Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 101: Senate boss (2)

(big chapter). . .

Felix Morgenthau was born in a political family. The family has served as a cabinet member for many times. He is a star representative of Jewish forces in American politics. He is now his second-term congressman and is currently seeking a third term. Although hope is a little bleak.

   "Elizabeth Holmes won\'t give Morgenthor to her pajamas, right?" Yang Cheng guessed maliciously.

  Georgina changed her legs and put it on top, her high heels made a "da" sound, her elbow was on her thigh, and she groaned, "Don\'t say it so bad."

Yang Cheng took a sip of water and was shocked. There is a kind of person in this world who does not have much power in fact, but the status and reputation are terrifying. Everyone who meets it must be respectful and respectful. For example, Mr. Jin Yongjin of Xiangjiang. He wrote a novel, and later published a Ming Pao newspaper. He is one of the bigwigs who can influence public opinion in Xiangjiang.

   But how much power can it have? Is it comparable to Li Chaoren?

   It is that Li Chaoren has to accept the fate of the old man honestly when he meets the old man, which is a bit exaggerated, of course, the old man will not be so ignorant to point to the richest man in Xiangjiang.

  Face, they are all given to each other.

  Similarly, Felix Morgenthau\'s position in both houses of Congress in the US political arena resembles Mr. Kim.

Although he comes from a political family, he has never held important positions such as president, secretary of state, or even a minority party whip, and has never been absent from any important parliamentary position. The level of qualifications is absolutely one-stopping existence in the Jewish Mutual Aid Association, which offends him It\'s equivalent to offending half of the Jewish state, which makes people so happy to play.

   "I just don\'t understand, it\'s just for the liar of Elizabeth Holmes, who is worthy of work." Yang Cheng was quite upset in his heart, and turned to Georgina with his water glass and complained.

   "Hehe, the little guy seems to have a lot of grievance." The old, low, muffled voice sounded behind Yang Cheng.

   Yes, the master is here.

   Yang Cheng hurriedly got up, put on an embarrassing rather than polite smile, and nodded slightly, "Mr. Morgenthau."

   Felix Morgenthau inherited the appearance characteristics of Hungarian Jews, with deep-set eyes, tall and tall hooked nose, silver hair and white beard, a decent tailored suit, leaning on a civilized stick, and habitually looking at others with capturing eyes.

   "Can I call you Jason?" Felix smiled kindly and stretched out his hand and shook Yang Cheng\'s hand.

   In order to show respect, Yang Cheng deliberately stretched out two hands and shook Felix\'s bitter-like hands, "Of course, it is my honor to see you, Mr. Morgenthau."

   "Sit down, boy, don\'t be cautious. I asked Georgina to call you out today, but I didn\'t want to inquire." Felix Morgenthau withdrew his hand and patted Yang Cheng\'s left arm.

Yang Cheng pushed back and sat down at the same time with Felix Morgenthau. The two of them were able to talk face-to-face. Georgina was present as a middleman and was caught between the two, still dragging her cheeks. Beautiful eyes were on Yang Cheng and Felix Morgenthau. Look up.

   "Jason, you must have thought I came for Elizabeth?" Felix beckoned the waiter to prepare the dishes. He never asked Yang Cheng\'s preferences from beginning to end. This shows how strong this person is.

   Yang Cheng couldn\'t say anything, she just glanced at Georgina, and shrugged in acquiescence.

   Except for the female liar, Yang Cheng doesn\'t think there is any intersection between himself and Felix Morgenthau.

   "In fact, I was shocked by the fact that Theranos Company made a fake. Elizabeth made up a big lie and deceived the world. This is unforgivable."

   Yang Cheng could hear the anger in the old man’s words, and being played around by a little girl, no one would be happy.

   But he won’t believe this. Since you can’t forgive you for sending someone to kill Elizabeth, it’s all over, so what the **** is it with Xiaoye.

   Yang Cheng didn\'t make a statement, and waited quietly for the following.

  Sure enough, Felix Morgansau sighed heavily, "Ah~ Elizabeth not only lied to me this time, but also to her compatriots and to Wall Street."

Yang Cheng doesn\'t want to eat steak now, so he should eat popcorn with Coke, and appreciate Felix Morgenthau\'s acting. This tear-jerking, emotional acting reminds him of Anthony Hopkins, the silent lamb In the movie, the actor who can perceive the graceful heart of Professor Hannibal is known as the soul living in the eyes!

   "But you also know that Elizabeth\'s family has made great contributions to the Jews. Her mother is still running around for the future of the Jews. I can\'t wipe out the achievements of her entire family because of the child\'s momentary mistake."

