Imperial Beast Evolution (Fey Evolution Merchant)

v7 Chapter 2845: The attacking Yanhu clan!

Zihan\'s temperament is a bit stubborn, Lin Yuan knows that he has been restricting Zihan before, which has a great influence on Zihan\'s heart.

Zihan always feels that he is not taken seriously by him.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lin Yuan planned to explain to Zi Han.

"Before I didn\'t let you upgrade because the level of different water obtained was too low."

"Now it\'s the Heaven Beyond the Clouds, and there are far superior alien waters in the natural environment of the Heavens Beyond the Clouds."

"Letting you improve now will ensure that your transformed Sea of ​​Independence can accommodate more characteristics."

"Bilan has already grown up, and when you can transform into an independent sea, you and Bilan can promote each other."

Although Zi Han was stubborn, he knew that Lin Yuan did this for his own benefit.

Zihan is not the kind of person who doesn\'t know what to do!

The relationship between Zihan and Bilan has always been good. In the early days, Zihan and Bilan were raised in the same body of water by Lin Yuan.

The blood of the mermaid is attracted to the blood of the sea monster, and it will instinctively make the Zihan sea monster emperor feel close to Bilan.

Now there are a large number of mermaids living in the spirit lock space, and Zihan lives in it very happily.

When you can transform into an independent sea, you can let mermaids live in your body!

However, Lin Yuan is still not in a hurry to let Zihan transform into the sea of ​​independence.

Lin Yuan will continue to let Zihan master more characteristics of the water element.

Of course, this mastery is not unlimited.

When it is difficult for Zihan to integrate the water element characteristics into his body, the new water element characteristics will affect Bilan\'s body.

It\'s time for Bilan to transform into the sea of ​​independence!

Lin Yuan gave these strange waters with special characteristics to Zihan, and Zihan could absorb them by himself.

Compared with Zihan\'s improvement, Lin Yuan cared more about Zihan\'s natal witch Gu age cold gu fish.

After the Suihan Gu fish evolved into a fish school state, there has been no new changes.

The state of the Suihan Guyu\'s natal witchcraft is closely related to the strength of Zihan\'s own blood.

When Zihan\'s bloodline improves, the Suihan Gu fish will continue to evolve!

The wasteland to the north of the Jihe River is vast, and even if the floating island whales travel at an extremely fast speed, they still have a long way to go to the territory of the King Blood Jackal Clan.

Lin Yuan felt that in such a wasteland, it was necessary for him to cultivate some spiritual creatures that could move at high speed.

It is best that these spiritual creatures can carry a large number of people.

Otherwise, let those villages relocate by themselves, I don\'t know how long it will take!

It\'s just that Lin Yuan didn\'t have any good choices for these spirit creatures for a while.

Those creatures in the main world are obviously not enough when they arrive in the sky beyond the clouds.

Lin Yuan needs to speed up his exploration of the sky outside the clouds and discover new ethnic groups.

At this time, Fanlou had already met with Mo Ji, the patriarch of the Darkthorn Fish Clan, on behalf of Lin Yuan.

At the level of Fanlou, he was not qualified to meet Mo Ji, the patriarch of the Darkthorn Fish Clan.

But now Moji treats Fanlou as if he is entertaining a distinguished guest.

This made Fan Lou once again realize the benefits of being by Lin Yuan\'s side.

When did the Vatican Tower look as grand as it is now! ?

"Master Moji, Lord Lin Yuan asked you to provide me with half a million que coins."

"I also want you to communicate with the blood race, let me enter the vision of the blood race, and become a member who is relied on by the blood race."

"I think it shouldn\'t be difficult to do this when you have cooperation with the blood race."

Moji can bear the title of Fanlou.

Even if the Darkthorn Fish Clan is now controlled by Lin Yuan, the strength of the Dark Thorn Fish Clan is still there.

After Fanlou called himself an adult, he went to call Lin Yuan an adult.

This made Mo Ji absolutely afraid to accept such a title!

I was afraid that my presumptuous behavior would reach Lin Yuan\'s ears and cause Lin Yuan\'s dissatisfaction.

Even if Lin Yuan can show that he doesn\'t care about this, it\'s impossible for Lin Yuan\'s two servants to be like this!

During his contact with Lin Yuan, Mo Ji could feel how much the two servants who followed Lin Yuan protected Lin Yuan\'s reputation and authority.

Moji knew very well that Fanlou said that he was taking matters in front of him.

As Lin Yuan\'s close minister, Fanlou really had to curry favor with Fanlou.

But it was really impossible for Mo Ji to call himself Fanlou an adult.

"If Master Lin Yuan ordered, the 500,000 Zunque coins would naturally not be a problem."

"Being able to meet you is also a predestined relationship. I, Moji, would like to give out 200,000 Que coins to make friends with you!"

Mo Ji was not afraid that Fanlou would lie to him, and if Lin Yuan had an order later, he would definitely give him an order directly.

Lin Yuan gave himself the paper that Tang Sui, Lie Zhe and others could communicate with.

