Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 198: Animation 3 giants (1)

The Malibu Coast Club is affiliated to the Soho Pavilion. It is located in the vibrant Malibu community surrounded by the beach. Here you can enjoy eating, eating, gathering and relaxing, and overlooking the Pacific Ocean, floor-to-ceiling windows and retractable\'doors\'. Make the distant ocean a unique background in the club window. -

The club has a bar, a sunny ‘show’ table and a living room. In addition, there is an art gallery in the bar. From time to time, the club holds many attractive activities, such as talks, hiking, creative workshops and yoga.

Not only that, but here you can also taste California-style delicacies made from fresh ingredients provided by local farms, and there are not so many restrictions on joining the club. You can enjoy the best service by just ‘spending’ money to buy members.

"You bastard, you have to pay for my waist." Yang Cheng didn\'t hesitate to greet the guests at the door, and shouted with a loud "door".

David Ellison tilted his head, glanced at Yang Cheng\'s car with a clear smile, raised his **** and said back, "Who told you to pretend to be 13, deserves it."

"Damn, you can\'t choose a place closer?" Yang Cheng gave Ellison a punch and said indignantly.

"It\'s not my fault. Jeffery and his family are on vacation in Malibu. Of course we have to accommodate him." David Ellison opened his hands with an expression that had nothing to do with me, making Yang Orange\'s teeth itchy with hatred.

"If you have a reason, don\'t you want to be good for William IV? Why is there nothing?"

The two walked into the club side by side, and went straight to the second floor amidst the welcome of the waiter, Yang Cheng asked which pot to open or not to lift.

"Of course, I never break my promise, don\'t you think that you have been quieter recently?" David Ellison said quite mysteriously.

Yang Cheng was stunned, "You mean?"

Ellison didn’t sell it anymore, and approached Yang Cheng’s ear to answer, “Hey, I compiled what that guy did into data and sent it to his dying dad anonymously. Now that guy You should stay in confinement at home honestly!"

Hearing that, Yang Cheng rolled his eyes, and David Ellison was so prosperous. He knew that William III was about to die, and he was so irritating. It really killed his popularity. Wouldn\'t William IV be lawless? Up?

I didn\'t bother to care about these two goods, and asked instead, "Is Jeffery here?"

"It\'s early, and their family came in the morning. At this moment, they should accompany their grandchildren to play in the swimming pool." David Ellison led Yang Cheng to the restaurant. He had already booked a table in advance.

The **** of the two of them hadn’t been hot, and Jeffrey Carsonborg, dressed in cool clothes, walked over with the family. The iconic bald head and rimless glasses made him look like his 60s. .

Behind Jeffery was his wife and his children\'s "daughter" family. Three generations of grandparents enjoyed themselves.

"David, Jason, keep you waiting for a long time." Jeffery first stretched out his hand and shook Yang Orange\'s hands and said apologetically.

Yang Cheng glanced at David Ellison and saw that he didn’t mean to answer the conversation, so she said politely, “Don’t talk about Jeffery, I’ve just arrived. In fact, I’m going to disturb your family’s vacation time. I\'m sorry."

David Ellison nodded his head cooperatively.

"No, no, this is what I suggested to David. The children have long been used to me as a workaholic." Jeffery laughed at himself and turned to Yang Cheng to introduce his family.

I greeted them one by one, and sat on both sides of the long table. The table was big enough to accommodate 10 people.

The dishes have been pre-booked in advance, eliminating the hassle of ordering. Taking advantage of the gap before serving, Jeffrey Kasenberg took the initiative to provoke the topic, "Jason, about DreamWorks Animation, Pixar Studios and Disney Three What is your opinion on the competition among the players?"

Yang Cheng\'s mind sank, and the secret test school came.

As one of the founders of DreamWorks, he later split DreamWorks Animation and Film Studio. He chose to stay at the animation department\'s door. It shows what kind of feelings and obsessions he has for the company he built. Now he To sell, this is the same as marrying a "daughter". Who doesn\'t want to choose a good family for their "daughter".

Fortunately, Yang Cheng did his homework before he came, studied the complicated relationship between Hollywood giants, drank saliva, smiled confidently and began to express his views, "Let’s talk about the characteristics of these three companies first, in my opinion Coming to Disney is obsessed with reshaping old classics; while Pixar is always creating new classics; as for DreamWorks, it is amused against classics."

Yang Cheng’s summary not only made Jeffery’s eyes shine, but also ignited the curiosity of the previously indifferent Casenberg family, especially the identity of Yang Cheng, a Chinese who created huge wealth at a young age, easier Arouse the interest of others and want to see what different and novel views he has.

"Can you tell me in detail?" Jeffery raised his hand and pushed the frame, his eyes gleaming with wisdom.

"A large part of Disney’s successful animations are adapted from classic fairy tales: "The Beautiful Girl and the Beast", "Peter Pan", "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs", etc., even including "The Flower" Mulan and Tarzan are actually derived from myths or legends around the world.

Disney is very good at giving new vitality to these classic stories. The concepts of dream pursuit, family, princes and princesses, adventurous friendship, etc., which they have upheld and insisted on for a long time, are biased towards the mainstream values ​​of American society. With a new look, even the so-called "colors" of Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck are essentially connected in the same vein.

And Disney is particularly good at combining animation images with their commercial operations. The addition of "operations" to theme parks, peripheral products, etc. is the fundamental reason for Disney\'s growing Of course, there is Jeffery in it. A lot of your credit. "

Yang Cheng quietly sent a flattery, making Carsonborg’s family all “showing” a proud expression, and drew a friendship vote for Yang Cheng. If Jeffery asked his family’s opinion, Presumably they would be on Yang Cheng\'s side.

Jeffery didn\'t respond much. He had lived for most of his life. He hadn\'t heard anything. He easily saw through Yang Cheng\'s tricks, but he didn\'t refute it. He just clicked on Yang Cheng emptily and continued.

"Furthermore, Pixar, the characters and stories of each of their works are brand-new creations, and it is almost impossible to find shadows from the past themes. From the first animation "Toy Story", Pixar started their The long journey of anthropomorphism of all kinds of characters and colors, from toys, to insects, monsters, underwater creatures, and mice, robots, cars and so on in recent years.

When these non-human protagonists were endowed with human sexual personality and qualities, they even showed a better human sexual light than most humans. Therefore, the sincere experience experienced in Pixar’s animation The emotions and resonance of Pixar are more pure and sincere, and it is easier to\'stimulate\' the resonance of adults. Therefore, in recent years, the animated films produced by Pixar are especially suitable for young and old. "