Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 197: this is the truth!

(This chapter is a bit evil~)

"Mr. Yang, I think this price is still worth considering. There are not many high-quality locations in Beverly Hills, and there are not many properties with 270-degree invincible views. This excellent view is enough to worth millions of extras. Value, not expensive at all~"

Wendy was still happily ‘inducing’ and persuading Yang Cheng, turning the ‘flower’ to explain the advantages of the property one by one, but did not find that Yang Cheng’s eyes changed. . шщш.㈦㈨ⅹS.сом is updated quickly.

To be honest, to Yang Cheng, 55 million and 60 million are not much different. Moreover, Makowski’s vehicles are worth the increase of 5 million, but he is not happy with the feeling of being\'forced\'. If you are unhappy, you will naturally vent, and then some people will be unlucky. The instigator, Makowski Yangcheng, is not known, and no one is present. The unlucky nature will naturally fall on the\'poor\'\'female\' in front of you.

Standing up and coming to Wendy, the eyes that seemed to swallow people were firmly locked on the "woman".

Wendy\'s keen sixth sense told her that she was afraid that she would suffer today. She stepped back helplessly, and said in a trembling, weak voice, "Mr. Yang~"

"You should know that this world doesn\'t take so much for granted, right? If you want to get fruit, you have to make corresponding efforts." Yang Cheng stepped hard to\'press\', until Wendy retreated to the corner, and then there was no retreat. When Yang Cheng suddenly turned around and walked towards the bathroom, **** as he walked, a faint voice came, "I\'ll try to take a shower..."

Wendy is really going to cry. Don’t bring such bullies. How can anyone buy a house to try a shower? Of course, she understands the meaning of Yang Cheng’s words, "women" who do her business, especially in the Beverly area. Most of the active real estate agents are not clean, or in order to get a huge "draw", they do everything they want.

Especially for those male\'sex\' real estate economy, when you meet customers with special habit, if you don\'t bend down and give out chrysanthemum~\'flowers\', then you won\'t be able to win the single, which means that you can\'t get the\'pump\' and you will be busy. One meal, without money, can’t support oneself or family, this is the cruel and most realistic aspect of Hollywood Vanity Fair, this is America.

Wendy is not a newcomer anymore. When she first entered the industry, she wandered into the muddy water in order to achieve performance and\'success\'. However, with the enrichment of sales skills and experience, she also became a stable partner of\'communication\'. I got married and formed a family, and I never did it again, so I wouldn\'t do that business.

But not today. Wendy knows that she can\'t turn around and leave freely. Who knows if Yang Cheng is a careful eye. Once she calls the company and complains, she can\'t even keep her job, so she can talk about how to\'draw\' into a bonus. , Will the company offend the famous American billionaire for her small economy? The answer is obvious.

Yang Cheng deliberately opened the bathroom\'door\', Wendy listened to the sound of running water like a reminder. After a fierce ideological struggle, after all, she still had to bow her head to reality, bit her lip and sent a text message just now. My husband responded with a message, and then no longer hesitated. The shirts and skirts fell one by one, and the black high-heeled shoes were piled up in a mess, and they stepped barefoot on the soft carpet, red and red. The toenails have a sense of **** and seduction, with a shy expression on his face, walking through the cloakroom.

As the glass door of the bathroom slammed shut, there was silence in the bedroom, and the screen of the mobile phone on the bed flickered on and off. . .

"My wife, remember to eat lunch, you have a bad appetite!"

"My wife, is work going well?"

"Wife, my husband is giving out a bonus today. Can I take you to a big meal tonight?"

"My wife, are you busy again? Okay, remember to "take time" to reply to my message, don\'t worry me!"


. . . . . .

The city of angels at dusk is a kind of extreme\'waves\', thick and heavy clouds and mists entangled in the sky, the setting sun can only take a little gap, and\'shoot\' the crimson\'colors\' of the clouds, like a sinking sea The swimming fish in the middle, accidentally rolled with golden\'color\' scales.

In the master bedroom on the second floor of the Trausdale Manor, there was a soft cry like a phoenix nirvana, ‘desire’ spreading its wings in the orange-red ‘color’ of Beverly Hills, gracefully turning people!

After a long while, the clouds disappeared and the rain rested, and the exhausted Wendy curled up in the arms of the man who took her to an unprecedented peak, panting heavily, not even wanting to move a finger at this time.

This short afternoon seemed to her to have gone through a century-long period of time. While she couldn\'t suppress the refreshing pleasure, she had to endure moral torture. She was at the equator for a while, and fell into the Antarctic. The torture of the ice and fire made Wendy want to die.

The evening breeze slowly blows in with the fragrance of ‘flowers’ and grass, and the sparrows that fall on the railing of the ‘Lu’ stand are chattering non-stop, seeming to mock the shameless pair of men and women on the boat.

Enjoying the lingering rhyme after GC, the contented Yang Cheng wiped the sweat off Wendy\'s cheeks, and kissed Wendy\'s shoulders. He chuckled and said, "Wendy, you\'re so\'great\', I don\'t I\'m willing to let you go, what should I do?"

"Mr. Yang, please let me go. This afternoon, treat it as a sweet dream. When you wake up from the dream, you will return to real life. People can\'t live in the dream forever." Wendy struggled to get up and smiled bitterly. He looked at his pair of strawberries on the firm, and said quite philosophically.

