Imperial Beast Evolution (Fey Evolution Merchant)

v7 Chapter 2844: Zihan's chance!

Lin Yuan knew what kind of ability Fanlou had.

Lin Yuan reused Fanlou to let Fanlou do things for him.

In the case that Fanlou is doing things for him, Lin Yuan will give Fanlou benefits.

He will not embarrass Fanlou for no reason.

Even if one day Fanlou really did something wrong, at worst, just solve Fanlou directly.

Fanlou\'s worries now are simply superfluous.

Lin Yuan wants Fanlou to accomplish one thing, and will use his ability to pave the way for Fanlou.

The dark sticklebacks will not give their venom to the vampires all at once.

This time, when Fan Lou turns back, there will be two strong men from the Darkthorn fish family following him.

These two strongmen of the dark stickleback clan will designate Fanlou as the spokesperson of the dark stickleback fish clan during the interaction with the blood race.

In this way, Fanlou can smoothly appear in the sight of the blood race, and it can also be paid more attention to Feng Qing.

Through probing the memory of Fanlou, Lin Yuan learned that Feng Qing is an extremely pragmatic person who believes in luck.

Feng Qing felt that his luck had improved since Da Fanlou appeared.

Moreover, Fanlou brought practical benefits to Feng Qing.

These are the points where Feng Qing reuses Fanlou.

This trip to Fanlou not only helped Feng Qing do things well, but also brought practical benefits to Feng Qing.

The overall strength of the Darkthorn Fish Clan is stronger than that of the Chaos Wind Demon Wolf Clan.

The strong family\'s initiative to make friends is enough to make Feng Qing happy.

Feng Qing\'s status in the chaotic wind demon wolf clan will also be improved as a result.

Just like Kong Huan had competition among the Yanhu clan, Feng Qing also had competition among the Chaos Wind Demon Wolf clan.

Feng Qing\'s competitors in the ethnic group are not considered weak, because of an incident decades ago, Feng Qing\'s position was almost shaken.

Fanlou didn\'t know about all this.

But it does not prevent Fan Lou from knowing what kind of benefits he is about to get through Lin Yuan\'s words.

It was really hard for Fanlou to restrain the joy in his heart.

Before this action, Fan Lou only thought of completing Lin Yuan\'s mission and protecting himself.

It never occurred to Lin Yuan that he would be able to give himself a great opportunity.

Lin Yuan gave Fanlou 500,000 que coins and a lot of aura crystals.

These supplies really made Fan Lou ecstatic.

But what Fanlou pursues is more to improve his own status.

As the status has been raised, Fanlou can enjoy more preferential treatment from the superiors.

In the past, Fanlou could only dominate the Qingfeng Wolf Clan.

Within the Clan Council of the Chaos Wind Demon Wolf, Fanlou must restrain his edge.

After this time, even in the clan meeting of the Chaos Wind Demon Wolf Clan, I no longer need to be as cautious as before!

Not only that, after entering the sight of the blood race, he gradually no longer had to rely on Feng Qing\'s favor.

Suddenly, an idea popped into Fanlou\'s mind.

As long as I follow Lin Yuan\'s side to do things well, will there be a day when Feng Qing will turn around and cling to me in the future! ?

Lin Yuan didn\'t wait for Fanlou\'s Xie En like other high-ranking people.

Lin Yuan just watched Fanlou peacefully.

"I like pragmatic people, as long as you do things well."

Lin Yuan didn\'t give much explanation and encouragement to Fanlou, and Fanlou firmly remembered these words in his heart.

In Lin Yuan, he returned to the back of the floating island whale through the ethereal jellyfish\'s skill [Node Teleportation].

There was also news from Chun and Xia that the king blood jackal clan was much stronger than expected.

But the king blood jackal clan did not cause any trouble for Chun and Xia.

Chun and Xia easily controlled the King Blood Jackal Clan.

The current Queen of the King Blood Jackal Clan is even a little short of reaching the Domain Mountain-level Holy Spirit Realm.

In the wilderness north of the Jihe River, there are powerful people of this level sitting in charge of the ethnic group. No wonder the king blood jackal clan can seize so many resources and drive all other ethnic groups away.

Without enough strength, it is simply impossible to do this!

It\'s just that control belongs to control, and the members of the king\'s blood jackal clan have a bad temper, and it is difficult to make the members of the king\'s blood jackal clan submit in a conventional way.

The queen of the king blood jackal clan has been fighting fiercely.

Chun and Xia didn\'t take any measures, but were going to wait for Lin Yuan to make a decision after Lin Yuan returned.

In a normal race for hegemony, it is the most time-saving and labor-saving way to directly kill a tough-as-nails like the Queen of the King Blood Jackal Clan.

But now is the time when Lin Yuan needs manpower.

Once the queen of the king\'s blood jackal clan surrenders, she can be regarded as a general.

The King Blood Jackal Clan is not considered the overlord of the Cloud Outer Heaven Territory, and has been ruled by some powerful clans before.