It is very convenient for everyone to communicate with each other.

Even if Lin Yuan didn\'t take the initiative to issue instructions to him, Mo Ji could still use the conversation between Fanlou and himself to ask Lin Yuan.

A lot of communication can benignly promote the relationship between each other!

Now that Fanlou is trying to control himself, he is obviously acting like a villain.

Fanlou\'s behavior also showed Mo Ji what kind of person Fanlou was.

It would be nice for such a person to make friends with money.

Mo Ji doesn\'t point to Fan Lou to say anything good about himself in front of Lin Yuan, as long as he doesn\'t cheat the Dark Thorn fish clan!

In the future, if Fanlou wants to gain a firm foothold with the Blood Clan, he also needs to rely on the Darkthorn Fish Clan.

Fanlou never thought about getting more resources from Moji.

But Moji was willing to take the initiative to use resources to make friends with him, and Fanlou was very happy.

"I can see that Your Excellency Mothorn is a straightforward person, and I hope that we can cooperate happily in the future!"

"At that time, I will explain all the achievements of the Darkthorn Fish Clan to Master Lin Yuan."

"Your Excellency Mothorn will send a member of the Darkthorn fish clan to accompany me to play a scene with the Forbidden Wolf Squad."

The change of Fanlou\'s name shows that Fanlou has plans to make friends with him.

It\'s just that when Fan Lou mentioned the Forbidden Wolf Squad, the flash of disdain in his eyes made Mo Ji frowned.

Mo Ji didn\'t know the situation of Fanlou, and only regarded Fanlou as a member of the chaotic wind demon wolf clan.

Compared with the members of the Forbidden Wolf Squad, the blood of the Chaos Wind Demon Wolf in Mo Ji\'s body was relatively thin.

It is already a great blessing that such a character can be reused in the ethnic group.

Not only did Fanlou not consider his own ethnic group, but he showed such an attitude towards his own ethnic group.

This made Mo Ji loathe Fanlou for no reason in his heart.

The emergence of characters like Fanlou in the Chaos Wind Demon Wolf Clan will not only bring no benefits to the clan.

On the contrary, the entire ethnic group may suffer from it.

Whenever there is an opportunity in the future, Fanlou will definitely abandon the Chaos Wind Demon Wolf Clan without hesitation.

Let the chaotic wind demon wolf clan become your own pedal.

Mo Ji forcibly concealed his dislike for Fan Lou.

Moji could see that Fanlou was a sensitive person, and once his disgust was shown, Fanlou would definitely notice it.

Then the previous acquaintance seemed meaningless!

"This is natural. I will let the person who cooperates with you contact you in a while."

"It\'s up to you to negotiate on how to do it."

Having said that, Moji had no intention of communicating with Fanlou anymore, and left the palace of the Darkthorn Fish Clan directly.

They are going to accept the invitation of Lie Zhe, the patriarch of the Hunting Ray Clan, to discuss how to control and clean up the entire Jihe River.

If Lin Yuan hadn\'t controlled Jihe, he had controlled the four overlord groups of Jihe.

I, Lie Zhe, Tang Sui and the others would never have the opportunity to get together and work together for one thing.

Fanlou didn\'t know that Moji had so much bad feeling towards him because of his actions.

In fact, even if Fanlou knew about it, he wouldn\'t care at all.

He and Moji are not in the same world at all, Moji cannot understand himself!

If Mo Ji had ever been from such a humble background like himself, there would be nothing remarkable about his bloodline.

I\'m afraid it will be difficult for Moji to get mixed up to his current level.

Suddenly Fan Lou thought of Kong Huan.

Kong Huan can definitely be called an old acquaintance to Fanlou.

Under Kong Huan\'s hands, Fanlou\'s daily life can be described as trembling.

He and Kong Huan were acquired by Lin Yuan almost at the same time, and now he has met Lin Yuan in Eastern Time and Space.

Kong Huan went to the northern time and space, and I don\'t know how Kong Huan is doing in the northern time and space at this time! ?

Thinking about it, Kong Huan\'s life in Northern Time and Space was probably not as easy as his own.

Even with Fanlou\'s vision and cognition, one can guess that a powerful group like the Snow-covered Fox Clan would not be too kind to a newly relocated family.

Even if the blood of the Yanhu clan is extremely attractive to fox creatures, it still can\'t change this fact.

It is not that there are other powerful fox clans in Eastern Time and Space.

Although the Xieyanweihu clan did not have the same situation as the Snow-covered Fox clan in Northern Time and Space.

But in Eastern Time and Space, he has also been ranked among thousands of people on the list of thousands of races many times.

The Xieyan-tailed Fox Clan had contact with the Yanhu Clan before, and the Xieyan-tailed Fox Clan was indeed very enthusiastic about the Yanhu Clan back then.

However, the Yanhu clan did not see any benefits from the Xieyanweihu.

If there is an evil flame-tailed fox protecting the Yanhu clan, how would Feng Qing dare to trouble the Yanhu clan?

