Imperial Beast Evolution (Fey Evolution Merchant)

v7 Chapter 2846: Chance to be promoted to Great Satan!

The sky in the sky outside the clouds is wider than what Lin Yuan felt when he was in the main world.

Soaring in the sky beyond the clouds, the floating island whales are more at ease.

Whether it is a floating island whale, gray gray or blue, they all enjoy the feeling of roaming in the natural environment.

During this period of time, the development speed inside Sky City can be said to be not slow at all.

During the process of carrying out their missions, the core members of Sky City are also constantly learning about the Heaven Beyond the Clouds and speeding up their integration into the Heavens Beyond the Clouds.

When cultivating the Zihan Sea Demon Emperor, Lin Yuan thought of Huayanyangui who had been left by him in the lock spirit space and followed Shiji during this period of time.

Huayanyangui has been contracted by Lin Yuan since she was promoted from a big devil to Satan, and Satan is extremely powerful in terms of ability.

The function of Hualiyan Ghost can still be combined with Hualiyan Ghost even when Lin Yuan activates a certain blood in his body.

Previously, when Lin Yuan was fused with Bilan, he let Huayanyan ghost possess him.

Lin Yuan\'s combat ability has been greatly improved.

In the past ten years, Lin Yuan has not stopped investing in the Huayanyangui resources.

With the continuous improvement of the Mobius rank, the output of the element well is also constantly increasing.

Lin Yuan gave Huayanyan ghost permission, allowing Huayanyan ghost to use the well water from the element well to deploy elemental energy.

Lin Yuan summoned Huayanyan Ghost.

The long pitch-black horns on the ghost\'s head are clustered into a towering crown.

This crown is as black as ink, with a strange, strange, and dangerous smell on it.

But when this pitch-black crown was presented on the head of Huayan Yangui, it showed more majesty and nobility.

In Huayanyangui\'s scarlet eyes, there is a black goat\'s head slowly spinning.

A pair of long ink-colored hair hangs down on the unusually gorgeous robe.

Every inch of Huayanyangui\'s robe is embroidered with flower patterns of different colors.

The robe almost covered the five square meter area around Huayanyangui.

Above the scepter in the hand with the same color as the crown, there are eleven flowers condensed from pure elemental energy.

The ghost lines on Hua Yanyan\'s face moved from the cheeks to the back of the ears and neck, and spread into the neckline.

The tail behind Huayanyan ghost, which indicates the identity of Satan, is hidden in the robe.

The current Huayanyan ghost is much more beautiful than the Huayanyan ghost in Lin Yuan\'s previous memory.

It is worthy of being a creature of the Satanic Branch Yan Cthulhu genus!

Lin Yuan used Mobius\'s skill [True Data] to investigate Huayanyangui.

[Spiritual creature name]: Huayanyan ghost

[Spiritual Species]: Satanaceae / Yanxie

[Spirit Level]: King (5/10)

[Spiritual Items]: Nature

[Spiritual quality]: Immortal stage 4

Satanic Powers:

[Sentence of Calamity]: According to the elemental energy of the target\'s envoy, a flower of disaster blooms on the target\'s body. Whenever the target casts elemental energy, the flower of disaster will absorb it from the target\'s body and consume the same amount of elemental energy stored in the target. When the flower of disaster is detonated, the target will be backlashed by the elemental energy stored in the flower of disaster.

[Flower of Calamity Playing Life]: The Flower of Calamity falls from the flower basket of Calamity and enters an invisible state. When a life of the same attribute as the Flower of Calamity touches the Flower of Calamity, it will be compared with the purity of the elemental energy in the Flower of Calamity.

When the energy purity of the elements in the Blossom is higher than that of the Blossom, the Blossom will boost the target.

When the purity of the elemental energy in the Flower of Calamity is lower than that, the Flower of Calamity will deprive the target of the elemental energy and apply an instant death effect to the target. Before the instant death effect ends, the spiritual creature deprived of elemental energy by the Flower of Calamity will die immediately if it fails to replenish the elemental energy.

In the case of the same purity of the elemental energy in the body of the flower of disaster, you can decide to increase the target\'s energy, or deprive the target of the elemental energy in the body, and apply the instant death effect.

