Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 140: Custom aircraft

(happy New Year!)

In the morning, Yang Cheng, who was only slept for more than an hour, was awakened by the alarm clock. She rubbed her sore eyelids and felt like her eye sockets were hit by a basketball. She was swollen and didn\'t want to open her eyes.

He lowered his head and looked at the sleeping beauty in his arms, sighed and shook it slightly.

"What are you doing?"

Zhang Jingchu moved her eyebrows, turned around with sleepy eyes, and patted Yang Chengnuo dimly.

"I have to rush back to New York. There is a date in the morning. Are you with me?" Yang Cheng inserted her fingers into the woman\'s hair and gently shaved her scalp.

The woman was comfortably enjoying the caress of the man, her chaotic brain stagnated for a while before she opened one eye strenuously, "No, I\'m so sleepy, don\'t worry about me, when I wake up, buy a ticket back to Los Angeles."

"Why don\'t you drive my car back? I\'ll let the bodyguard follow you. You drive slowly. When you are tired, go to the service area to rest." Yang Cheng suddenly remembered that his Rafa is still in Vegas. At this.

Zhang Jingchu relaxed for a while, cheering up, "Should I drive back? I haven\'t driven your car."

"Then have you driven a sports car?" Yang Orange asked awkwardly.

"Done, Porsche." Zhang Jingchu raised the corner of her mouth slightly, and the orange-red sunrise sprinkled on Qiao\'s face through the glass, as if she was wearing red makeup.

"That\'s good, it\'s almost the same. Just step on the accelerator." The Porsche 911 is an entry-level sports car. For those who have never driven a sports car before, it is best to get a 911 to adapt to it for a while, and then go to Ferrari and Lamborghini. run.

"Well, don\'t blame me if it crashed." Zhang Jingchu still ambush Yang Cheng with some guilty conscience.

Yang Cheng lifted the quilt, and the twenty-eight long stick swayed in the air, making Zhang Jingchu smile.

"If you have nothing to do, buy a new one if the car crashes. You can drive boldly. Remember to slam the brakes in an emergency. You don\'t need to worry about what happens behind you. You are the most important." Yang Cheng said nothing. His words instantly warmed the woman\'s heart.

After getting tired of bed for a while, Yang Cheng reluctantly went to the bathroom to take a shower, changed his clothes and took the hotel\'s Rolls Royce to McCarran International Airport.

Four and a half hours of sailing was enough for Yang Cheng to supplement sleep. When he arrived in New York, it was already local time in the afternoon.

Before boarding the plane, she explained to Su Su and asked her to comfort the people at Dassault. In any case, it was Yang Cheng that delayed the appointment time. Appropriate expression of apology is the basic etiquette.

In the huge office of the chairman, under Susu’s warm and thoughtful reception, the vice president of Dassault’s North America, who was in charge of the large account department of Dassault Company, who was invited by Yang Cheng, returned to the meeting area. Orange French beauty Sophia Caroline, as well as a designer and an engineer.

Su Su just brought the coffee, and Yang Cheng\'s voice rang out, "I\'m sorry, I\'m very sorry, because I have to go to Los Angeles to deal with business affairs. I have delayed today\'s appointment. I will definitely give me a chance to invite you. Apologize for having dinner."

Yang Cheng saw Susu winking straight at herself, but he still didn’t know for some reason. Last night, the news of the three big diamond male gods of him, Xiao Lizi and Ellison in Las Vegas has swept the Internet, and countless people eat melons. The crowd made humor on Facebook and Twitter, the sour men and the hatred of the rich, and the women sighed how much gc would be if they could accompany the male gods on a night tour of Vegas.

What makes Yang Cheng unpredictable is that the Toutiao app has accumulated a number of loyal users after these days of fermentation. The news that three of them appeared in Las Vegas was recorded by the first batch of Toutiao’s contracts from the media. The video is uploaded to the app and then spread to the entire network.

Yang Cheng, who didn\'t know why, found that not only Susu, but also Dassault\'s team also had a ridiculous expression. Realizing that it was not good, but not knowing what went wrong, he had to pretend to shake hands with the vice president and say hello.

"Shall we start?" Yang Cheng loosened his tie and wore dark circles after the courtesy. He didn\'t know that he thought he stayed up all night and worked hard last night.

"Okay, Mr. Yang, can we start with the appearance of the fuselage? I don\'t know what your favorite color scheme is?" The designer took out the notebook and ipad, called up a set of customized software, and placed it in front of Yang Orange.

Yang Cheng took the pad and flipped over the palette and shook his head, "There is no color I like on it. I said you can record it."

After a pause, when the designer was ready to record, he cleared his throat and said, "What I want is a pop gradual feeling, from the nose to the tail, from the light champagne color to the sun gold, and then Ask someone to design my Chinese name into a pattern and print it on the top of the machine."

The designer thought for a while, wanted to go back to the ipad to adjust it for a while, and then let Yang Orange look at a color tone, "Mr. Yang, is this feeling?"

Yang Cheng looked at the renderings, nodded in satisfaction, and shook his head again, "It\'s the feeling, but the gold color on the tail of the aircraft is even more exciting. Do you understand what I mean?"