Yang Cheng didn\'t force it either. It was originally a ‘transaction’.

After getting addicted to the soft and greasy hand, he disembarked, picked up the clothes on the ground and handed it over, "I will sign a contract with you back to the company in a while, and think about what to do after I get this\'draw\'. Is it\'flowered\'?"

Wendy glanced at Yang Cheng angrily. She didn\'t forget to take advantage of it when she came, but she didn\'t say anything. Her body had been explored by Yang Cheng for just a few hours, so there was no secret.

"I am about to quit my job. I have been working for so many years and found out that this job is not suitable for me. Maybe it\'s not bad to open a supermarket or a\'flower\' shop with this money." Wendy took a meal in her clothes, like a Like an innocent little girl, she tilted her head and said relaxedly.

Yang Cheng nodded, he naturally wouldn\'t interfere with other people\'s lives. After thinking about it, he wanted to pick up Wendy\'s phone, asked for the unlock code, opened the address book and stored his phone number in, and then shook Wendy. The phone said, "This is my number, don\'t delete it. If you encounter any trouble in the future, call me and I will help you once."

Wendy was not hypocritical, she deserved it, and nodded, "I see, thank you."

Two hours later, Yang Cheng and Wendy went to the Century Real Estate Company to sign a contract. Tomorrow, the butler White will come over to handle the payment for him. In addition, he also needs White to bring his servants over to take care of his daily life.

That night, after personally sending Wendy home, Yang Cheng went directly to Trausdale. No, it should be called Jason Manor. After tired all afternoon, Yang Cheng didn’t go to the Jay-z party. I made a call to say sorry, and told Jay-z that he had bought the house by the way, and invited their husband and wife to come over and play.

On the first day in Los Angeles, it passed so happily.


On October 13, Yang Cheng slept until 10 am, and ordered the Hilton Hotel’s take-out service last night. After eating a few mouthfuls, he fell asleep on the bed and fell asleep without a dream. 12 or 3 hours after getting up\'bed\', my head is groggy, MD, sleeping too much.

I found a set of home clothes from the suitcase I didn\'t have time to organize, and ‘kneaded’ the compressed and deformed hair and came downstairs. White was already cleaning the house with his servant.

"Good morning White, when did you come?" Yang Cheng yawned, slumped on the sofa with sleepy eyes, and shouted to White who commanded the servant with his back.

"Good morning Jason, it\'s been more than an hour since I arrived. Did you sleep well last night?" White\'s unchanging standard smile looked very kind on Yang Cheng.

"You slept well, did you bring the chef?" Yang Cheng asked yawningly, groaning and groaning as soon as he woke up and had an appetite.

Of course White would not make low-level mistakes. Even if Yang Cheng didn\'t need it, he and his servants would need a chef to prepare meals.

"Of course, what do you want to eat?"

Yang Cheng thought for a while in a daze, "Make a sandwich and have cow\'s milk. I made an appointment with Jeffrey Kasenborg for lunch at noon. I can\'t eat too much."

"How about making a Parma fire\'leg\' cheese sandwich? Because it came early, the refrigerator didn\'t prepare too many ingredients." When White suggested to Yang Cheng, he did not forget to point to the artwork and signal the servant to wipe it. Be careful.

"Yeah, no problem. By the way, have the procedures for the house been completed?" Yang Cheng suddenly remembered that the house had not been officially transferred to his name.

"Yes, I arrived in the morning when Century Real Estate Company opened the\'door\'. The procedures have been completed. Just wait for the registration confirmation. In addition, the payment of the room needs to be paid within 3 days." White said to this set. He is very familiar with the work, and he is responsible for handling the transfer procedures of the Santa Barbara ranch.

Yang Cheng nodded, "You can contact Ryze Khan and ask him to pay from my account. Don\'t delay."


After eating a sandwich and going upstairs to wash, Yang Cheng drove down the mountain in a blue and black ‘color’ Bugatti by was sitting in the co-pilot.

"Wait later, let Andrew go to the Waldorf Astoria to drive Laferrari back to the manor, and then\'make time\' for the dealers to go to the house to do maintenance on the car." Yang Cheng put his head on the window frame with one arm. He held the steering wheel with one hand and ordered casually.

"Good boss."

David Ellison arranged the meeting place for several people at the Coast Club in Malibu. He didn\'t know what the grandson thought. He had to arrange a place so far away. Yang Cheng couldn\'t get up even if he drove a supercar on Highway 1. It took a full hour to reach the famous Malibu Beach.

Malibu, which stretches for 21 miles of coastline and is traversed by the Pacific Coast Highway, has world-renowned beaches, countless rushing\'waves\' handsome men and beautiful women\'s, luxurious celebrity villas and stunning natural landscapes. It is also a famous summer escape Resort, unfortunately it is autumn, even in California, it is not a good time to get into the water.

He got out of the car scoldingly, and knocked on the back of the car with his back. It’s not good for super running. I couldn’t stand it because I drove for a long time. I waved my hand to let the parking brother leave, locked the car, and pointed to the door. David Ellison greeted me with a smile and cursed, "You bastard, you have to pay me!"