In order to make the Queen of the King\'s Blood Jackal Clan surrender, in addition to the deterrence of force, practical benefits must also be given!

The blood of the king blood jackal clan can enhance explosive power, reaching the standard that Lin Yuan can absorb through the body of all spirits.

Looking at the blond heroic woman next to him who was clearly locked by the chain, but still kept breaking free from the chain, pulling the chain creakingly.

Xia shook his head helplessly.

This golden retriever lost dog is really fierce!

But it is such a strong temper that will be extra loyal after being tamed.

For a strong self-sustaining bloodline like the queen of the king blood jackal clan, the improvement of bloodlines is the most attractive to her.

The bloodline of the queen of the king\'s blood jackal clan has basically reached a critical point, Lin Yuan should be able to easily transform the bloodline of the queen of the king\'s blood jackal clan.

For example, at this time, the blood of the queen of the king\'s blood jackal clan is a bottle filled with water.

Lin Yuan used the body of all spirits to improve the blood of the jackal blood of the king\'s blood, ignoring the bottle itself and pouring additional water into the bottle, the pressure of the water in the bottle would directly burst the bottle.

This is where the power of the body of all spirits lies!

After Lin Yuan received the news from Chun and Xia, he decided to directly drive the floating island whale to the sky above the territory of the king blood jackal clan.

For the king blood jackal clan, which Lin Yuan planned to control, Lin Yuan didn\'t care that the king blood jackal clan knew about the existence of floating island whales.

Because Lin Yuan\'s control over the king blood jackal clan in the future is bound to be much stronger than his control over the other four clans in Jihe Nei!

The floating island whale moves extremely fast, and the villages controlled by Wen Yu, Liu Jie and others cannot keep up with the speed of the floating island whale.

Moreover, these villages are not suitable for immediate large-scale relocation.

After Lin Yuan has thoroughly sorted out the territories of the King Blood Jackal Clan, Lin Yuan will arrange for the residents of these villages to relocate in batches.

Migrate to one resource point after another, and give the creatures in these villages the identity of the residents of the territory.

Allow these creatures to work in exchange for materials and improve their lives.

No need to wait around for passive feeding.

In this way, not only can you gain dignity, but you can also establish the next goal in your slowly affluent life!

Lin Yuan informed Yue Hou of the current situation.

Months later, he couldn\'t help but let out a sigh of emotion when he heard the words.

The development of Lin Yuan in the sky outside the cloud is completely different from the situation expected a month later.

In the higher-dimensional world, Lin Yuan did not struggle to survive.

But it opened up the situation as soon as it came up.

He has no way to support Lin Yuan in terms of force, instead he has to rely on Lin Yuan to protect himself.

But in terms of the management of the territory, I can help disciple Lin Yuan!

In addition to Yue Hou, Lin Yuan also informed Wen Yu, Liu Jie, Su Yiren and other backbones of Sky City about the situation.

Lin Yuan didn\'t need to spend too much thought on the management of the territory.

In fact, in the power of Sky City, Lin Yuan has never positioned himself as a pioneer.

but a producer.

Only with as many production resources as possible can Lin Yuan\'s greatest value be brought into play!

This is also Lin Yuan\'s ability in the power of Sky City, which no one else can reproduce.

It is also the foundation of the city of the sky.

Otherwise, even with the original team of Sky City, there are not enough resources.

It\'s hard for a clever woman to cook without rice, and the city in the sky will definitely not be able to develop so far!

Inside the territory of the king blood jackal clan, there must be many spiritual objects or special materials that can be cultivated in the spirit lock space.

The resources in the spirit lock space basically come from the main world.

When it comes to the sky outside the cloud, it is necessary to innovate these resources.

In fact, before Lin Yuan came to Yunwai Tianyu, Lin Yuan had always had a worry.

That is, after arriving in the sky outside the cloud, whether he can obtain spiritual energy crystals by advancing spiritual objects as before.

This is also the reason why Lin Yuan will do his best to obtain aura crystals and store them in the main world.

But when Lin Yuan came to the sky beyond the clouds, he saw those small villages.

Lin Yuan knew that he was worrying too much!

It is much easier to obtain aura crystals in the sky outside the clouds than in the main world.

Even in the process of collecting aura crystals, Lin Yuan can help these creatures who have reached the promotion standard to pass through the baptism of heaven and earth in the form of rewards.

In the past few days, there are living beings who have advanced in these villages.

The will of the world in the Tianyu beyond the clouds is much stronger than that of the main world.

Therefore, the difficulty of advancing is also 20 to 30% harder than that of creatures of the same level in the main world.

But there is not much difference in the strength of the creatures.

It is precisely because the difficulty has been increased by 20% to 30% that it is unknown how many lives have been lost in it.

Those creatures in the sky outside the clouds who did not have a back to rely on did not dare to easily raise their ranks.

