Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 102: Lions Gate major shareholders (large

"Supermodel Miranda Kerr\'s rich boyfriend has two boats with one foot!"

   "A real prince and princess, a combination of hundreds of billions of dollars."

   "Miranda Kerr cried bitterly late at night."

   "Reveal the romantic history of Jason Yang."

   "The New York princess means getting pregnant first without marriage."

   "The love story that a rich man and a wealthy daughter have to tell."

   "Secret: Miranda Kerr* is difficult to fill, the Chinese son is exhausted."

  . . .

  As Georgina expected, within half a day, the headlines of major Internet social networking sites and news sites were almost dominated by the scandals between Yang Cheng and Georgina.

   While in the hotel lobby, the photo of Yang Cheng looking down and Georgina’s ears and ears was reposted madly. It stands to reason that this is not a yan photo, and it’s not an alien. It shouldn’t be.

It can be considered that the relationship between Yang Cheng and Miranda Kerr is about to be scrambled recently. With the blessings of the people who eat melons, the plot suddenly reverses 180 degrees. This kind of love triangle between rich men and two daughters fights their husbands. Never tire of it, immediately freeze GC.

If you want to say that if you change the background of this photo, it will not be deliberately rhythmic. It is really the background of the hotel lobby is too eye-catching. Georgina lowered her head and smiled as a little woman. Anyone looked like it was after the spring rain. Small tender bamboo shoots.

   "Damn, who made the news about pregnancy? I want to sue him!"

   "Also, say I can\'t satisfy Miranda? fuck, son of a bitch, I\'m going to sue his family for bankruptcy."

   "Hello, this is Jason Yang." Yang Cheng, who was grumbling at Eddie in the office, was interrupted by the sudden ringing of the mobile phone. Void pointed at Eddie, which meant that the two of us will be settled later.

   "It\'s me, you have made me miserable, jason." Yang Cheng was taken aback, not angry, and smirked, "What\'s wrong? Your little boyfriend is jealous?"

Georgina screamed, accompanied by the sound of horses hoof touching the ground. This call should have been made on the racecourse, and she complained rather sadly, "Why is it just jealous? He firmly believes that I have shui with you. The one who opened the room, pulled me to give him an explanation."

   Yang Cheng not only didn\'t feel guilty, but raised her head and laughed, "Haha, explain a fart, if you want me to say you are just idle, can\'t find a man in Manhattan?"

"Shit, stop talking nonsense, come over and explain it to me quickly, yes, drop by the Four Seasons Hotel to take a video recording, that is proof of my innocence." Georgina\'s tone was helpless, and she seemed to like that very much. The little boyfriend is willing to explain this.

   Yang Cheng curled his lips and said reluctantly, "Georgina, you won\'t be really tempted, do you want to marry your little boyfriend home?"

   "So what?" Georgina asked nonchalantly.

   Yang Cheng covered her forehead, not crying or laughing, "Do you think Uncle Michael will agree?"

  Georgina was silent, and sighed for a while, "Oh... this is where I am embarrassed."

   "If you want me to tell you, take this opportunity to kick your little boyfriend immediately." Yang Cheng hit the iron while it was hot. Why didn\'t she find that breaking up the couple was such an interesting thing.

   "I kicked him, are you marrying me?" Georgina asked with a half-hearted joke.

   Yang Cheng secondly said, pretending not to hear, "What? What? The signal is not good."

   "Fuck off, come here, have you heard?" Georgina scolded with an angry smile.

   "My company still has a lot of things. I arranged for Hansen to be my bodyguard to take the video and send it over. He was also there yesterday, so let\'s give you a personal certificate." Yang Cheng didn\'t make any more mischief.

   "OK, are you busy."

   hung up the phone and glared at Eddie, "It\'s all good things you did."

Eddie retorted with grievances, "Boss, I\'m also doing this for the company\'s good. If the Toutiao app hadn\'t been completed yet, such a good hot spot should be exposed exclusively by us. Besides, the Los Angeles Times with the largest circulation will only be available tomorrow. Publish, I just keep the evening paper hot today."

   "Dare to quibble?" Yang Cheng really lost to this little old man. As the sales of the Los Angeles Times gradually stabilized and the long-term contracts of advertisers were signed, the symptoms of his old naughty boy became more and more serious.

   "Allright, you are the boss and listen to you, so I will remove all relevant pages tomorrow?"

"Forget it, the whole United States knows it anyway. It doesn\'t matter if you report it or not. By the way, remember that we will stop following Elizabeth Holmes\'s report later." Yang Cheng remembered that he agreed to Felix Morganthaw at noon. Told Eddie.

