hanging in front of you, let alone 5 minutes, 50 minutes is nothing~

"No problem, Mr. Yang, although communicate, I smoke a cigarette~"

Yang Cheng thanked him, and quickly retreated to the corner, calling Demien.

As soon as he was connected, he shouted excitedly, "Demien, we are rich, we are going to be rich~"

Demien is in a meeting, UU reading would not answer Yang Cheng’s phone call. She was interrupted in her speech and she was not very happy. When she heard Yang Cheng’s tone, she could still be angry. "what\'s the situation?"

Yang Cheng probably talked about the process of persuading the Air Force lieutenant general with 10 million dollars and countless saliva. Demien was stunned. Has this Indian general never seen money? Sell ​​the army for a mere 10 million?

Damn, she knew that this business was so good. She did so well. Now that it\'s cheaper, Yang Cheng has lost a lot of money.

"So, what do we offer and what does he want?"

"It should be so, but don\'t take out completely scrapped things. I plan to continue to cooperate with the lieutenant general."

Demien laughed dryly, she couldn\'t do this thing, "Knowing, San is just not silly enough to use his brain, won\'t they see the scraps?

Let me think about it, what\'s the selling point?

Since it is an air force, it must be sold in the sky, fighter jets? No way, too conspicuous; bomber? No, absolutely confidential; helicopter? I just bought it, so I have to change it.

It\'s a bit troublesome, it seems there is nothing to sell.

Wait, Demien\'s eyes lit up suddenly. At the meeting just now, someone seemed to report that the Marine Corps seemed to be preparing to retire a batch of t34c trainers. Although this trainer has been in service for many years, there are many minor problems. The number of aircraft has grown, and there have been more and more problems. Several aircraft have fallen this year. The Marine Corps requested that the trainer be replaced to avoid large-scale casualties.

This requirement would not have been passed. The Air Force still wants to change. Your Marine Corps is not a professional training place for pilots. Is it necessary to change to a new one?

Let\'s make do with it, but now the opportunity is here, with Indians helping to pay the bill, shouldn\'t the Air Force have any opinions?

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