Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 200: Fairy sister

I often see some literary youths saying, “I like a city, so I want to open a coffee shop here, and I like the cozy and talkative time in the coffee shop, so I miss a city.”

But in Yang Cheng\'s view, the people who open the cafe are a little unrealistic, so they choose to stick to a small space in the world to realize their small wishes.

But for a man who has time, money, and a fiery heart, um~, that is, Yang Cheng, in this wonderful afternoon in the city of angels, looking for a stylish cafe, wandering in the sun, Quietly feeling the passage of time, if there is another yan~ encounter, it will be even more wonderful.

Of course, if you are only here for tourism, but want to feel the most natural life in this city, then it is best to find such a bright afternoon, with the dream of coffee across the ocean, and experience this culturally free city of Los Angeles. .

In fact, Americans who grew up in the east generally believe that Los Angeles is a grandiose city. You can tell from his nickname, the city of angels! Very exaggerated, right? Are there really angels? Why didn\'t the angel solve the drought problem that has plagued the city for a long time?

Haha, I\'m far from it. When it comes to coffee, some people in this city are drunken and self-willed. They may have been carefully crafted in front of the mirror for a few hours before buying a cup of coffee. This is unique to Los Angeles. The exquisiteness.

It is undeniable that this is also a dream city, some people are desperate, and a cup of coffee can easily negotiate a few big movies. People in the City of Angels love coffee, and the fragrance of black beans has always been closely linked to creative inspiration.

Los Angeles people also love cafes. These third spaces in offices and homes make this city, a city that has always been known for its glitz, diverse and lingering.

Yang Cheng drove his brand new car, came to Sunset Boulevard from Malibu with a sore waist and back pain, just want to experience a young life, cough cough, okay, to be honest, driving a supercar is purely here. Sister-in-law, otherwise he would go home early to change the SUV.

The blue and black Bugatti Veyron wandered on Sunset Boulevard. Yang Cheng coquettishly supported the steering wheel with one hand and his head with the other hand. Beautiful country music was playing in the stereo, just like riding a horse on a country road. The whistle hummed, leisurely tight.

The rows of palm trees along the road are also the beautiful scenery of Sunset Boulevard. The city’s love and dedication to palm trees have long been fused in the blood of the city and become a symbol of the city.

In the end, Yang Cheng was attracted by a rather interesting name, Dinosaur Coffee? So naive! But he parked the car on the side of the street naively, turned off the door and got off.

Walking into the store, the store is true to its name, with Jurassic elements flooding the entire store, using a large amount of log materials, revealing freshness and cuteness everywhere.

At the entrance, there was a huge photo of the boss with the resume of the boss on it. He was really a narcissistic guy. Yang Cheng glanced at it casually and commented in his heart.

It turns out that the owner of this store is one of the founders of the small game CardsAgainstHumanity, which is popular all over the United States. The person who can create such an anti-human game is still a kid with a childlike innocence. Also, how to create a game without a childlike innocence.

Strolling to the bar, every small item in the shop can see the boss\'s painstaking effort to this small cafe, from the little dinosaur origami in front of the cash register, the custom seal on the take-out paper cup, and the cute gray and pink ceramics Cups, to dinosaur graffiti on the wall, this cafe seems like a small living room of its own, full of wonderful ideas collected from all over.

As soon as he walked in, Yang Cheng found a lot of artists or writers who were not well-known nearby. They gathered in twos and threes to brainstorm. He listened to a few words and curled his lips. As expected, they were all brainstorming guys, and looked up again. The positive energy potted plant on the wall says "Thingswillbeokay." Well, it\'s still full of Ah Q spirit.

Yang Cheng ordered a cup of signature coffee and a few small desserts, and asked Hansen and Andrew to choose their favorite flavors, so they sat down in an empty seat where they could be exposed to the sun, and looked around. He couldn\'t help showing a disappointed expression. This cafe was not a good place for glamorous hunting, so Yang Cheng took out his mobile phone and started contacting friends in Los Angeles to see who had a recommendation from a girl.

"Leon, you have so many young models, send me one?" When it comes to finding a girl, you still have to look at Xiao Li. The female partner around this guy changes every month on average, and he must have a good batch of good ones. goods.

"Jason, do you still need to ask me?" Xiao Li answered back almost in seconds.

"OMG, it\'s like I\'m very romantic, hurry up, I\'m boring all by myself."

"OK, then what type do you want?"

"A sweet style? Has Victoria\'s Secret a newcomer recently?"

"Comeonjason, are you kidding? Didn\'t you take the sweetest Victoria\'s Secret?"

"Damn it, it\'s all from the last century."

. . .

After staying in the cafe for 20 minutes, the coffee and desserts were cleaned, and he walked out while sending a message with his mobile phone. He just walked out the door, before he raised his head, he only heard a "bang" sound, and he subconsciously raised his head. Seeing a red Porsche 911 using its **** big **** to make a close contact with his Bugatti, Yang Cheng shouted in his heart, "MD, I\'m a new car!"