   "What? Someone put pressure on it?" Eddie has no objection. He has never encountered this situation before. The so-called freedom of the media simply does not exist.

   "Well, Felix Morgenthau, it doesn\'t matter, right? Our original plan did not follow up and report."

   "No, but we still have the black material of Elizabeth Holmes in our hands. Now it seems that we can only appreciate it by ourselves." Eddie shrugged and said with a regretful expression.

   Yang Cheng smiled indifferently, "Don\'t worry, save everything, and you can use it later if you don\'t know it."

   After get off work in the evening, in order to avoid the nagging of his mother, Yang Cheng took Susu to Waldorf’s own suite for a harmonious night.


   The next morning, Yang Cheng came to the office before she sat hot, Susu came in and reported a visitor to see him.

   Yang Cheng raised her eyebrows, "Is there an appointment?"

   Susu shook his head, "No, the guest said it was introduced by a Mr. Felix Morgenthau, so the front desk must inform."

"Oh, I know. Bring people up there. Enter from there and go directly to the reception area." When Yang Cheng heard that Felix Morganthau had introduced him, he knew that it should be the major shareholder of Lionsgate. Did not run away.

   The strength is very hard, and the promise is fulfilled so quickly.

   thought to himself, picked up the phone on the desk, dialed the inside line to Ryze Khan, said the matter roughly, and asked him to come up to meet guests.

Recently, the weather in New York is as good as that in California. The sun is shining every day, without a trace of clouds. The sky is low as if within reach. Yang Cheng is standing in front of the top-level window, there is always a kind of want to fly to the sky, shoulder to shoulder with the sun, Then the sense of sight is either being burned to death by the sun or thrown to death.

  Ritz Khan’s office is on the lower floor. Yang Cheng said urgently on the phone, and he didn’t even wait for the elevator to climb up the stairs.

   "Ryze, your body is weak enough." Yang Cheng joked to Ryze who was panting.

  Ryze waved his hand with a wry smile, "I also found out, this body is deadly empty."

"Haha, men and women should not be frequent." Inviting Ryze to the reception area to wait for the arrival of the guests, and then said, "I remember there is still unplanned space in the building? Set aside a piece of it to make a gym. It’s a benefit for employees."

"Boss, there is a fitness area in the forum company area. Why don\'t you just expand it to the first floor?" Ryze nodded with a smile. This is a good corporate culture, creating a healthy and progressive company temperament, for his professional management For people, it is very tempting.

"Well, yes, you need the best fitness equipment. You don\'t need to save some money." Yang Cheng is now more and more like a boss. He just spends money, how to save money, and he doesn\'t bother to waste brain cells to think about it. , Anyway, there is Ritz.

   "Boss, the guest is here." Su Su Nuonuo\'s voice came from behind.

Yang Cheng turned his head when he heard the sound, a man with his face covered with vicissitudes but still bright eyes followed Susu. His blue pupils, like an emerald inlaid on an ordinary silver ring, gleamed lonely. Light.

   This is a man with a story, Yang Cheng secretly said in his heart.

   "Boss, this is Mr. Kotweiler." Susu introduced Yang Cheng.

"Hello, Mr. Weller, this is Jason Yang. Just call me Jason. This is my CEO Ryze Khan. Please sit down and have something to drink?" Yang Cheng shook hands with Kotweiler, and again Introduce Ritz for him.

   "Hello Jason, Ryze, let\'s call me Kurt." Kotweiler is a bad word, even the basic greetings are slightly clumsy.

Yang Cheng was not polite when he saw this, and was the first to enter the topic, "Kurt, although I don\'t know how Mr. Morgenthau told you, trust me, I will pay a sincere price for your Lionsgate shares. "

"Jason, you misunderstood. In fact, it was my own intention to cash out Lionsgate shares to cover my losses in other projects. Mr. Morgenthau introduced your situation, so I came uninvited." Kotweiler Thanks for the coffee that Su had come up, quickly explained.

   No wonder they look weather-beaten, Yang Cheng and Ryz glanced at each other with the same look, it goes without saying.

"Kot, if that\'s the case, I\'ll just say it. How many Lionsgate shares do you have voting rights? With all due respect, I haven\'t seen your name on Lionsgate’s shareholder list before. "Ryze took the stubbornness at this time, he was the vanguard of the negotiation beforehand, and when he was undecided, Yang Cheng, the big boss, would make the decision to leave room for both parties.

