Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 194: Monthly summary

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Time flies, the sun and the moon are like a shuttle, the years are like a flick of a finger, fleeting, and in the blink of an eye, almost a month has passed since Yang Cheng’s one-night cocktail party that raised more than 4 billion US dollars. That crazy figure, It is still used as a post-dinner talk and is talked about by people.

On October 12, autumn stepped into the northern hemisphere, the climate was mild, and the air became refreshed. This season is also the best season to travel to New York. The average temperature is between 10 degrees and 16 degrees, and the wind is almost every day. On a nice day with beautiful sunshine, the summer is not hot and humid, and the temperature is very similar to that of spring, but it is more dry and clear.

The sky is high, the clouds are wide, and the sun is plentiful, making people unwilling to stay indoors and come to the park to enjoy the beauty of nature.

Today is the annual Columbus Day to commemorate the great navigator and explorer. Christopher Columbus set foot on the American continent for the first time in 1492. It was a spontaneous celebration of the people at first. Later, in 1971, President Roosevelt was legalized as a federal government. On holidays, various cities will also host various carnivals and parades, so that the masses and tourists feel the enthusiasm of the American continent.

And this year is the 70th parade held in New York. Early in the morning, hundreds of thousands of people swarmed the streets to watch the float parade performed by Italian residents. The lively scene seemed to dance with joy in the air. .

It is rare for Yang Cheng to not go to work in the company today. After being busy for a month, he was exhausted physically and mentally. Taking advantage of the company’s holiday, he also took time to take advantage of the company’s holiday. He first slept and woke up naturally, and then drove his mother out of Chinatown to purchase authentic Chinese food. Ingredients. After a warm and hearty Chinese lunch, the family took a business jet from Yuanshan Capital to fly to LA.

In the past month, Siwei Space and New Times Media have completed qualitative development. First, more than 4 billion US dollars of financing was completed. Then, one good news after another, the acquisition process of Time Magazine was completed, and it was launched on the last day of September. Announced that the big family of media that entered the new era with Lionsgate has caused a wave of waves with one stone. The outside world and the industry are in an uproar. It turned out that a new media empire has quietly risen under their noses without knowing it;

As the most important part of New Era Media, Toutiao app also received the strongest publicity because of this acquisition conference. The user scale officially exceeded 30 million, which is one step further from the small target of 50 million, and daily active users are stable. At the same time as millions, move steadily towards the tens of millions of levels.

The novel personalized recommendation model brings an unprecedented sense of fresh experience to American users. The average online time of users exceeds 30 minutes. This huge user viscosity is directly reflected in the crazy advertising volume. The business department of Toutiao app has almost become The busiest existence, the daily application of advertisements from advertisers makes employees overwhelmed, and they are in painful and happy working life every day.

Fortunately, Yang Cheng’s generosity is well-known within the company. The basic salary higher than the industry average and generous bonuses make every employee who joins this big family motivated. The warm company culture of\'family\' is Accept and get used to by employees a little bit;

Ryz Khan, a hardworking and loyal Indian mixed-race CEO, led the 4D space investment team to attack everywhere, using a few funds to continuously catch fish in the financial ocean, and Allen, a less dedicated investment The director feels like a fish in the water. He has set up a separate trader team to fully carry forward the small gods and attack those fragile small listed companies. He is not greedy, and runs away with a steal, holding the spirit of not failing thieves. It has become a lot, and it has been quite rewarding after a period of time.

At present, the company has more than 500 million US dollars in its own funds, in addition to controlling more than 4 billion of New Era Media\'s activity funds. Before DreamWorks is acquired, this money will be the weapon and ammunition for the four-dimensional space charge;

In addition, through Georgina’s introduction, Yang Cheng successfully established a relationship with a senior official. After several contacts, the two sides formed a good friendship. Yang Cheng also explored the White House’s attitude towards Warwick from the other side. Warwick has hired several lobbying companies to tackle key problems with relevant departments. At present, just advertising and promoting the brand will not cause criticism. In this way, Yang Cheng can safely and boldly instruct New Times Media and Warwick Mobile to conduct all-round Promoting cooperation is another substantial income.