The designer smiled and nodded, "I understand Mr. Yang, you need to go back and use professional graphics software to color, and after the final renderings come out, I will show them to you before you start production."

"That\'s good."

"Next is the interior. What special requirements does Mr. Yang have in terms of seat layout?" The designer moved on to the next item.

"I need a bedroom. A set of audio-visual equipment should be installed in the bedroom without taking up space." This is what Yang Cheng urgently needs.

"No problem, but this will lose some seats?" the designer reminded.

"It\'s okay. This plane is for my personal use. Can I guarantee at least 6 passengers besides the crew members?" Yang Cheng asked after drinking.

"If there is no requirement for the bedroom space, 8 seats can be installed." The designer said after drawing a few strokes on the paper.

"That\'s it, as long as the bedroom has a bed and a bathroom." Yang Cheng made a neat decision.

"Ok, we will try our best to concentrate the three functions of the restaurant, bar, and meeting room in one area, and the overall interior style?"

"Use warm colors, modern light luxury style, remember to use environmentally friendly materials." Yang Cheng stretched out his index finger and said.

The designer nodded repeatedly, "I understand Mr. Yang, according to your request, I will probably make a budget. The final landing price of the aircraft should be between 55 million and 60 million US dollars. The payment is divided into three phases. The final renderings are released. Pay 30% of the down payment, 40% of the mid-term payment, and 30% of the final payment. Do you have any questions about this?"

Yang Cheng smiled and blinked at Sophia, "If you can guarantee that I will get the plane within 3 months, I will pay the full amount now."

The designer couldn\'t answer for a moment. Who knows if this is a joke or a serious one. At this time, he saw the importance of the vice president, and took the conversation, "Mr. Yang, in fact, if you are in a hurry, it is not impossible."

Seeing Yang Cheng’s expression of listening, the vice president continued, “The company now has an order for a Falcon 7x, and the customer’s third-phase payment has breached the contract. According to the contract, our company has a unilateral refusal to deliver. The aircraft has not been painted yet, and the interior is not much different from Mr. Yang’s requirements. If you are sure that you can pay the full amount, I can unilaterally call the shots and transfer the order to Mr. Yang’s name."

Yang Cheng raised her brows, there is still such a good thing?

"Any interior pictures?"

It\'s a bit embarrassing to see the designer\'s appearance. It seems that this is irregular, but under the eyes of the vice president, he reluctantly finds the picture on the pad and hands it to Yang Cheng.

In the renderings, the interior adopts creamy white as the main color, black and white contrast color matching, black carpet, white sofa, and hundreds of color tone atmosphere light systems are installed in the cabin. Except that there is no audio-visual system in the bedroom, the rest are very good. Meet Yangcheng\'s customized requirements.

What are you still hesitating? Anyway, I won back the money for the plane last night, and nodded immediately, "Yes, just this one. Remember to install the audio-visual system for me, as well as your company’s new technology. Use everything that should be used, I know. Dassault Company produces fighter jets, so your safety system must be better than Gulfstream and Bombardier, right?"

"Of course, please believe me, Mr. Yang. After your aircraft is produced, it must be the world\'s top." The vice president is confident in his company\'s products, holding his head up like a proud Gallic rooster.

"Ok, sign the contract, the full payment will be received within a week." Yang Cheng got up and shook hands with the vice president.

The vice president gave a facial expression and quickly apologized, "Sorry, Mr. Yang, I didn\'t expect any changes before I came here. Please allow me to go back and adjust the order system. Can I officially sign with you tomorrow?"

Yang Cheng also understood that the plane he had missed was an order placed by the vice president’s opponent. It would have been nasty to go back, but it has nothing to do with him. He only needs the result, as long as he can get it within 3 months. Just get to the plane.

"Yes, I\'ll be waiting for you in the office tomorrow, to celebrate the evening to have a meal?" Yang Cheng shrugged and said with a great deal.

"We still have work and won\'t go. Why don\'t we let Sophia accompany you for dinner? She is the most colorful rose in our company." The vice president blinked ambiguously at Yang Cheng. My sister and pimps are so refreshing and refined. .

Yang Cheng coughed a few times and touched her nose. She was so generous, and it would be too much to refuse. "It\'s okay, you guys are out of Haha, I wish you a wonderful night."

After sending away the people from Dassault Company, Yang Cheng pressed her temple on her boss chair, and suddenly remembered that Susu winked at him before, and the strange expression of the Dassault team, she couldn\'t help but called Susu in. , Ready to ask what happened.

"Susu, what do you mean by winking at me before? Strict confession and more resistance." Yang Cheng pulled the little white rabbit over, letting her fall into her arms, revealing the treacherous wolf With a smile, a flexible big hand poked in from the bottom of the skirt.

The little white rabbit held back his shame, pressed his big hand with the little hand, and said softly, "No, bad guy, I have come to relatives today."

He whispered and pointed to the computer, "You should read the news and find the answers yourself."

After finishing talking, Yang Cheng didn\'t pay attention and sprang up, trotting out on high heels, and before leaving the office door, he didn\'t forget to turn his head and grimacing at Yang Cheng with his tongue out.

Yang Cheng smiled and shook her head, looking at Susu with dozing eyes, and said to herself, "Smelly girl, learn how to be smart."