Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 138: Gambling (3)

At 3 o\'clock in the morning, the dense ink of the night, the night when the casinos are turned upside down, the light canopy show in the old city Fei Meng Street adds a sense of drunk to the drunk tourists, accompanied by the deafening western country music. Emotionally.

Of course, more are gamblers who are confused by the dome of the casino. The gamblers who don\'t know the passage of time, the ceiling of blue sky and white clouds makes gamblers always "black in the day and night".

In the VIP room of the Bellagio, the smoke filled with smoke, mixed with various cigar aromas, makes it difficult for non-smokers to adapt, even the high-powered ventilation system can not perform its function.

The gambling has been carried out so far, whether the winners are like the losers, it is a double test for their mental and physical strength.

Of course, in order to ensure the player\'s health, the croupier requires a 15-minute break for every half hour of the game, so as to relieve the player\'s tension.

Well, this is a joke, the casino doesn\'t care about the players\' physical condition, they just do everything possible to keep you in the casino longer, longer.

After getting a good start from the very beginning, Yang Cheng seemed to run out of luck, often winning one round and losing one round. Although the overall state of profitability was maintained, this kind of torture was really uncomfortable.

Conrad and Naif seem to have temporarily tempered their tempers because of the newcomers. Apart from maintaining the\'tacit understanding\' of you bet and I call, and you fold and I fold, there are no excessive verbal attacks or even targeted attacks. For gambling, the atmosphere on the table became dull.

After a 15-minute break, it was a new round. The croupier took the lead to issue the hole cards. This time, Moyu took the lead in betting. After looking at the cards, he straightened the blond hair and threw $100,000 in chips. The voice said in a pleasant voice. Sentence, "I\'m lucky, 100,000."

Yang Cheng didn\'t feel surprised. He had lost almost 3 million U.S. dollars before. At the moment, he was a little impatient and wanted to get it back. A typical rookie mentality.

Showed a gentle smile to MoMu as a sign of encouragement, covered it with his hand, and quickly passed his gaze over his hole cards, a crazy thought flashed through his mind, and then drew out half a million chips to the table without expression, "50 Million."

Everyone looked up at Yang Cheng and quickly turned aside their gazes. They couldn\'t help but whispered in their hearts. They seemed to be good cards. The previous cycle pattern of Yang Cheng winning and losing seemed to have left a fixed impression on others. It happened that he lost his last hand, and the cards in his hand should be good now, at least he has an aces.

The moment the bearded man heard the 500,000, he immediately shook his head and folds. Naif did not respond, and still calmly threw the 500,000 chips to call.

Little Japan and Conrad didn\'t speak, and silently called, but Ellison, the biggest winner so far tonight, took a sip of wine and ate cornflakes and said vaguely, "I won\'t follow."

Little Lizi played with a bargaining chip in his hand for a long time, then put it back in frustration, and pushed his hole card and said, "Give up."

Unexpectedly, three people were removed in the first one, and the situation became interesting.

The croupier placed the chips in the pot neatly and started the second round. The community cards were dealt: 8 of spades, aces of hearts, j of hearts.

As the square piece j fell on the table, Moyu dignifiedly called check, which means she checked. She wanted to wait and see the bets of other people before deciding whether to call or not. It can be seen that she did not agree with her hand type. not optimistic.

Yang Cheng shrugged, threw a chip directly, and shouted with a smile, "2 million, the gambling is now in progress, it\'s time for a wave of gc."

After speaking, he glanced at Little Japan provocatively.

"Follow!" Naif\'s style of cherishing words like gold and waving his hand to throw millions of dollars is really pretending to be like a hand. The key is that others want to learn but can\'t learn it.

Little Japan naturally received Yang Cheng\'s eyes. He had already made up his mind to be a turtle. His bad mood due to losing money turned into anger, just like adding fuel to a fire, biting his back teeth and glaring at Yang Cheng. , "200, no, 3 million."

Conrad smiled, touched his Mediterranean release, and said, "Jason is right. The last few hours are really boring. It just happens that I have a good hand. Why don\'t you play a big one?"

This question seems to be asked Naif again, but he asked and answered himself within one second, "5 million."

Now Zhang Jingchu, who was not only drowsy, was pouring cold water on her face, she woke up in an instant, looking at Yang Cheng\'s profile with worry.

The waiters in the corners of the VIP room also light up their eyes, not wanting to miss this gamble. Century Gambling is not something that you can often encounter.

Mildew is like meeting a tiger, throwing out the cards far away, this round is not something she can participate in.

At this moment, after the second round of betting, the total amount of pot funds has reached 14.1 million US dollars. This is not the limit. Don’t forget that there are two more rounds of betting.

The croupier smiled, the more pot money he got, the higher the rake he got, and his voice became sweeter.

Ace of spades!

The fourth public card is a again, and the card pattern becomes confusing immediately. Straight, full house, and four are possible.

Conrad was about to start placing a bet, but he heard Yang Cheng shout with a grin, "If you want to play, play more exciting, what do you think? Uncle Conrad."

"Hehe, I think so too, 8 million."

Yang Cheng satisfactorily picked up a plate of Black Forest cake from the cart. Unlike the modern Black Forest cake that has been modified using chocolate, Bellagio’s pastry chef uses traditional craftsmanship and puts a lot of cherries in the cake at no cost. In the interlayer, or decorate the cake carefully one by one. When making the whipped cream for the cake, add cherry juice to the inside to make the cake sweet and not greasy, and it has a fresh and refreshing feeling.

He hasn\'t stopped his mouth this night. French fries, egg tarts, potato chips, cakes, if the fried chicken tastes too strong, he wants to order fried chicken wings. His appetite is like a bottomless pit, and he sees the mold next to him. A look of envy.

Little Japan hesitated again. In fact, the cards in his hand were not good, but not bad. He would fold if he changed to another round, but Yang Cheng’s faint mocking expression really made him angry. At one point, the posterior molars were about to be crushed, and an angry blood rushed into his throat, "Follow!"

Naif is still a follow! "

Yang Cheng was holding a plate in one hand and a dessert spoon in his mouth. He freed up one hand to check out 3 chips and threw it on the table, "Follow."

46.1 million, the pot soared to 46 million. This is undoubtedly a figure that is enough to make people crazy. Didn\'t the breathing of the waiters become heavy?

Zhang Jingchu moved the chair to Yang Cheng\'s side, and put her arm around Yang Cheng nervously.

At this point in this round, none of the remaining 4 players dared to quit easily. Everyone made a heavy bet. If you quit at this time, you will lose a lot, and if you continue to fight, there is at least the hope of winning.

The last public card has not yet been released. The expressions of the four Yang Cheng and the others can be called all kinds of life. Yang Cheng’s relaxed smile, Naif’s poker face, Little Japan panicked, Conrad’s serious face, and gamblers. The best mental state is displayed heartily.

When the croupier turned over the last public card, the ordinary club K showed his true face, Yang Cheng said nothing, and threw the plate with the cake back, stood up and held the table with both hands, staring Little Japan smiled cruelly and playfully, "allin, I\'m all down!"