[All things become disasters]: For all things within the range, build a causal network composed of disasters, choose two kinds of disasters for comparison, the weaker one will automatically contribute half of the disasters to the stronger one, and enter a short-term weak state.

[Calamity Domain Flower Puppet]: When facing a creature with the same bloodline of the devil, you can suppress the target according to your own bloodline, and deprive the subordinate of the right to use Satan\'s power. After killing the subordinate, the subordinate will become a flower puppet in the flower sea. The flower puppet and the flower sea will inherit the Satanic power of the previous life, and at the same time inherit part of the ability of the flower calamity ghost itself.

When facing a creature with non-devil blood, the moment the Calamity Domain is released, the target who enters the Calamity Domain will automatically condense into three Calamity Flowers. (Spread out the calamity area, the Huayanyan ghost body will not be able to move, and the consumption of other Satanic powers will be doubled.)

After exploring, Lin Yuan found that the strength of Huayanyangui had been raised to the level of the fifth level of the king, the fourth level of immortality.

It\'s just that the satanic power of the flower calamity ghost is only related to blood.

Unless the bloodline of the flower catastrophe ghost transforms from Satan to Great Satan, he can gain more Satanic powers.

Although Satan\'s ability does not increase with the improvement of rank and quality.

But the strength of the ability is already very different from before!

Lin Yuan had previously predicted that Huayanyangui would only be able to transform into a great Satan when the flowers of Huayanyangui\'s [Flowers of Calamity] changed from eleven to fourteen.

This is almost impossible in the main world.

If the [Flower of Calamity] of Flower Calamity Ghost wants to bloom a few more, it needs to absorb elemental energy of different attributes.

In the main world, if you want to find eleven kinds of elemental energy, you are basically at your limit.

Huayanyan\'s bloodline\'s promotion path was basically blocked in the main world.

However, when he arrived in the Tianyu beyond Yunwai, Huayanyangui gained the possibility of his bloodline transforming again.

After more than ten years of precipitation, the Huacaiyan ghost\'s character has long been different from before.

Huayanyan ghost stood quietly beside Lin Yuan, with a look of grievance on his holy and pure face.

Among Lin Yuan\'s contracted creatures, Lin Yuan cared the least for Huayanyangui.

In the beginning, Huayanyangui followed Lin Yuan in pursuit of only resources.

But after realizing that everything in the future is completely bound to Lin Yuan, Huayanyangui also hopes to win Lin Yuan\'s favor like other spiritual creatures.

Lin Yuan felt the grievance shown by Huayanyangui.

Huayanyangui\'s grievance made Lin Yuan understand Huayanyangui\'s feelings for him.

Lin Yuan cared the least about the Huayanyan ghost, because in Lin Yuan\'s perception, the devil is an extremely selfish creature with a heart full of calculations.

There is no emotion at all.

However, Lin Yuan overlooked one point, that is, all the schemes and calculations of the devil are aimed at creatures of the same level.

When a creature\'s level exceeds the devil\'s cognition, and the devil finds that tricks and calculations can no longer benefit him.

This devil will choose to be attached and emotionally invested.

Huayanyangui is in such a state at this time.

"Huaweiyan ghost, there was no hope of your bloodline improving in the main world before."

"Now that you\'ve reached the Heaven Beyond the Clouds, your bloodline still has the opportunity to continue to improve."

"If I encounter a special element or a creature that can produce various elements, I will pay attention to it for you!"

"I summoned you this time because I want to tell you to suppress the promotion of rank as much as possible."

"Don\'t let yourself step into eternity easily!"

"There must be a higher level of blood above the Great Satan."

"If you can set foot on Great Satan when you are promoted to eternity, then when you are heading towards the emperor-level **** realm to open up your own **** kingdom."

"There is a chance to launch an impact on the level above the Great Satan!"

Lin Yuan\'s entrustment to Huayanyangui made Huayanyangui have a surprised expression on his face.

Huayanyangui took Lin Yuan\'s entrustment as concern for herself.

Since Lin Yuan made a promise to himself, he will definitely transform his bloodline as much as possible.

The level of Great Satan is already unattainable for Huayanyangui.

If he hadn\'t met Lin Yuan, he would have been at the level of a great devil at best.

Because of the consumption of resources, no one has ever contracted himself.

Huayanyangui is clear about this.