And this time Yang Cheng’s trip to Los Angeles will have a series of things that he will need to deal with. The first is the acquisition of DreamWorks;

Also get in touch with Donna Lande, President of Universal Pictures, a strong Hollywood woman who is a strong candidate for the CEO of the upcoming film group under New Age Media;

In addition, Yang Cheng was invited by Quora founder Charlie Chievo, who happened to meet at the reception before, to visit Quora in Silicon Valley. Judging from the tone of the phone, the other party seemed to be moved by Yang Cheng’s ideas and was ready to find Quora for Quora. Backing, New Era Media is undoubtedly the priority object;

Finally, there are a bunch of trivial things, such as going to the ranch to check the progress of the transformation, if there is any dissatisfaction, it can be corrected in time and so on.

With this calculation, Yang Cheng may have to stay in Los Angeles for a month or so. After the plane landed, he would first go to Beverly Hills to buy a house as a place to stay, which happened to be a place for him to spend time and drink and hide in his golden house.

At 12 noon local time in Los Angeles, Yang Cheng\'s business jet arrived at Los Angeles International Airport. The driver of the Waldorf Astoria drove his Gust to pick up the plane.

As soon as I stepped out of the cabin door, time seemed to slow down suddenly. The soft California sunshine and the gentle sea breeze blowing from the Pacific Ocean unconsciously relax my nerves. From busy New York to the leisurely city of angels, this contrast is Extraordinarily strong.

Yang Cheng changed into the iconic California dress on the plane, yellow beach pants, red floral shirt, casual shoes, straw hat and brown sunglasses, the whole playboy.

Walking down the gangway with a team of bodyguards, Gust, with Aegean colors, was dazzling blue in the sun. In addition to the driver in black uniform and white gloves, there was a beautiful Chinese girl with black microwave curly short hair and white sleeveless. The high-collar bottoming shirt and black knee-length uniform dress, the classic black and white collocation demonstrates the ability, but also highlights her upright posture.

Seeing that Yang Cheng took off her sunglasses, she looked over with aggressive gaze. The girl seemed to have been accustomed to the attention of men. She naturally hooked one side of her hair behind her ears, exposing her elaborate brick red nail art and a few naughty hairs. The silk was scattered on both sides of his cheeks, and Yang Cheng scored a full score in his heart with this slap-up gesture.

"Are you?" Yang Cheng stood still in front of the woman, without concealing the look she was looking at, and paused for a moment at the upper wall, which was not too turbulent but very strong, and asked with interest.

"Hello Mr. I am a senior real estate consultant sent by Century Real Estate Company, Wendy Liu, I will show you the property today." Wendy Lang introduced himself to Yang Cheng in a pleasant voice, Chinese It\'s fairly standard, but it\'s a little strange, it seems to be a new immigrant.

Suddenly, Yang Cheng contacted this century real estate company through Citibank’s personal assistant before boarding the plane. He wanted to come to the other party to learn that it was Yang Cheng, a rich man who came to Beverly to buy real estate. In order to match Yang Cheng’s Chinese identity, he decisively sent Wendy, a beautiful Chinese girl, came to the reception.

But then Yang Cheng wondered, "Didn\'t we make an appointment to meet at the hotel?"

Faced with Yang Cheng’s doubts, Wendy didn’t panic, and said with a Qiao smile, “After I arrived at the hotel, I specifically inquired about your pick-up, and then begged the driver to take me with me, which seemed more sincere.”

"Is a smart girl." Yang Cheng praised secretly in her heart.

Nodded clearly and pointed to the car doorway, "I\'m interested, let\'s get in the car and talk."

After the group of people got on the car, the bodyguard drove the Lincoln Navigator to open the road ahead, and Gust steadily followed behind and moved at a constant speed in the direction of the city. ()