Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 12: Return home (2)

The 15-hour flight, even in first-class cabin, is a big test for the body, especially for Yang Cheng, who is used to sleeping on a big bed and cannot turn over in this small space, which is really uncomfortable.

   After getting off the plane and waiting for Alina and the bodyguards, a group of four entered the country quickly through the VIP channel. Yang Cheng, who was still holding a Z passport a few days ago, is now holding a U.S. passport and applying for a visa to return to China. For a while, he was a little uncomfortable.

  While waiting for the customs to go through the immigration formalities, several flight attendants in red uniforms pulled the flight boxes and walked in a line. Jiang Shiyu was among them.

   Yang Cheng\'s eyes rolled, she put on a smile that he thought of as a gentleman, and greeted him, "Hello, beautiful lady, can I know your name?"

   The other flight attendants looked at Jiang Shiyu with a situational expression. The one closest to her was naughty and pulled Jiang Shiyu by the corner of his clothes, and kept urging her. Obviously, they had encountered such things.

Different from the embarrassment of ordinary girls in this situation, Jiang Shiyu was not shy, but walked out openly and took the initiative to reach out and shook Yang Cheng, "Hello Mr. Yang Cheng, my name is Jiang Shiyu, friend We all call me Xiaoyu, and it\'s nice to meet you."

As a first-class flight attendant, he has a basic understanding of the information of first-class passengers. Yang Cheng even booked the ticket through the phone assistant of the American Express Black Card. The airline will report to the flight attendant in advance to avoid neglecting the VIP. Because such people can affect the existence of the company\'s stock price.

   So Yang Cheng did not surprise the other party directly calling out his name, "It is late now, can I exchange contact information? If it is convenient, find time to have a casual meal together, thank you for taking care of me on the plane."

   Yang Cheng refers to the fact that he fell asleep on the plane, and Jiang Shiyu helped him level the seat and cover it with a blanket to avoid catching cold.

Of course, he knows that this is the job of the other party, and there is no other deep intention, but there must be a reason to invite people to dinner. If you invite people to dinner for no reason, it is still a beautiful woman. It is strange if you don\'t treat you as a gangster and spray your face with water. . . . Except for those who worship money.

Although Jiang Shiyu\'s personality is more cheerful and lively, her words and deeds are informal, but the reservedness of oriental women does not allow her to easily agree to the offer of a man who meets for the first time, even if she does have such a lost interest in this man from the bottom of her heart. That\'s it.

"That\'s my job, you are too polite, Mr. Yang, you don\'t have to eat, let\'s see you by chance..." After saying that, Yang Cheng smiled, waved his hand and walked away with his colleagues, not to keep Yang Cheng. Opportunity.

   "A girl with personality." Feeling the fresh fruity lingering scent on the tip of the nose, he secretly said.

As the son of a fashion devil, Yang Cheng has a full understanding of the mainstream fashion items on the market. The perfume is naturally in the range. Hermès Nile perfume, this fusion of fruity, floral and woody fragrances, smokes and dyes In addition to the clear and atmospheric spring natural atmosphere, there is also a low-key feeling of luxury, which is very suitable for girls of youth age. (A lady perfume that Xiaopang personally likes very much. My previous girlfriend’s favorite. I sincerely recommend it. The price is not too expensive. Wolf friends can buy it for their girlfriends, and then... Cough cough... Get it yourself. , It just so happens that Christmas is coming soon, is it very sweet?)

   wrote down Jiang Shiyu\'s preferences, and caught up with the 3 people who had already completed the formalities and waited there, and left the airport quickly.

Riding in the Rolls-Royce welcome car of Waldorf Astoria on the Bund, Yang Cheng, who was sitting in the back row of the boss, looked out the window at the familiar and unfamiliar night scene. It took him a long time to withdraw his sight and said to Elina next to him. "Elena, contact the person in charge of the Shanghai Stock Exchange Office to see me at the hotel tomorrow morning at 9 o\'clock, and also urge the headquarters to send me all the information about the Golden Monkey Company and Tae Young Real Estate."

   "I see, do you need me to send a letter to the Golden Monkey Company?" Ailena pulled all her hair to one side, and her perfect profile appeared in Yang Cheng\'s eyes.

"Not for the time being. I need to study and study the company\'s financial situation before making plans." Yang Orange shook his head. Before coming, Yang Sen only roughly described the country Z food company that Hershey bought last year for 2.4 billion yuan. Yang Cheng\'s debt problem, but the specific needs to be investigated by Yang Cheng himself.

   At present, Lehman has secretly held more than 20% of Hershey\'s shares, but they are all held through offshore shell companies, and the shares are dispersed. If it does not exceed 5%, no public announcement is required.

Not only that, it is rumored that the other party has reached an oral agreement with the Hershey Board of Trustees. As long as the Attorney General let go, they will acquire most of the shares of the Board of Trustees in the first place. The other party has done a good job of keeping secrets for such a big matter. Whether this news is true or not is unknown.

Janssen’s current plan is to let Catherine Kane hold Lehman’s side and show the intention of letting go at the right time, while Yang Cheng must step up the speed layout. If the plan is successful, Lehman will not only be unable to complete the holding of Hershey, but instead A large sum of money will be posted to the Yang family so that they will have to peel off their skin without dying.

