Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 196: Episode

Just before Wendy\'s voice fell, there was a faint quarrel behind him, as if Andrew had a dispute with someone, Wendy hurriedly got up and ran over to check what happened.

Yang Cheng frowned and turned back, and beckoned to Hansen who was holding his post to ask what was going on.

"Boss, it seems that someone from another real estate company led the client to see the house, but Andrew was stopped by the door. As a result, the real estate agent became angry and the words were rather awkward." Hansen said, Let Yang Cheng roughly understand the cause and effect.

Not only did Wendy not calm down in the past, but the more the noise became more fierce, Yang Cheng had to tell Hansen, "Go and see what it looks like, and bring everyone here to talk."

"It\'s the boss."

Hansen took the lead, and soon a group of people appeared in Yang Cheng\'s field of vision, especially the two stylishly dressed black men and women who were invited into the living room by the stars.

Yang Cheng took a closer look and found that he was still an acquaintance, and this fight was no longer possible.

Standing up and returning to the room, Wendy greeted her to explain why Yang Cheng reached out and stopped her.

"Jay-z, what a coincidence?" It is Jay-z and Beyoncés who are indeed top superstars. They also brought a dozen assistants and bodyguards to the house.

"Jason? Why are you here?" Jay-z\'s black face was also full of surprises, his **** bounced up before it even touched the sofa, pushed away the real estate agent in the middle, and fisted and embraced Yang Orange.

Yang Cheng took off his glasses and hung them on her chest, shrugging and asking, "I still want to ask you, why did I quarrel with my bodyguard while looking at the house?"

Jay-z smiled awkwardly. It really has nothing to do with him. The main reason is that the real estate agent is arrogant and pretentious trying to order Andrew, but Andrew is a vegetarian. He didn’t draw a gun on the spot. The reason for the trouble to Yang Orange was so arguing.

But they work for him again. Jay-z is a very sleek person. It is not good to criticize the real estate agent in front of so many people. Otherwise, people will be jealous of spreading his bad words. Who will do it for them in the future? live? Don\'t forget that this is Hollywood, and the most important thing is paparazzi reporters who think they are not afraid of power.

At this time, Beyoncé, who took off her stubborn trench coat under the help of an assistant, walked over. This black woman, known as the world\'s most beautiful black woman, interprets the word **** in every move.

"Jason, I haven\'t seen you in a long time, are you okay?" Beyoncé\'s voice is very poor, it sounds dry.

Yang Cheng hugged the veneer intimately, and the surging touch on his chest made him feel very happy, "Very good, how about you? It seems that you are not in good condition?"

"No way, just after the concert, my voice needs to recuperate. I am very sorry for the conflict just now. If we know that you are looking at the house, we will wait a while." A woman is the best medicine to relieve a man\'s anger, whether it is anger Still yu~fire.

"Then you should have a good rest, you don\'t have to be sorry, it\'s not your fault, let\'s watch it together since it\'s here, I haven\'t decided whether or not to buy it yet." Yang Cheng generously invited, he knew the wealth of the couple. Comparable to some small families, and with the blessing of fame, this makes the two of them mixed in the upper class society.

"Actually, it\'s the third time we came. We have visited everything that should be seen, but the price has never been agreed. The price offered by the owner, Mr. Makowski, is too high." Jay-z interjected, obviously. This price also made him painful.

Yang Cheng nodded sympathetically, "Yes, I was drinking coffee when I first heard the offer and almost choked to death. So, why are you here this time?"

Beyoncé lifted up his blonde hair and replied helplessly, "Let’s take a look again and give the final offer. If Mr. Makowski still disagrees, we have to give up. But now that you, a rich man, join us, we’re afraid There is no need to quote."

Yang Cheng stretched his hands, "To be honest, I am also playing drums in my heart now. Although the appreciation potential of this manor is great, it is not worth it for me to give out so much cash at once. I have to think carefully about it, and you can offer Right."

Beyoncé and jay-z looked at each other, and jay-z said, "Then we\'re welcome."

Jay-z beckoned their real estate agent to come over, a bald white man, "48 million, this is our last offer, please contact Mr. Makowski."