Fanlou didn\'t know how much the promotion of Kong Huan\'s bloodline had strengthened the attractiveness of the Fox Clan.

When the Yanhu tribe led by Kong Huan first came to Beishikong, they encountered many twists and turns.

But since he was sheltered by a maharaja of the Snow-covered Fox Clan, Kong Huan has a stage for development.

Kong Huan knew very well that the Yanhu clan had lost all their roots in the Eastern Time and Space when they first came to the Northern Time and Space.

The foundation of development is the most important thing at the moment.

In addition to developing his foundation, he also had to establish a good relationship with other families of the Snow-covered Fox Clan.

The snow-covering fox clan is the best at business, and every member of the snow-covering fox clan has a strong business talent.

Coupled with the bloodline characteristics of the Snow-covered Fox Clan, it is particularly outstanding in places where various Fox Clans gather together.

The shops of the Yanhu family are constantly being built, and Kong Huan is very measured while developing.

Will donate more than half of the income to the Maharaja of the Snow-covered Fox Clan who protects him.

Under normal circumstances, Kong Huan only needs to hand over 20% to 30% of the income according to the rules of the family.

Kong Huan did this in order to gain more favor from the Snow-covered Fox Clan Monarch.

It is not easy to please a maharaja of the Snow-covered Fox Clan.

Moreover, Kong Huan did not dare to use the resources that Lin Yuan gave him to members of the Yanhu clan.

Fearing that the news would leak out, naturally he dared not use it to curry favor with the Maharaja of the Snow-covered Fox Clan!

Because it was difficult for Kong Huan to explain where he obtained resources of this level.

Kong Huan used his own method to please the maharaja of the Fuxue Fox Clan who protects the Yan Fox Clan.

The maharaja of the Snow-covered Fox Clan allocated a large territory to the Yan Fox Clan.

Let the Yanhu tribe develop freely in this territory.

This can definitely be called a great honor and reward for the Yanhu clan.

What\'s more important is that such a reward proves to other ethnic groups how much the maharaja of the Snow-covered Fox Tribe attaches importance to the Yanhu Tribe.

Even if the other family members are dissatisfied with the Yanhu clan, they dare not do anything to the Yanhu clan.

The patriarchs of many families have adopted the same method as Kong Huan, but they have not achieved the effect of Kong Huan.

In the process of communicating with the maharaja of the Snow-covered Fox Clan, Kong Huan already understood how to properly use his blood of the bone level to please the maharaja.

Although Kong Huan is doing well with the Yanhu Clan now, Kong Huan really hopes that Lin Yuan can contact him.

Or receive some news from Lin Yuan.

After knowing that Lin Yuan has the bloodline of the Yanhu family, Lin Yuan has subtly become the spiritual leader of Kong Huan!

If the Yanhu clan wants to achieve better development, it is absolutely impossible to rely on the maharaja of the Snow-covered Fox clan.

Unless his bloodline is improved again, he is just a plaything in the eyes of this snow-covered fox clan maharaja.

There are quite a few female fox clan around this snow-covered fox clan maharaja, and he can only be regarded as a new favorite at best, not qualified to stand out.

Only Lin Yuan can lead the Yanhu clan to transform.

In short, before Lin Yuan took the initiative to contact him, he led the Yanhu clan to survive smoothly!

There are too many clans attached to the Snow-covered Fox Clan, and the internal convulsions are really fierce.

The Snow-covered Fox Clan is still contacting and gathering Fox Clans from various time and space, almost every once in a while a family will be wiped out.

These destroyed families either offended the Maharaja who protected them, and were dealt with by the Maharaja of the Snow-covered Fox Clan with thunder.

Or it fell in the competition of the family.

Seeing this, Kong Huan felt somewhat sad.

If these foxes had known the fate of joining the Snow-covered Foxes, would they have made such a choice? ?

Although he sighed in his heart, Kong Huan would not feel even the slightest pity. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

On the contrary, Kong Huan will also join in the persecution of those weak foxes.

Because only in this way can the resources needed for the survival of the Yanhu family be increased as much as possible.

In an environment where the law of the jungle is followed, the compassion of a superior will only mislead his own ethnic group.

Mo Ji carefully explained to the member of the dark thorn fish clan who cooperated with Fanlou in acting, and indicated that this member of the dark thorn fish clan must perform well.

Don\'t let Fan Lou have the opportunity to sue Lin Yuan.

Now the Darkthorn Fish Clan, Mantis Crab Clan, Mist Hidden Turtle Clan, and Hunting Ray Clan will no longer go to war in the Silent River.

But now the competition is more intense.

In the case of being distributed mind letter paper, everyone has the opportunity to negotiate with Lin Yuan.

On the surface, there is a pool of still water, but secretly they want to get rid of each other.

The current situation where the four overlord groups stand side by side will change sooner or later.

Because of Lin Yuan\'s appreciation, there will definitely be a group that will get the chance to lead the other three groups. (end of this chapter)