Yang Cheng seemed to be crushed by 10,000 grass and mud horses in her heart. She was really drunk. This group of political players has the ability to reverse black and white. With two official words, the upper lip touches the lower lip, and it will be unreasonable. Be reasonable.

  Who just said that the guilt was so unforgivable? Are there hallucinations?

   Yang Cheng was ‘moved’ by these words, and almost became a sinner persecuting a family with such great merit.

   "So, jason, I am here to apologize for Elizabeth, can I stop reporting about theranos in the future? Of course, I promise that theranos company will resolve the fraud as soon as possible and bring justice to the public."

  Ha, after so long forging, finally see you in the poor?

   Yang Cheng showed a contemplative and entangled expression, but she was happy in her heart, thinking that he wanted to make any embarrassing request?

Originally, he was not prepared to catch the matter. From the beginning, he chose to expose Elizabeth to help the forum company attract attention. Now that the goal is achieved, Elizabeth and her theranos company naturally have no use value. As for how they can restore their stinking reputation , Has nothing to do with Yang Cheng half a dime.

  Whether the blood test technique is true or false, Yang Cheng didn\'t even care. Anyway, without this technique, it would be a big deal and it would not kill anyone. He didn\'t have the idle time to become a people\'s prosecutor.

   But if you just agreed, it\'s too cheap.

   While he was thinking about what conditions to make, he felt a kick in his calf.

   Obviously, Felix Morgenthau would not do such a ‘boring’ move, only Georgina at the table.

   took a vague look at Georgina and found that she was winking at herself by the time of the menu.

   Eyelids blink and fly, what do you mean? Let yourself agree?

  Good thing, he was not stunned, and he didn\'t directly ask what he meant by blinking at himself.

   After thinking about it, I still believed Georgina and nodded in response, "Well, Mr. Morgenthau, I agree, and the Los Angeles Times will no longer follow up and report the theranos fraud case."

   Felix Morgenthau was originally due to Yang Cheng\'s hesitant performance, and his gloomy expression instantly cleared, becoming faster than the weather.

"Haha, okay, thank you Jason, I heard that your company is seeking Lionsgate Pictures? It just so happens that I have some friendship with the major shareholders of Lionsgate, if you want, I can match you up." Morgan Solang said Laughing, he gave Yang Cheng\'s return to the current affairs.

   Just now Georgina quietly reminded that she should have negotiated terms for Yang Orange.

   Actually, this so-called return is just as tasteless as Yang Cheng promised not to follow up the report. It is just a thread. Yang Cheng feels that he has been shaken.

   After a few small chats, Felix Morgenthau answered the phone and said goodbye with excuses. When I came, I did not forget to emphasize that I had already paid for the bill. MMP, who is short of this meal?

   It is the first time that Yang Cheng has discovered such a thief as a Jew.

   "Huh ~ finally gone." There was no need to carry it in front of Georgina. The suit jacket was taken off and put on the back of the chair, loosened the tie, and pulled the shirt placket out of the pants.

   angrily cut the steak into small pieces with a knife, put the cut plate in front of Georgina, put her unmoved cattle back in front of her, and continued cutting.

   "Thank you, you seem to be very angry?" Georgina politely thanked her, and directly used a fork to fork the steak of a good size cut with Yang orange and dipped it in the sauce.

   "Yes, I think I have been tricked." Yang Cheng put down the knife in dissatisfaction and took a sip of juice. Because he had to drive back later, he didn\'t ask for red wine.

  Georgina rarely wore an aqua-green light veil lady\'s dress, casually wrapped a blonde hair with a silver hairpin behind her head, charming and charming.

   It is a pity that Georgina is such a rare femininity that Yang Cheng has no intention of admiring it.

"It\'s not surprising that you have this idea, but you are not a Jew, and you don\'t understand the achievements of the Holmes family, how great it is in the eyes of the existing Jewish descendants." Georgina\'s expression was slightly solemn, and she explained to Yang Cheng patiently. Tao.

Putting down the fork, he pushed the steak that he had only eaten a few bites to Yang Cheng\'s side, and then said, "So even if Elizabeth Holmes deceived everyone, the truth within the Mutual Aid Association did not cause any disturbances, but rather for you about this case. The exposure was full of complaints, and quite a few people even regarded this as a provocation."

God’s logic, Yang Cheng was stunned, but he immediately woke up and felt that it was right. As mentioned earlier, blacks and Jews in the United States have one thing in common. They both suffer from a delusion of persecution. Disease.

   I bought a watch last year!

   This is Yang Cheng’s "winning" speech.