The real estate agent is now sweaty. As soon as Yang Cheng showed up, he recognized the most popular Chinese man in the United States recently, and then avoided Yang Cheng’s attention as much as possible, for fear that Yang Cheng would pursue him for ramming the bodyguard at the door. Responsibility, no one knows the style of these wealthy people better than him. It is really to sue if they disagree, and the group of rogue lawyers in suits and leather shoes will fight for the rich instead of sue them to the 18th hell. All lose.

At this moment, the employer has to summon him. If you don\'t go, you can\'t do it. You can just bite the bullet and come forward, bury your head as much as you can, and say, "Okay, I will contact you."

Putting down these words, holding up the phone that hasn\'t been dialed, he ran out, as if staying here for a second would kill him.

There is also Wendy who does not have a good face. Of course, she did not treat anyone, but secretly cursed in her heart. I hope Makowski will hold on and don\'t agree with the quotations of the Jay-Zs. This is about a generous commission. It\'s a big matter, she can\'t help but feel darkened.

Taking advantage of the time when the real estate agent was out on the phone, Yang Cheng and the Beyonce couple sat in the bar area and chatted. Jay-z asked, "Jason, how long are you staying in Los Angeles this time?"

"It\'s estimated that it will take about a month, how about you?" Yang Cheng answered truthfully.

"We\'ll only have a few days. By the way, there is a party at my manor tonight. All friends are here. Jason, do you want to attend?"

"Let me see the situation, I will go if I have time."

. . .

The two chatted for a while, and the real estate economy came back to talk but stopped, Yang Cheng knew that the other party did not bring back good news, "I\'m really sorry, Mr. Makowski said he couldn\'t accept this price."

"It\'s really a shame. If that\'s the case, let\'s say goodbye." Jay-z didn\'t talk too much. People killed the high price and didn\'t let it go. You can\'t force them to sell with a gun.

Yang Cheng watched the Jay-z couple leave the villa in a hurry, and opened her hand to Wendy, "You have also seen that no one will accept the price of 80 million yuan. Why don\'t you just quote me a sincere price? Deal, otherwise I will turn around and leave."

Wendy saw that the prize money was about to fly, and she could not care about so much. She immediately said, "Mr. Yang, I have accidentally heard the conversation between the boss and Mr. Makowski. UU read Kowski said that the minimum cost is $55 million, and it will not sell for a cent."

"55 million? It\'s not cheap, but at least it doesn\'t sound that fantastic." Yang Orange shook his head and muttered.

I thought about it for a moment, and finally said, "You go and negotiate at this price. If you can negotiate, you can make a deal."

Wendy looked happy and screamed joyfully, then picked up the phone and started making a call.

Yang Cheng didn’t listen, but wandered around to the master bedroom on the second floor with his hands behind his back. The glass curtain wall outside the bedroom was opened through the ipad, and he sat on the big bed with his hands up and down with the elasticity of the mattress. Pinch backwards and you will have a panoramic view of Los Angeles.

He still decided to buy this luxury house because it has complete functions and facilities, the decoration style is very suitable to his appetite, and the investment value is good. After holding it in his hand for several years, he will sell it to the local tyrants in the Middle East or country Z. Making a fortune is not a problem, of course, the final deal depends on what Makowski meant.

About 10 minutes later, Wendy Jiao ran up panting, fanning the air with her hand to cool herself down, and she said quickly to Yang Cheng, "Mr. Yang, so you are here, I and Makowski The sir talked, and at first he did not agree, but after hearing that you wanted to buy, he hesitated for a while and still agreed, but he said the price was 60 million, including all the vehicles displayed in the garage."

"60 million? Are his cars worth 5 million?" Yang Orange raised an eyebrow and questioned.

When I just passed the garage, I also knew something about the vehicles on display. Bugatti Veyron, Spyker C8, Maserati GT, Rolls Royce Phantom, old Ford Mustang and two classic cars, the total value barely enough for 5 million US dollars , But he is unhappy, this is a bundle sale, strong buying and selling!