Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 11: Return home (1)

Three hours later, Yang Cheng was sitting in the first-class cabin of an Eastern Airlines Boeing 777 with a face of constipation. She looked at her business suit before she had time to change it. She couldn\'t help but smile, and she hated Louis Lehman even more. It was all caused by him.

The family’s private jet was flying to New Zealand for fishing with Grandpa and Grandpa, so she had to "wrong" Yang Cheng to take first class. Because the ticket was urgently purchased, Elena and the two bodyguards were in business class behind. This time Dad sent his secretary to assist Yang Cheng, also to facilitate communication with all parties.

Thinking of what Yang Sen said to him at noon, Yang Cheng still feels that his brain hurts. This time, a total of including Yuanshan Capital, the Lehman family, and Hershey (the largest chocolate and candy manufacturer in North America) are involved. Three American companies, the two great subsidiaries of Lotte Group and Tairong Real Estate, and Lotte (Country Z) Foods, a joint venture company with Hershey\'s shareholding in the Shanghai stock market.

  The core of this is the Hershey Company, a 120-year-old company headquartered in Pennsylvania.

Undoubtedly, this food giant with a market value of more than 20 billion U.S. dollars, accounting for the largest share of North American confectionery sales in the world, and an annual revenue of more than 7 billion U.S. dollars, is favored by the Lehman family, which has been focusing on mergers and acquisitions in the food industry. Hunting target.

   But unlike other companies, Hershey is actually in the hands of a group of children.

   The founder Hershey had no children before her death. The caring wife of Hershey decided to dedicate her maternal love to the orphans who lost their families. Her suggestion was fully supported by Mr. Hershey.

   In 1909, the Hershey couple founded the Hershey Industrial School, the predecessor of the current Hershey School, to train and educate orphans from all over the United States.

   Hershey School provides them with all education and boarding expenses.

   At present, Hershey School has grown to a scale of 1,500 students and is the largest private school in the United States.

   The student dormitories of Hershey School are beautiful villas. Each student house has 8-12 students, and Hershey’s employees or community volunteers act as their temporary parents.

   The tuition fee provided by the school for each student amounts to 70,000 US dollars in total.

   This middle school with a mere 1,500 people ranks fifth among the richest schools in the United States. Only after Yale, Harvard, Princeton, and Stanford, it has assets of more than 9 billion US dollars!

   And the Hershey Trust Committee, which manages these assets, owns 70% of the voting rights on the Hershey Board of Directors. That is to say, whether the company is sold or not is within the mind of this committee.

  As a group of standard businessmen, you can\'t expect them to always consider for a group of children, the first of their interests is their creed.

  Because the general operating goal of listed companies is to maximize the interests of shareholders, the best way to obtain or expand shareholder value through mergers and acquisitions when the stock price plummets under poor performance.

  As early as 2002, the Charity Trust Committee had thought of selling Hershey and authorized the then president to find a buyer. Cadbury and Nestlé jointly bid $10.5 billion, and Wrigley Wrigley Confectionery offered up to $12 billion.

However, the residents of Hershey, which is the town of Hershey, objected, because they were afraid that the new owner would lay off employees or even close the factory. Media reports continued one after another, and there was a lot of noise for a while, so that the attorney general and senior judges of Pennsylvania intervened. In this matter, the sale was stopped by legal means.

   The attorney general replaced the members of the trust committee that voted in favor, and LeRoy S. Zimmerman, the former attorney general of Pennsylvania, became the chairman of the charitable trust committee.

   Zimmerman has publicly stated on many occasions that the Board of Trustees must insist on the holding of the Hershey Company. Even in a recent statement, the Charitable Trust Board also emphasized that “accelerated development of the company does not mean that the Board must give up holding.”

   After the incident in 2002, Pennsylvania legislation required that, in any case, as long as the school trust committee decides to abandon the holding of Hershey, it must notify the Office of the Attorney General in advance.

  The legislation also grants the attorney general the privilege to prevent the school trust committee from any transactions that are inconsistent with its obligations.

   It’s probably not common to pass special legislation to protect the company. This undoubtedly increases the difficulty of Hershey’s sale and merger. Any behavior that may threaten the holding status of the school trust committee is a challenge to this legislation.

   Paul Lehman, the old fox who knows this well, naturally does not know, so the biggest obstacle to the successful acquisition of Hershey is not the capital, but how to overcome the current Penn State Attorney General Catherine Kane.

It stands to reason that this matter does not involve the Yang family. One is engaged in the real estate non-performing asset industry, and the other is focused on the food field. The relationship has never been reached. The two have never had any contact before, but sometimes things are like this. coincidence.

   In 1967, Stanley Milgram, a psychology professor at Harvard University, wanted to describe an interpersonal network connecting people and communities. He did a chain letter experiment and proposed the theory of six degrees of separation.

   Simply put: "There will be no more than six people between you and any stranger. That is to say, you can know any stranger through at most six people."

This theory is fully in line with the current situation. The Yang family has developed to this position and as a yellow race, it is inevitable to seek political protection. As early as the 21st century, Mr. Yang began to win over Texas political stars, and then Yang Sen Focusing on the entire United States, the Yang family’s think tank has set up a political public relations team to maintain relations with political figures.