The Waldorf Astoria Hotel in the prime location of the Bund is about 30 kilometers away from Pudong Airport. At this time, it is at the end of the evening peak. The speed of traffic is still normal. In about an hour, Rolls Royce drove into China. The vestibule garden of the Erdorf Hotel.

The personal butler of the suite and the hotel lobby manager came out immediately and opened the car door for Yang Cheng, "Good evening, Mr. Yang Cheng, and welcome to the Waldorf Astoria Shanghai. I am your housekeeper, Sun Daohan. I have arranged the top floor for you. suite."

Yang Cheng got out of the car, and the humid river breeze came oncoming. Xu had just been raining. The fragrance of the green grass lingered, and he sighed for the fresh air, "Thank you, I am a loyal customer of the Waldorf Astoria Hotel." , I have always been very satisfied with your service, I believe I will spend a pleasant time here."

   "It is our honor to serve you, please here." Sun Daohan\'s Hong Kong popularization made Yang Cheng a little awkward, but Yang Cheng was not a real person either.

   Yangcheng’s suite is located on the 24th floor. Open the windows to overlook the beautiful Huangpu River.

  The style of the room is very typical of the British aristocratic style, using a large number of oak materials and striped fancy, retro solemn and modern without losing the freshness.

"We won’t go to the restaurant for dinner, just eat in the room. In addition, we will arrange a wake-up service at 8:20 tomorrow morning. Breakfast will be Chinese. By the way, I didn’t have any luggage with me this time. Two sets of casual style suits will be delivered tomorrow morning. Oh, and a set of home clothes will be delivered in a while. Do you all have my size?" Yang Cheng sat on the sofa with his hands behind and issued instructions.

Sun Daohan is the most experienced housekeeper in this hotel. There are no 100 or 80 of the dignitaries who provide daily services. I have never seen any kind of difficult requirements. He agreed without hesitation, "Good Mr. Yang, I have already met Mr. White. After communicating, I understand all your habits, please rest assured."

   Yang Cheng nodded clearly, with White\'s guidance, he didn\'t have to worry about what he was not satisfied with.

After a light but rich dinner, because I slept all the way on the plane, I was not too sleepy at the moment, so I changed into comfortable home clothes, ordered brand new swimming trunks and goggles, and went to the swimming pool to consume The stamina has gone, and he has not forgotten his plan for exercise and fitness.


  In the early morning, the first ray of sunlight shone on the surface of the river, like a switch, igniting the passion of this international metropolis for a day.

   Chaoyang\'s dazzling light did not give up because of the thick window screens, and broke through the shackles unyieldingly, broke into the suite, trying to wake the sleeping people.

"Yeah..." Yang Cheng groaned and opened her eyelids. The sun dazzled her eyes. At this time, the phone on the bedside rang, and her long arms pierced out of the bed. She picked up the receiver and threw it on the bed until the voice on the phone ended. After saying thankyou, he stood up.

   I fell asleep after swimming last night. As soon as daybreak, the high-quality sleep made Yang Cheng look full of energy, not at all the laziness when he first got up.

   I washed and put on formal clothes, and had breakfast with Elena who rushed over. Two bodyguards, one black and one white, stood guard at the door dedicatedly.

   At exactly 9 o\'clock, Sun Daohan notified a Mr. Liu surnamed in the lobby outside the door to see him.

   Obviously, apart from the person in charge of the Shanghai Stock Exchange Office, UU Reading www.uukā will have no other guests to visit, and nodded to sign Sun Daohan to bring someone up.

It is said to be an office, but in fact it is a branch of Yuanshan Capital (Country Z). It is mainly responsible for managing the company’s assets in Country Z, as well as investigating and paying attention to those industrial companies with higher liabilities, and does not undertake the task of opening up the market. There are not many employees in the branch, just over 50 people, and it is not expensive, which is more suitable than calling the branch office.

Unlike other investment funds, Yuanshan Capital’s main battlefield is not in futures or the stock market, but in non-performing asset auctions around the world. Therefore, Yuanshan Capital has a group of senior investigators who do not usually work in the company. It is flying all over the world. Once they hear that a valuable company is on the verge of bankruptcy, they will fly over as quickly as possible, even at the South Pole.

Valuable experience, keen observation ability and exquisite conversation skills enable investigators to find out the details of a company as quickly as possible, and then hand it over to the evaluation department to analyze whether it is necessary to receive it, and even if it is necessary. An employee has lived a couple of times a month, even if the quality is high or not, it can be clear.

Don’t feel exaggerated. It’s very simple. For example, investigators posing as insurance-sleeve companies come to investigate, and they may only pay for a green Benjamin Franklin. You must know that in the annual operating costs of Yuanshan Capital, investigators’ outgoing expenses are To account for nearly half of the proportion, with strong funds to support, there is nothing that cannot be investigated.

"Yang Shao, I\'m glad to meet you. I\'m Liu Jianjun, the head of Yuanshan Capital (Country Z) Office." Standing in front of Yang Orange, a black, thin, ordinary-looking middle-aged man, with a sleek look. Flattering Jin said hello.

   No one noticed that when Yang Cheng was looking at Liu Jianjun, there was a playful smile on her mouth.