Being able to guarantee the smooth promotion of ranks can be regarded as a great grace in any force.

Among the Darkthorn fish clan, Lin Yuan obtained several special waters.

These strange waters are much more powerful than the special-grade strange waters produced in the dimensional cracks of the fifth-level water world in the main world.

From the mouth of Lie Zhe, the patriarch of the Hunting Ray Clan, Lin Yuan learned that such strange waters are often produced in Jihe River.

Whenever there are strange waters in the world, there will always be several conflicts in Jihe Nei over different waters.

In the huge rivers, lakes and seas in the sky outside the clouds, there will be strange water.

As long as Lin Yuan spends his time here, he can continuously acquire different waters.

These strange waters are not only useful to Bilan, but also have a surprising effect on Zihan Sea Demon Emperor.

If the Zihan Sea Demon Emperor wants to improve his own characteristics, he must absorb a large amount of characteristics from the strange water.

It will take a long time for the floating island whales to rush to the territory of the king blood jackal clan.

Lin Yuan could just take this opportunity to use these different waters to cultivate the Zihan Sea Demon Emperor.

Speaking of which, it has been a long time since Lin Yuan paid attention to Zihan Sea Demon Emperor.

But even if the top-level alien water did not improve the Zihan Sea-monster Emperor much, Lin Yuan has been providing resources for the Zihan Sea-monster emperor.

The Zihan Sea Demon Emperor is currently at the level of the king-level creation species.

If it weren\'t for the fear of limiting the evolution potential of the Zihan Sea Demon Emperor, Lin Yuan could actually raise the Zihan Sea Demon Emperor to the immortal level in the main world.

Lin Yuan raised his hand and released the Zihan Sea Demon Emperor.

Zihan Sea Demon Emperor has a quiet temperament and doesn\'t like to talk to people.

The same is true for Lin Yuan, the contractor.

The Zihan Sea Demon Emperor was accompanied by a group of strange fish, and these strange fish were covered with thick bone scales.

The light reflected from the bone scales cast a layer of chill in the surrounding space.

These fish shoals are the natal witch Gu of the Zihan Sea Demon Emperor, named Suihan Gu fish.

It is also the strongest fighting method of the Zihan Sea Demon Emperor.

Compared with desolate beasts and demons, the function of sea monsters mainly lies in the enhancement of treasures.

Using the current Zihan Sea Demon King\'s strength to upgrade treasures, a ten-star treasure can easily break through the twelve-star limit and reach a new level!

The materials of the treasures in the Tianyu outside the clouds must be better than those obtained by Lin Yuan in the main world.

So things like treasures must be re-refined.

Lin Yuan used Mobius\'s skill [Real Data] to investigate the Zihan Siren Emperor and the Suihan Gu fish beside him.

[Spiritual creature name]: Zihan Sea Demon Emperor

[Spiritual Species]: Siren Royal Family / Siren Genus

[Spirit Level]: Monarch Rank (5/10)

[Spiritual Item]: Water System

[Spiritual Object Quality]: Genesis Clock

The water of life:

[Purple cold heavy water (jellyfish): In the case of absorbing water, Shuiling will gradually increase its size and gradually become the limit state. The difference releases the water flow outward. 】

[When it comes into contact with one\'s own target, the cold air in the water flow will gather on the target\'s surface, enhancing the target\'s defense. 】

[When it comes into contact with an enemy target, the cold air and curse will be transmitted to the target\'s body, and the cold air will cause severe frostbite to the contacted part of the target. 】

[Facing the frostbitten target, the hidden curse quickly erupts, and the erupting curse will attack the target\'s soul until the soul is permanently frozen and becomes a frosty soul (the frosty soul has the effect of increasing the power of the soul). UU reading】

[(Transforming to the Sea of ​​Independence is in progress. After successful transformation, you can switch between the water spirit and the Sea of ​​Independence.)]

Natal witchcraft:

[Suihan Gu fish (fish school): The fish school curses the designated creatures around them. Every time a cursed creature exists in the world for a year, it will accumulate a layer of cold curse in its body, and each layer of cold curse will slow down the blood in the target\'s body. , spiritual power, mental power, the operation of soul power. 】

[After any of the Suihan Gu fish in the fish school stabs the cursed target with its tail thorn, the cold curse accumulated in the target\'s body will explode, and while causing damage to the target, the Suihan Gu fish itself can absorb the power of the cold curse. The number of layers, each layer of cold curse will form a layer of age-old cold power on itself. (Each additional Suihan Gu fish in the fish school will increase the number of layers absorbed by Suihan power to 20%.)]

[When the power of Sui Han reaches a certain number of layers, consume the power of the sea monster\'s own bloodline, and it can increase its own boosted treasure by a higher level. 】

After the investigation, Lin Yuan said to Zihan Sea Demon Emperor.

"Zihan, you have always wanted to transform your body into the sea of ​​independence, not just to maintain the state of water spirit."

"Now is your chance!" (End of this chapter)