Of course, the Yang family has no political inclinations. No matter whether you are like a party or donkey party, as long as you have the ability and are friendly to the Chinese, the most important thing is to give the Yang family the most powerful protection, you can become the Yang family. Catherine Kane is one of his friends.

About two years ago, in 2012, with the help of the Yang family, Catherine Kane became the first donkey party person to serve as the attorney general of Pennsylvania since 1980, and the first female attorney general in the state. .

For this reason, the Yang family spared no expense to purchase bankrupt ranches in Pennsylvania to raise dairy cows. The milk produced was purchased by Hershey, and all the profits were invested in Pennsylvania’s welfare undertakings, adding luster to Catherine Kane’s political achievements. Everything is not clear to the outside world, but it will definitely not escape the investigation of interested people.

This was not discovered by the Lehman family now. They wanted to find evidence of the Yang family’s connection with Katherine Kane, in order to coerce Katherine Kane on their acquisition of the Hershey Company. As for how other members of the Public Relations Attorney General’s Office, then It couldn\'t be simpler. Everyone is an adult and has their own desires. A beauty is still a good one, as long as you speak.

However, the Yang family is not that easy to investigate. As the mother of the Yang family, Liu Yun naturally became a breakthrough in Louis Lehman’s eyes. Women no matter the east or the west, once they fall in love are blind, how crazy they are for their lover It\'s not hard to imagine any actions, let alone leaking some news?

I don’t know if this product is due to successive years of success, which has caused him to be arrogant, completely forgetting Liu Yun’s blood in the country of Z, which is very different from their Western culture, or whether he thinks the Yang family is the same as the ordinary goods he used to provocatively. , This time he hit an iron plate.

   The Boeing 777 passenger plane steadily climbed to the stratosphere to cruise, and the beautiful stewardess began to take action to provide drinks to the first-class guests.

   "Mr. Yang, you are welcome to take the Eastern Airlines flight. What would you like to drink?" As soon as he boarded the plane, Yang Cheng fell into contemplation, and was lightly disturbed by the pleasant voice.

   turned his head in accordance with the voice, the dignified and elegant stewardess stood beside the independent position with a refreshing smile, brilliant and beautiful, and the charming charm that flashed through the corner of her eyes made people sway.

   Yang Cheng was a little lost. It\'s not that he has never seen a beautiful woman. He has tasted the one who is more beautiful and **** than the one in front of him, but she brought Yang Cheng, um. . . It seems that there is no special vocabulary to describe, it is comfortable, it is like seeing the hustle and bustle of the city, suddenly came to an uninhabited verdant valley, small bridges, flowing water, birds and flowers, the whole body was washed, but he It is clear that this is not love at first sight, it is just a certain basic impulse of a man towards a woman.

He was staring at Jiang Shiyu, who was the stewardess, at the same time Jiang Shiyu was watching him. Compared with Yang Cheng’s countless number of female readers, with her work experience and environment, she was well-trained and able to sit up. Who is not the elite in the first class of the international direct flights? Tall, short, fat, thin, old and young, ugly, handsome, everything.

But Yang Cheng alone made her feel a little curious. To be honest, Yang Cheng is not that kind of handsome earth-shattering coquettish bitch. If UU reading has to score, it will be around 70, which is not enough. More than that, he belongs to the class of Xiaoshuai.

   But his handsome face with a touch of Western classical style, and the personable temperament of everyone in his gestures, is really easy to make an impression, especially when thinking seriously, he does not have a mature charm.

   Jiang Shiyu, who remembered her work, took the lead to recover, and chuckled, "Mr. Yang? What would you like to drink?"

   Yang Cheng rubbed his face to make sure that he didn\'t show Brother Pig\'s expression just now, tapped his fingers on his thighs and muttered, "A glass of red bar." He needs alcohol to relieve his tight nerves.

   Jiang Shiyu smiled and nodded, "Okay Mr. Yang, please wait a moment."

   As Jiang Shiyu\'s graceful figure left, Yang Cheng gently slapped herself and cursed inwardly, "Look at you like you have never seen the world, you are not promising."

   If you change the time, Yang Cheng will definitely not miss the opportunity to hunt for a beauty. The stewardess can always bring infinite daydreams to men, but unfortunately now he is full of thoughts about how to complete the task that his father gave.

   Such an important part was given to him, apart from being his own family and being able to trust it 100%, there is nothing to test for.

   Yang Sen knows that his son is smart, and his past stock investments can also prove Yang Cheng\'s vision, but that is just a small mess at best, and there is still a long way to go from real investors or businessmen.

Especially now that Yang Cheng has stepped out of decadence and wants to achieve a career, Yang Sen is gratified and must also carefully cultivate it. After all, Yang Cheng is the only heir to their Yang family, and they must exercise Yang Cheng\'s abilities without destroying him. This level of self-confidence is not easy to master, and this mission can just test Yang Cheng\'s ability. For Yang Cheng, Yang Sen also took great pains.