Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 139: Preservation

(Happy New Year everyone, Xiaopang is here to wish everyone a happy family, good health, great luck in the Year of the Dog, a prosperous life, a prosperous career, a prosperous love, everything must be prosperous! In addition, don’t forget each other if you are rich! Hehe ~(≧▽≦)/~)

"Jason." Zhang Jingchu instinctively squeezed Yang Cheng\'s arm, her face was worried, and she called Yang Cheng softly to remind him not to be impulsive.

Konrad Koch touched his bald head and stared at Yang Cheng with stern eyes, trying to find the flaws in Yang Cheng\'s face, but the result disappointed him. Yang Cheng\'s crazy face made him subconsciously. Even if he stopped the loss, he still accompany Yang Cheng crazy.

Staring at Yang Cheng for a while, then turned his gaze to Naif, no doubt Yang Cheng\'s allin also caused him trouble.

Yang Cheng maintained the posture of dressing ratio for 1 minute. The scene was cold and silent, and no one answered, which was embarrassing. Just when he was considering whether to sit down first, Conrad gave a light cough, "Ahem~i \'mout I quit."

If you look closely, you will find that Naif\'s tight eyes suddenly loosened, shook his head, followed Conrad\'s footsteps, "fold."

Now the audience\'s eyes are on Little Japan, just like the scene when he humiliated Yang Cheng before the opening.

The Japanese have a gamble in their bones, especially when they are on the brink of desperation, they often launch a Jedi counterattack, because they are baptized by the so-called Bushido spirit, the Emperor is with them, and the Emperor will bless them to win the final victory.

Little Japan stood up, holding the table with both hands, staring at Yang Cheng, and gritted his teeth and said, "I don\'t believe you have two a, I\'m with you, allin."

Yang Cheng was not shocked by this momentum, but shrugged playfully, "I admire your courage to fight, but unfortunately you don\'t have enough chips."



After all, Xiao Lizi is mixed with Hollywood, Sony Pictures left Columbia and right MGM, even if he is a super first-line celebrity, he dare not easily offend him, he can only endure a smile and turn his head away.

But Ellison and Conrad are not so scrupulous. The open laugh is full of irony. After replacing Larry Ellison, they may also say a few good things to Japan. That madman is very Addicted to Japanese culture.

The croupier said at the right time, politely and gently reminded, "Sir, Mr. Yang has bet $12.8 million in this round, and there are only 7.2 million chips left on your table, which is not in accordance with the rules of the game. Would you like to add your chips? ?"

"You don\'t need to talk nonsense, come here, give me 6 million chips." Little Japan has no choice but to take Yang Orange, and can only exasperate the dealer.

The wait staff was very dexterous and quickly exchanged 6 million chips from the safe in the VIP room.

This time it was Yang Orange\'s turn, "Mr. Yang, you still have a shortfall of 400,000."

Before Yang Cheng spoke, Ellison became impatient, and threw two dollars from his chips, "Now we are all together, let\'s draw the cards quickly."

Yang Cheng raised his hand and motioned to Little Japan to please.

"Huh, I\'m fullhouse (fullhouse), I see how you are bigger than me." The little Japan flipped over his cards and fell on the table in pain, and there was an a and j.

"Haha, unfortunately, I am also a fullhouse (gourd), but my pair of k is bigger than you and the pair of j, why can\'t I be bigger than you?"

Yang Cheng flipped the trump card and threw it in front of Little Japan. With Zhizhu holding it, Taylor licked his lips unconsciously.

"Baga!" Little Japan slapped a slap on the table and shouted at Yang Cheng.

Yang Cheng disagrees, he has made the money, don\'t let people vent it? I didn\'t expect to come to Las Vegas and earn money for a plane.

With a happy smile, he put his arms around Zhang Jingchu\'s big mouth and printed vermilion lips, ignoring the dying appearance of Little Japan.

Counting the last hand of cards, he made a net profit of more than 50 million U.S. dollars this evening for more than 3 hours. This is a money-making efficiency. No wonder those who are not strong in mind are easily addicted, let alone them, even Yang Cheng almost almost The blood is on top, and the victory will be pursued.

Fortunately, the warmth of the woman behind him aroused his lust, just like a general who returned home from battle in all directions. The first thing he did when he returned home was to blend in with his own woman, and use the tenderness of a woman like water. Wash away the blood.

At this point in the gambling round, Yang Cheng, the biggest winner, naturally took it as soon as he saw it. After a brief chat with Conrad and Naif, he exchanged contact information with Taylor Swift and agreed to have a chance to have a dinner party. , And then asked Ellison and Xiao Lizi. They hadn’t had enough fun and were ready to continue fighting. Yang Cheng didn’t persuade him much. He was the winner. He said too much was inappropriate, so he led Zhang Jingchu back to the room with shame. .

Back to their lake-view suite, the clothes were thrown into the air one by one, and they fell on the carpet freely and loosely without the force of gravity. From time to time, accompanied by the feminine voice, there was rhythmic applause in the room, sometimes high-pitched. Sometimes low, the bathroom, living room, dining table, floor-to-ceiling windows, every corner of the room left a mark of love. . .

Fighting against the gums, the two fit together and push back. Cauliflower plays with butterflies and **** flower pith, and honey-loving mad bees conceal honey nests.

The powdery sweat is dry and wet, and it feels like getting up on the pillow. This is the reason why the music is really incomparable.

The indescribable rhythm lasted for a full 2 ​​hours before ending in a violent shaking in the woman\'s soft, rushing and seductive ‘no’.

Yang Cheng held a soft ball in her hand, her head now between the fragrant and sweaty pink neck. After the spring tide, the woman\'s creamy muscles floated up with a beautiful rouge color, set against the moonlight and neon lights, which was differently alluring.

"Little bastard, you got in again." Zhang Jingchu leaned against the hard and spacious chest of the little man, feeling the nasty bad thing in Huaxin, and said in a fragile and charming voice.

"Hehe, don\'t you want to?" Yang Cheng said buzzingly against the snow skin.

"I~I don\'t know either." The woman murmured involuntarily.

"Don\'t think too much, let it be your fate. I am 27 now. If you are a foreigner, children of this age can make soy sauce. If you can leave me with a son and a half, everyone in the Yang family will be grateful to you. "Yang Cheng raised her head, lay down, let the woman half crawl on her body, staring at the moist eyes, and said seriously.

To be honest, Yang Cheng raised this issue with the women around him more than once. After crossing over, many women had **** with and he has never taken security measures, so just let the flow go. The attitude, but now that none of them have won the bid, this is a wicked one. He has to wonder if this is a sequelae of crossing?

When he was thinking about it, his chest hurt, and Zhang Jingchu complained, "You, won\'t you lie to me once, don\'t you know which marriage book is the most important thing for a woman? I know I can\'t, but I would like to hear even if it is a lie!"

Yang Orange caressed the smooth jade back with a dubious cry, "You, how old are you? Are you still like a little girl?"

"I\'m a woman too old. Women are born with the right to complain, you know?" Zhang Jingchu looked beautifully, with her chin resting on Yang Cheng\'s chest, and said mischievously.

"Okay, woman, you have the power to act like a baby, and I have the power to punish you, depending on how I clean up you!" Yang Cheng came to a hungry tiger and turned over and directly pressed the woman under him.

The woman screamed and panted, with the endless amorous feelings between her eyebrows and eyes, raised her chin, pretending to be provocative, and laughed, "Afraid of you?"