   "If it wasn\'t for my father to speak for you at the mutual aid meeting, you should sit in the office with a sad face today and be attacked by the media across the United States."

  Georgina’s supplement, Yang Cheng, didn’t feel wrong. The Jews controlled more than three-quarters of the North American entertainment and media market and killed the forum company without any effort.

Think of Mel Gibson, who filmed the Passion of the Christ, and is now completely banned by Hollywood. This buddy’s life is a tragedy. QJ, drunk driving, and drug use are not a problem. The worst thing in his life is that he didn’t recognize it. Clear reality, a politically incorrect director still wants to mix in Hollywood?

   Besides, Mel Gibson is talented, what\'s wrong with it? Have to shoot the New Testament, don\'t you know that it is the enemy of the Jews? Don’t know that more than 6 million people died in the two wars? You have to be reliable in your position and layout!

   Don’t be naive to think that Hollywood’s blockbuster films are exposing the gloom of society, because close to the donkey party is really free MZ, you can shoot whatever you want.

   Pull the bullshit, there are a lot of Hollywood political games or main theme movies, the main reason is the energy exerted by the capital behind.

  For example, the movie "Super Battleship", which was shot by the little RB for the purpose of the US-Japan military alliance;

   For example, "007" and "Mission Impossible", the villain will always be a polar bear.

   pulled away again. . .

Yang Cheng was very fortunate that he tied Georgina to his warship, and helped her solve the huge hidden dangers. Well, I have to remind the negotiating team when he goes back to set aside more for Georgina in the new media group he has not yet formed 1% of shares cannot be more.

"You just want to eat this?" The steak in Georgina\'s plate only disappeared for a small amount. Yang Cheng didn\'t dislike it after eating his own. She changed the steak that Georgina could not eat and continued to fill her stomach. The size is not enough for him. Morgenthau is too stingy.

   "I\'m losing weight recently." Georgina took off her hair, put her hand between her legs, and watched Yang Cheng\'s relish eating with an elegant smile.

   "OMG, do you still need to lose weight? Who will see the reduction?"

   Yang Cheng swallowed the last piece of steak, drank the juice, got up and put on a suit, naturally raised his arms and waited for Georgina to hold him, and left the restaurant side by side, talking while walking.

   "Why can\'t I lose weight anymore? Can I reduce it to my boyfriend?" Georgina slapped Yang Cheng\'s arm in dissatisfaction.

   The two walked very slowly, mainly because Yang Cheng couldn\'t take steps to take care of Georgina, who was in high heels, but to outsiders, they looked like a couple in love and walked after a meal.

Recently, people who pay a little attention to the entertainment sector, especially the people living in New York, almost all know Yang Cheng’s name. It is true that Eddie is a bit unkind, holding on to Yang Cheng and Miranda Kerr’s “scandal” and not letting go. , The fried is called a lively.

   What is the situation now? The man cheated? Take the beauty out of the hotel at Wait, the beauty seems to be a New York lady, what\'s her name? Georgina Bloomberg?

  Wow, why the two seem so harmonious, the sum of the wealth of the two families is more ‘harmonious’, this is the combination of the real prince and princess.

Women’s instincts have always been very accurate. Georgina keenly noticed the strange gazes of the guests in the hotel lobby, and couldn’t help covering their foreheads, “Damn it, jason, tomorrow’s headline will be contracted by both of us. I hope my little boyfriend will not Jealous."

   Georgina said it was funny, Yang Cheng listened to Coke, "What\'s the situation? Which is your boyfriend from? No, you said you would be jealous. That\'s definitely not a person in the circle."

   "You guessed it, I met in my equestrian club. He is the most important rider trained by our club." Georgina admitted generously.

   Fortunately, people just took pictures from a distance with their mobile phones, no paparazzi rushed to point the SLR lens at their faces, Yang Cheng beckoned and asked Hansen and the others to leave.

   Yang Cheng deliberately turned his head to the side, posing an intimate gesture, leaning to Georgina’s delicate white ear, blowing warm air, "Will your little boyfriend then be angry?"

   Regarding Yang Cheng’s mischief, Georgina could only lower her head and cover her face. She was too lazy to care about this guy. She pinched Yang Cheng’s arm and groaned, "Stop playing, get in the car and send me back to the club."

The two were talking, and they had already walked out of the hotel. After the parking boy led the way down to Pagani, Yang Cheng pulled up the car door and sat in the car with Georgina, bent down and put the skirt that was dragged outside into the car. , Got up and closed the door.

   very graciously waved goodbye to the crowd taking pictures, got into the car and started the engine, leaving a gossip for people to guess.