Of course, he still looks calm on the surface, as if he has nothing to do with the car. He calmly raised his phone, pointed the camera at it, and took a few shots of the accident scene. Then he walked around to the car and squatted. I used my index finger to pull down a piece of the sunglasses to reveal his eyes, and looked at the damage to the front of the car.

Fortunately, the damage is not serious. It is estimated that the 911 did not control the brakes when it was reversing, and it was pushed up, the front bumper was painted off, and there was a slight depression under the center net. Change to a normal car. It\'s nothing, but he is a Bugatti, and the paint is a big deal!

At this time, Yang Cheng heard an anxious and sweet voice obliquely behind. The crisp voice was tickling in the heart of the person, but the English pronunciation does not sound like a local, "sorry, sir, I\'m really sorry to bump into you." Don’t worry, I’ll be responsible for the maintenance cost."

"Chinese? So familiar." Yang Cheng looked back and saw a beautiful woman standing behind him and said, because the other party was wearing large sunglasses and could not see the whole face, but from the small and standard oval face and The fair and flawless skin is enough to judge the beauty of the other party, but the student dress in a jeans and T-shirt still can\'t conceal the beauty of everyone.

But he wouldn\'t be merciful just because the other party is a beautiful woman. One yard goes to one yard. It\'s one thing to want to pick up a girl. It\'s another to lose money when you crash into a car.

He cleared his throat and stood up, straightened his wrinkled shirt, pushed back his sunglasses, and screamed at the woman\'s red Porsche, "If you drive a Porsche, then you should be able to pay for the repair. Leave me a call , And send someone to send it to you when the maintenance bill comes out."

MMP, don’t use this routine too skillfully.

"No problem, I\'m so sorry." The beauty fluttered her hair back, brought a scent of fragrance, trot back to her car, took out her handbag and rummaged for something. She seemed to be looking for paper and pen, but she found it. He didn\'t find anything for a long time, raising his head through the sunglasses, showing a sense of embarrassment.

Yang Cheng glanced at this silly girl speechlessly, don\'t you know if there is paper and pen in the bag?

Reluctantly, he unlocked his phone and handed it over, "Don\'t bother, just store it in my phone."

The other party took the phone and said thank you, Yang Cheng was secretly guessing, because the more he looked at the beauty, the more familiar he became. It was definitely not to strike up a conversation. He was really familiar with the one that he often saw. Could it be a star?

Soon, the beauty saved her number and returned to her phone. Yang Cheng took it and glanced at her name, crystalliu, she is indeed Chinese. The English name is actually called Crystal?

"Are you also Chinese? crystal? A nice name." He said in a compliment, he pressed the number to dial out, and then hung up when the ringtone came from the other party\'s bag.

"Uh~Thank you." The beauty named Crystal was stunned for a moment, and said her gratitude without a direct answer.

"My name is Jason Yang, and I will call you when the bill comes out. Can I trouble you to move the car now? I\'m leaving." Yang Cheng didn\'t care, just chuckled.

"Ah, okay, I will move the car, sorry After Yang Cheng drove the car a few hundred meters away, he suddenly slapped the steering wheel and shouted, "Damn it, this is not Sister Shenxian? "It\'s no wonder that while the other party was very polite and approachable just now, with a faint sense of alienation, Yang Cheng thought he had hit his own supercar and had lingering fears. They are big stars and can follow along. Are people busy? Ah~ stupid!

Yang Cheng looked back through the rearview mirror and saw nothing but the rear wing. She felt regretful. He had known what Liu Yifei was still pretending to be cool, so he just opened it up, or else he would have cheaper the stick surnamed Song.

Speaking of this, Yang Cheng felt so tired and crooked. A good cabbage was actually let out by a stick. In her previous life, Liu Yifei, who played the role of Xiaolongnu at 17 years old, was simply a representative of the fairy fairy. She was at the peak of her appearance. The goddess of the nation, saying that men who are indifferent to Liu Yifei are all TMD farts, hypocrisy!

Fortunately, Yang Cheng’s routine runs through his blood, and she shrewdly left the phone to pave the way for future meetings. How could Liu Tianxian appear in Los Angeles? Is the rumor true? Already naturalized American? Hey~, it doesn\'t matter which country she is from, she\'s definitely going to die! Do you want to make an appointment first for a meal?

(PS: Although Xiaopang is not her iron fan, but when she was a child, she was really surprised by the look of her little dragon girl, and she also witnessed Liu Tianxian\'s beauty up close, which is the third love road show with Song Bangzi. In theory, Tianxian is really beautiful, the skin is white and flawless, the upper circumference is just right, the legs are well-proportioned and slender, not like Zheng Xiaoshuang’s stubborn legs, oozing people! The important thing is that they are very good, and for fans and fans. Passersby are very kind and sincere in their eyes, unlike some little stars who pretend to be at first glance! The only thing that makes me respond is that I am stunned by the tm stick, and I can only get addicted to the book!)