Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 13: Investigation (1)

Don’t look at Liu Jianjun in his 40s, but in front of Yang Cheng, the 26-year-old Yuanshan Zhengpai prince, he didn’t dare to give him the slightest support. When Yang Cheng looked at him, he kept his upper body leaning forward. His head lowered slightly, not daring to look at Yang Cheng.

Before he was promoted to the position of person in charge, he was a senior investigator. Communication with people was a compulsory course for him. Although he rarely went out to handle cases in person in recent years, this skill has not been abandoned, all of which have been used to win over with prominent local celebrities. As far as the relationship is concerned, these are all resources, which will be used at any time.

   But at this moment, his heart is a little apprehensive, and his sensitive intuition tells him that the opposite pair of eyes looking at him is abnormal, just like his son feels every time he sees a new toy.

   I don\'t know what\'s wrong, a coolness rushes straight up behind him, secretly suspecting that this master will not be curved.

   At this time, Yang Cheng spoke, "Liu Jianjun, Mr. Liu..."

   Liu Jianjun heard the whistle like a soldier. With his legs together, he bends more widely. He matched the fat translator of the traitor during the Anti-Japanese War. He said, "Don\'t be it, don\'t be it, just call me Old Liu."

"Haha, Lao Liu, the headquarters is satisfied with your work these years, and is convinced of your ability. Now there is a task for you. I don\'t know if you have confidence?" Yang Orange\'s voice was slightly pressured. , The question asked is more like a notice, which cannot be rebutted.

"No problem, even if you have any tasks, please give me old Liu, and promise to do it beautifully." Don\'t be afraid of the leaders making things difficult for you, but afraid that the leaders will ignore you. This is the workplace code summarized by Liu Jianjun. In the workplace, nothing compares The leader sees that you are more important.

   Yang Cheng nodded, "Very well, Elena..."

   called Elena, still dressed as the female elite in the workplace. In my impression, this girl wears this set for thousands of years, and sometimes only the style is slightly changed, but the color is as always black.

Ailena took out the portfolio from her bag and handed it to Liu Jianjun. Yang Cheng explained to the side, “The information in this belongs to Golden Monkey Food Company. At the end of last year, Hershey Company spent 2.4 billion yuan to acquire 80% of its shares. It will be completed in the next few years in a way of offsetting debts.

  Your task is to contact Wang Ping, its financial director, to find out their financial loopholes, and to get me a report of their real wages. Is there a problem? "

   Liu Jianjun got the portfolio and opened it for the first time. It appeared that the financial director Wang Ping\'s information was placed on the top, and he roughly scanned it and nodded, "No problem, Yang Shao, give me two days."

   "Okay, I\'ll just give you 2 days. Also, do you have anyone who is familiar with Korean things?" Yang Cheng stood up, holding a cup of green tea in his hand, and asked.

   Liu Jianjun packed up his files, thought for a while, and looked a little hesitant, "There is a Korean, who often runs to South Korea, but this person is loose-minded and does not accept discipline. I don\'t know..."

   "Okay, let him come and find me, I\'ll see and then make a decision, I\'m all right, go ahead."

After Liu Jianjun was sent away, Yang Cheng was not idle either. He drove alone to the rented house in the previous life. He needed to make sure whether his predecessor had exchanged bodies with him, or he was the only one who passed through and crossed into the so-called parallel space. , The latter is fine, if it is the former, he doesn\'t mind doing something to kill the danger in the cradle.

   It’s a coincidence that he had met Liu Jianjun just a few weeks ago. He was not the current one, he was the original one. Liu Jianjun was the landlord of his rented house, and the two of them fought for the rent.

However, Yang Cheng knew that Liu Jian’s soldiers were not bad. He hadn’t paid the rent for 2 months. He had been driven out early by changing someone else, and he was asked to live there. At most, he said something bad. Thank you very much.

But it was also because of Liu Jianjun that made him feel a little more uneasy. According to the plot in general novels, he traveled to another world. It turned out that people related to him should also disappear. Otherwise, how to explain that there is one more person in the United States, country Z One person missing? It\'s better to be careful in everything. He is very satisfied with his life now. If he wants to go back to the past to be a dick, it would be better to kill him.

Pulled away, after some investigations, the results were quite satisfactory, which relieved his lingering heart. At least he did not find the original Yang Cheng through the public security bureau, telephone, network and other channels. .

   As for the guy who rents Liu Jianjun’s house now is another hard-working buddy. That buddy is worse than the original. He doesn\'t even have a job. There is a whole garbage bag of instant noodle boxes at the door. This is fate. . .

Yang Cheng, who was full of thoughts, took advantage of two days of free time. First, he went to the nightclub to have a girl and came to 419. Then he invited a high-end business model to accompany him to Hangzhou to visit the West Lake until a spring night. After getting up, there was a dull pain in the waist again, only to remember that the current body could not help him to mess around. It happened to be the time when Liu Jianjun came back for business, and he gave up.

The riverside suite on the top floor of Waldorf Astoria on the Bund, with the same location and same angle of view, Liu Jianjun stood respectfully opposite Yang Cheng. The difference is that behind him was a silly yellow hair, which looked almost like Yang Cheng. Large, wearing off-grade pants, canvas shoes, hanging skull pendants, and the tattoos on the neck exposed. No one has a good impression on it. Elena frowned, her face in disgust.

   did not rush to ask Liu Jianjun’s investigation results, but asked Huang Mao with great interest, "I heard you are Korean? You often mix in South Korea?"

