Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 2047: A 3's so-called domestic

It\'s been a long time since Yang Cheng did a scam business. The business is a bit rusty, but it doesn\'t matter. Does a fool still need to be skilled? Isn\'t that just a pit?

md, I\'m so excited. The look in his eyes is the green light that he hasn\'t touched a woman for decades, and the back of his spine is chilling.

Yang Cheng has decided that he will have a good relationship with the general in the future. They hold real U.S. dollars. The key is not to worry about threats to the motherland. You can do this business!

Closer to home, as the saying goes, there are too many things to pick up, India has such a sufficient source of purchase, their troops basically look at what is good.

The guns and weapons in the hands of Indian soldiers are still colorful, and they are available in all countries.

The different types of guns have resulted in different ammunition systems, making it difficult for the country to produce uniformly.

For this reason, the Indian military pursues "buy it as it is to build." Anyway, the military expenditure is sufficient, and the cost of importing mature ammunition from foreign countries is much easier to use than the self-produced ammunition.

Spending a lot of money to buy ammunition does help to obtain high-quality ammunition more economically and faster in the short term, but in the long run, it is tantamount to using its own military orders to help foreign military enterprises develop their performance. As far as enterprises are concerned, they have robbed development resources.

Because of this, the level of the domestic arsenal in India has not been improved, the technology has been stagnant, and the experience is not to be mentioned. There is no success, but a lot of failures. Although the old saying that failure is **** success, it can’t stand it. Ah!

The lack of development does not mean standing still. In turn, it will further weaken the market competitiveness of India’s domestic arsenals, thus creating a vicious circle.

On the contrary, India’s development of dirty bombs has been unanimously opposed by the United Nations\' five permanent members, and it is almost entirely self-reliant.

In the end, although the journey was difficult and dangerous, the journey was steadfast. Nowadays, many people in the world mock Indian ammunition and artillery, and few people mock India\'s dirty bombs.

Of course, in terms of quantity and quality of reserves, the gap between India and the motherland is still dozens of small rbs. There are threats, but they are not big.

On the contrary, it is the little soldiers who are holding the creation of the world, that is the toad not biting and responding to the toad!

The situation in India today is entirely due to monopoly and corruption.

In India, the procurement of domestic arms is basically produced by enterprises under the National Arsenal Commission, while the research and development of military technology is undertaken by the National Defense Research and Development Organization. The fastest updated novels https://

The Ordnance Industry Commission has more than 40 factories with an annual turnover of nearly 200 billion rupees. As the main weapon and ammunition supplier of India\'s millions of army, it has the support of zf and leads a very moist life.

However, relying on this unique monopoly position, these ordnance companies lack the necessary quality control and quality assurance. Anyway, even if there are errors in weapon research and development and production, the taxpayer’s money will be spent, and the person in charge will not be affected accordingly. damage.

An institution related to the national security strategy was transformed into a bureaucratic institution by the top ranks of India.

It was supposed to be alive and well under the competition of foreign military industrial enterprises, self-reliant, and catching up, but now it has become more comfortable. You only need to perfuse the established plan to live in peace.

The so-called domestic production has also become a model of importing foreign technology and then roughing it by domestic enterprises.

Because of the lack of an accountability mechanism, the power people in India have lost their motivation to do a good job of military industry, and the personal benefits brought by power rent-seeking are more attractive to them.

Don’t the Indians know this? How could it be possible that one out of ten fools is still shrewd?

For example, individual netizens with broad vision are actually very helpless.

They compared the behavior of the ordnance industry to the corruption of civil servants and suggested that all suppliers of the Ministry of Defense should be sent to prison.

The Indian zf and the military are also taking measures, UU Reading they are preparing to introduce competition from Indian private enterprises.

Indian private companies used to be the "third-class status" of foreign companies and state-owned companies for a long time, and it is difficult to obtain competitive opportunities.

Today, the Indian army hopes to reach a cooperation agreement with private companies on the supply of various types of ammunition in the next 10 years, with a total value of more than 3 billion US dollars.

In this way, on the one hand, it can stimulate the wine and rice bags of state-owned enterprises to make them pay attention to quality. On the other hand, it can also increase employment through private enterprises and activate the economy.哽噺繓赽奇奇 Novels|w~w~

Zf encourages private enterprises to produce ammunition, including 30mm high-explosive, 125mm shelling tail stabilized armor-piercing projectiles t72 and t90 tanks, 122mm rocket artillery shells, 23mm anti-aircraft gun ammunition, etc.

For Indian private enterprises, this is certainly a great benefit.

However, in the so-called market-oriented environment, the Indian private enterprises that have been suppressed for a long time can really contend for the ordnance enterprises that are too powerful?

You know that the start of private enterprises is very low. Are they willing to spend money and energy to upgrade their technology?

Besides, Indians are very lazy. I am afraid that Indians will not last long for such a labor-intensive industry.

From Yang Cheng\'s perspective, it is natural to hope that this initiative in India will fail. Only if the corruption continues can he make a lot of profits.

However, even if private enterprises pose a threat, it is estimated that it will be ten years from now.

There is no need to worry about ten years from now.

Speaking of Yang Cheng, it is a good time to catch up. In the past few years, India would rather trade in the form of zf to zf because it was so miserable by Western private arms dealers.

However, no matter what India does and how to toss, corruption has been repeatedly banned. This is a zz problem.

30 years ago, because of the "Bofors" artillery, hd. : M.x