   Kotweiler held the coffee cup, took a sip, and glanced at Yang Orange unexpectedly, "Is this Hawaii Kona coffee beans?"

Yang Cheng heard the words and took a sip. He smacked his lips and couldn\'t help but smile. "Yes, I didn\'t expect Kurt you to have researched coffee." The reason for his accident was that Susu got the wrong coffee, MD. When I went to Hawaii this time, I came from Grandpa Situ, not many, only two sachets. He himself usually reluctant to drink, and occasionally makes a cup when he is in a good mood.

Hawaiian Kona coffee beans (Hawaiian Kona), a small bean fruit, tastes very sweet, very delicate, slightly sour, and very tropical flavor. It has only been planted since the RB immigration period. Because of its mild characteristics, it is refreshing for the human body The function is a rare premium coffee bean.

Since Hawaiian Kona, like the Jamaican Blue Mountains, is a rare species that can only be grown on the slopes of a volcano, the cost of harvesting and cultivating is much more expensive than other classic coffees. In addition, the quantity is small, and only coffee gluttons have always been alone. It’s impossible to enjoy regular coffee as well.

"I used to be a worker working in an oil field. Once when I followed a tanker to sea and docked in Hawaii, the owner of the company invited us to have a cup of coffee. The mellow and sour taste reminded me of it. The wages at that time could not afford the price. Kona coffee beans, which are comparable to gold, later got some money and discovered that not all the good things in this world can be bought with money."

As Kurt recalled, he told his story. He took a sip of coffee and waved his hands apologized, "Sorry for digressing. Let’s talk about shares. Except for the part that I used to cash out, now I have a total of Lionsgate’s 19.8% stake, when the original founders of Lionsgate started the company, he persuaded me to invest together. At that time, I had a grand vision in the energy field and I had spare money on hand. I invested in it without asking."

He breathed a sigh of relief and continued, "Later, something happened that gave me the idea of ​​hiding wealth. On the eve of Lionsgate’s listing, I split my shares into offshore companies. These shares are all Class B shares. Enjoy 43% of the voting rights."

   Yang Cheng can still be calm, Ryze is ecstatic, pie in the sky, this tm is the original stock, the Buddha in front of him is the real major shareholder of Lionsgate, and that Marcraces is at best the **** of Erlang.

   "At the current market price, the value of this part of the stock is about 990 million. Because of Mr. Morgenthau\'s recommendation, I only need 950 million US dollars, but it must be in cash. There is no deadline."

Kotweiler offered his offer, and Yang Cheng\'s brain turned quickly. He was calculating whether the exchange between him and Morgenthau was worth 40 million US dollars. This matter is not good for anyone to owe anyone. If Morgenthau feels let Yang Cheng\'s giving up on reporting on Elizabeth Holmes is not worth $40 It is inevitable that Yang Cheng will have a grudge, and it will not pay off for Yang Cheng, and vice versa.

  Ryze Khan looked at Yang Cheng expectantly. From his perspective, he naturally wanted to agree to it immediately, because even if the price was won through long negotiations, it was not worth the time cost.

"Can I know what project Kurt has encountered? Of course, you can choose not to answer. After all, this involves your personal privacy, which is a bit impolite." Yang Cheng pondered for about a minute, but asked. Irrelevant questions.

   Yang Cheng is not without words, he wants to find out whether Kotweiler really paid the price of 950 million 5 on the face of Felix Morgenthau, or whether he has any handles held by the opponent.

   The former is better to say, the latter is more troublesome, because once Kotweiler regards Yang Cheng as the key to solving the problem, for example, get back Kotweiler\'s handle at Felix Morgenthau.

   This is bound to put Yang Cheng into an embarrassing situation, probably because he can\'t speak in front of Morgenthau, and he doesn\'t think that it is worth risking to offend Morgenthau by wronging $40 million.

   That\'s why Yang Cheng tactfully tried Kotweiler.

   "Uh... There is nothing to say, but there is a problem with the exploitation of an oil field I invested." Kotweiler hesitated for a moment, and said vaguely.

   "Is that true? Now that the global crude oil situation is declining, it is not a bad thing to slow down the pace appropriately." Yang Cheng reassured her unwillingly and became more suspicious.

He looked at Ryze, and then said, "Kurt, you know, after all, this involves a transaction of nearly 1 billion dollars. Can you give me some time to discuss it within the company, rest assured, it will not delay you, I will only take a long time. I will give you an accurate answer before 8 o\'clock tonight."