   Huang Mao didn\'t seem to hear it, and he used his little fingers to dig out his ears, playing with the skull pendant on his chest happily.

Liu Jianjun was so angry that he slapped Huang Mao\'s **** and kicked him staggering, "Shao Yang, ask you something, put away your defiant faction, Yang Shao is different from others. "

   Huang Mao patted the ashes with disdain, "Cut, what\'s different, it\'s not a prodigal born with a golden key, I see a lot of people like this."

   Liu Jianjun smiled at Yang Cheng, "Young Shao, look at this..."

   Yang Cheng waved his hand, saying that he didn\'t mind, "I have personality, what is your name?"

   "His name is Jin Jingdao... You just call him Xiaojin..." Liu Jianjun replied.

   "Why? This kid is about the same age as me, so why am I called Xiaojin?" Jin Jingdao lifted his bangs, pointed at Yang Cheng\'s face and then at his own face, not irritated.

   "Just rely on him as your boss." Liu Jianjun caught up with another kick.

Yang Cheng looked at the two amusedly. It is not difficult to see that Liu Jianjun values ​​Jin Jingdao very much, and he kept covering for him. Obviously, Jin Jingdao is talented and capable. Otherwise, with such a character, It\'s hard to be treated differently.

Competent people have personalities. Don’t you see that Steve Jobs is engaged in hegemony at Apple? The people below dare not say anything about him. Although the board is dissatisfied with his dictatorship, it is a fact that he can make money. Just closing one eye will pass. Isn\'t this also a performance of sparing one\'s talents, otherwise, who would tolerate the existence of a person who can\'t make money but is arbitrary?

"Okay, don\'t use cover. I believe in Lao Liu\'s eyes. Since Xiao Jin often mixes in Korea, how about doing things for me?" Yang Cheng gestured to Liu Jianjun and turned to Jin Jing. , Said without denying.

"Why? What good do I have?" It\'s one thing for Jin Jingdao to be weird, but he is not stupid. His parents died early. Liu Jianjun brought him out. Liu Jianjun was polite in front of this young man, several times. He didn\'t stop him, and knew that he couldn\'t make too much noise. He said it would be worthless to harm Lao Liu.

   Yang Cheng looked at him funny, "What do you want?"

   Jin Jingdao\'s eyeballs rolled, and he stretched out his hand to compare two, "Twenty..."

   "No problem." Yang Cheng nodded indifferently.

   "I\'m talking about US dollars!" Jin Jingdao stared, unable to believe it.

   Yang Cheng shrugged and made a little joke, "I don\'t use yen either."

   Jin Jingdao opened his mouth and didn\'t know what to say. Obviously, things were different from what he expected. He just wanted to say a number to scare Yang Cheng away. How could he easily agree?

To be precise, Jin Jingdao is just a disciple of Liu Jianjun, not a formal employee of Yuanshan Capital. He didn\'t even sign the contract. He usually just runs errands for Liu Jianjun. He doesn\'t understand the strength of Yuanshan Capital. Needless to say, Yang Cheng, the young boss.

   "You want me 200,000 U.S. dollars, I gave it, but do you have to come up with strength worth 200,000 U.S. dollars?"

   Jin Jingdao nodded subconsciously, listening to Yang Cheng continue, "Have you heard of Tairong Real Estate?"

Continue to nod, "This company has a piece of land in downtown Seoul. I don’t know why it has been holding on and hasn’t been developed. I want to know the specific reason; and their president Park Tae-young, UU read to check it for me. Check his old bottom, if you can find his black material, I remember you a great deal."

"Look for Lao Liu for the cost of the action, and he will reimburse you. Oh, yes, you are curious about the investigation of Tairong Real Estate, and no one instigates you, right?" This sentence is naked I was warned, Jin Jingdao couldn\'t understand it. He swallowed cautiously and tentatively said, "You want to deal with Tairong Real Estate?"

   "Haha, Lao Liu, your apprentice hasn\'t trained home yet." Yang Cheng raised his head and laughed, and ignored the question.

   While Liu Jianjun smiled bitterly on the side, this child is still young, and this ability has nothing to do with his age and experience. To put it bluntly, he suffers too little.

   Jin Jingdao scratched his head unconvincingly, whispering something.

   "Young Master Yang, don\'t worry, I will tell Xiaojin when I go back, this kid is very smart and will never delay your major events." Liu Jianjun said solemnly.

"Hmm... I can rest assured if you look at it. Okay, let him prepare. This time things are done well, let him follow me in the future. Now, you tell me about your investigation. ."

Yang Cheng’s words were not a whim. He really needs a head that can handle trivial matters for him and do some "dirty work" as a follower. At present, Jin Jingdao is a good candidate. Of course, everything depends on him this time. The success of the task will be decided again.

Liu Jianjun looked happy, and quickly pulled the reluctant Jin Jingdao to bow and thank him, and then whispered to send him out, then turned around and reported to Yang Cheng, "Young Master Yang, that Wang Ping is not easy, we It\'s still a step too late, this kid has already collected tens of millions of dollars and ran away..."


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