Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 199: Animation 3 giants (2)

"Finally speaking of DreamWorks, the reason why I say anti-classical is that you can see the first clues from your second animated feature film "Prince of Egypt". It is a work adapted from the Bible, and it is really not suitable for being too deviant.

Of course, the "Shrek" series that made DreamWorks truly become an animation giant is an excellent anti-classic work. Since then, the characteristics of the protagonist in DreamWorks animation have been the same as those in the traditional classic animations of Disney. Seriously distinguish. Whether it is the panda Abao, Shrek and the Donkey, the four weirdos in Madagascar, the big villain in the super villain, or even the weak legged teenager and the dragon with missing tail in "How to Train Your Dragon";

You can find too many shortcomings and shortcomings in these characters. They are crude, sloppy, lazy or funny, so there are always countless jokes, but they all have some of the most basic but precious qualities at the same time. Those shortcomings make them Similar to ordinary people, it makes people feel more cordial, and those qualities are so scarce, and finally touch people\'s hearts.

So I have always disliked "Crazy Primitives". In fact, the ridicule and re-creation of traditions in it are basically the old stalks played by DreamWorks itself, compared to the classic characters of DreamWorks, in "Crazy Primitives" The characterization of "Crazy Primitives" is too ordinary. This is the fundamental reason why DreamWorks is beginning to decline. If it weren\'t for the contrarian reaction of the country Z market, I am afraid that a movie of "Crazy Primitives" could drive DreamWorks into bankruptcy. "

Of course, these three companies have undergone subtle changes in recent years.

For example, Disney, due to the merger of Pixar and John Russett, the boss of Pixar’s five elders, as the head of Disney’s animation department, so that Disney’s films have more new ideas and connotations, while maintaining its own characteristics, no longer Keeping the classics that are about to become antiques, and moving on a more innovative route, for example, "Frozen", which was produced by Lasseter, was released last year, as proof that the global box office exceeded 1 billion US dollars, and Disney made a profit. At the same time as the pen, a brand-new theme series of paradise was developed. The real money is yet to come.

On the other hand, Pixar is due to the development of the five elders and the limited growth of the new director, which has led to the most attractive personification and innovation. The charm of the characters in "Brave" is compared with that in their previous works. The non-human protagonists appear bleak, and the ageing of "Cars 2" and "Monster University" is even more terrible.

DreamWorks continues to move forward steadily on its own path, but the level of their creative team is really clear. They can have a market-oriented work such as the "Madagascar" series and "How to Train Your Dragon". The series does not lose to the classic works of any company in the industry. Of course, there will be occasional works like last year\'s "Speed ​​Snail" and the earlier "Cat in Boots".

However, another major feature of DreamWorks in the animation has to be mentioned. From the time they built the factory so far, the stars dubbing their animated characters can form a brilliant galaxy: Brad Pitt, Will Smith , Angelina Jolie, Mel Gibson, Ben Stiller, Avril Lavigne, Bruce Willis, Nicholas Cage, Justin Timberlake and even Woody Allen, a star-studded dubbing lineup, composed A few reinforcements are not even enough, this is all the credit of Jeffrey Kasenborg.

"I didn\'t expect you to study the animation industry so thoroughly." Jeffery clapped his hands and praised with emotion. His family also looked admiring.

Yang Cheng was not modest either, shrugging his shoulders and said, "In order to acquire DreamWorks, I did my homework seriously. I also want you to see my sincerity. The DreamWorks handing over to me is far better than going to those old giants. It is much stronger to grab resources and share the cake. DreamWorks will be an important part of the media in the new era, rather than an icing on the cake."

Jeffery nodded solemnly, "Jason, I have seen your sincerity, and I can rest assured that DreamWorks is handed over to you, but after all, I am not alone in the acquisition. I have to be responsible to the board of directors and shareholders. It needs to fall into reality."

This time David Ellison interjected, “Jeffrey, New Times Media’s Series B financing is for DreamWorks. Now that the funds are sufficient, it’s waiting for you to nod and agree, or you can give us a bottom line. What is the ideal price?"

Jeffery glanced at Ellison indifferently and did not answer, as if he felt that it was not appropriate to talk about the price at this moment.

Yang Cheng can also understand that people are now in a seller’s market, so naturally they have to shop around, and the higher price will be won. No matter how much Jeffrey Carsenberg has feelings for DreamWorks, he also wants to sell as much money as possible. After all, he has more than 60. Now, you have to earn enough money for the elderly.

The lunch at noon was a heartbreak. The scene where the Jeffery family was happy and loving each other made Yang Cheng and David Ellison particularly obtrusive. They ate a few mouthfuls in confusion and left.

It was just right to talk about this today, and it left a deep impression on Jeffery. When he needs to make a decision, he will subconsciously turn to Yang Cheng, which is enough.

Coming out of the Coast Club, Yang Cheng and Ellison squatted in the front of the car and smoked a cigarette, chatting with each other, "What do you mean by Jeffery?"

Yang Cheng hasn\'t smoked for a long time. He is not addicted to this thing. He spit out smoke rings jerky and squinted his eyes. "It\'s hard to say, it seems to be very satisfied with us, but no one knows what the old fox is planning. , We have to prepare both hands and find a way to check the details of our competitors."

"You don\'t need to check. Except for a Wall Street consortium, the remaining two are capital predators. Comcast and Country Z\'s real estate giant Wanda Group are all owners of good money." David Ellison drew. Mouthful replied without thinking.

The noon sun was so dazzling that people couldn’t open their eyes. After squatting for a while, the scalp was hot, and half of the cigarette was thrown on the ground. He twisted his feet and said coldly with his hands in his pockets. Check, I want to know their offer."

"Damn, standing and talking don\'t have a backache, Comcast is good to say, where do I go to check the Wanda Group? I can\'t even see the figure." David Ellison complained uncomfortably.

Yang Cheng doesn’t know the character of this guy yet, the more difficult he is, the more he needs to be a teen. If it’s not for his identity, he will be stunned when he is blunt, "I don’t care, this matter is left to you, how can I say you He is also a shareholder of New Era Media. For the group’s acquisition plan, he should contribute money and effort."

"Hurry up and get out of here, why should I be a friend like you." David Ellison smiled and waved his hand, indicating how far Yang Cheng is.

Yang Cheng didn\'t mind. Just kidding, he returned his **** and quickly got into the car and drove away from the club. After driving for more than an hour, he still had to drive back for an hour. MD, never come to Malibu again.