Now it is not only possible for me to transform into the Great Satan, but also to transform towards a level above the Great Satan.

The promotion of the bloodline is much more attractive to the flower disaster ghost than the promotion of the rank is to the flower disaster ghost.

Lin Yuan once heard Chun mention that there is a group of demons in the sky beyond the clouds.

It\'s just that the devils are not united compared to other ethnic groups.

Devils guard against each other, so devils generally exist as individuals.

No matter how powerful the bloodline talent is in the sky outside the clouds, it is difficult to achieve anything on its own.

Therefore, the devil is not taken seriously by the various ethnic groups in the sky beyond the clouds.

However, in some ethnic groups, the devil always appears as an assistant.

The nature of the devil makes it very difficult for the devil to have a chance to increase its strength to a very strong one.

As a creature with a very high IQ, Huayanyangui is going to let Huayanyangui stay in the sky city.

Take a look to see if Huayanyangui has a talent for internal affairs.

Lin Yuan has never given Huayanyan ghost any chance, so he is not sure what kind of talent Huayanyan ghost has.

But Lin Yuan knows that the devil is best at deceiving people.

The existence of the Huayanyan ghost is extremely helpful for Lin Yuan to gain faith in the sky beyond the clouds.

The Floating Island Whale flew for several more days before arriving at the territory of the King Blood Jackal Clan.

If the king\'s blood jackal clan hadn\'t been completely controlled by Chun and Xia, Lin Yuan would have been strongly attacked by the king\'s blood jackal clan if he appeared in the king\'s blood jackal clan\'s territory like now.

Passing through the airspace of a powerful ethnic group is often regarded as a provocative behavior by this ethnic group.

The floating island whale roamed recklessly over the territory of the king blood jackal clan.

There was not even a single bark in the entire territory of the king\'s blood jackal clan.

Spring and summer were waiting for Lin Yuan long before the floating island whales came.

Chun came to Lin Yuan\'s side and said softly.

"Master Sage, Xia and I have managed everything in the Wangxue Jackal Clan."

"It\'s just that the queen of the king blood jackal clan has a strong temper and is unwilling to surrender."

"I wonder if you would like to educate them?"

Both Chun and Xia are sensible people.

If Lin Yuan did not show interest in the Queen of the King Blood Jackal Clan, Chun and Xia would try again to control the Queen of the King Blood Jackal Clan.

If there is still no effect, Chun and Xia will mercilessly kill the Queen of the King Blood Jackal Clan.

It is not without the creatures of the king blood jackal clan who have the qualifications and ability to become queens.

At worst, just support a new queen to manage the king blood jackal clan!

The reason why Chun and Xia still value the Queen of the King Blood Jackal Clan so much after reporting the situation to Lin Yuan on the Xinnian letter paper.

It\'s because the Queen of the King Blood Jackal Clan has extraordinary personal potential.

Once he missed Lin Yuan and wanted to find this kind of subordinate worthy of training again, he didn\'t know how long he would have to wait before he could find it again!

"Let\'s go, take me to see how fierce the queen of the king\'s blood jackal clan is!"

Lin Yuan attached great importance to Chun Hexia who valued repeated recommendations so much.

But all of this is based on the fact that the queen of the king blood jackal clan is aware of current affairs.

If the queen of the king\'s blood jackal clan was too ignorant of current affairs, Lin Yuan would not have paid too much attention to the queen of the king\'s blood jackal clan.

Don\'t say I don\'t feel bad about losing this queen of the king\'s blood jackal clan.

Even if the entire king blood jackal clan is gone, Lin Yuan doesn\'t care.

There are many powerful ethnic groups in Yunwai Tianyu. With the strength of the four of Chun Xia Qiu Dong, as long as they are groups that are suppressed by Chun Xia Qiu Dong\'s force, Lin Yuan can easily regain them.

Lin Yuan\'s disposition has not changed after being a superior for a long time, but his way of thinking about things has changed.

Don\'t look at the smooth development of Sky City in Yunwai Tianyu, but this is not just a show.

It\'s a complete hegemony and struggle!

If you still lead the city of the sky to develop in the sky beyond the clouds with a benevolent and compassionate attitude.

It will be Lin Yuan, the lord of Sky City, who is irresponsible to all members of Sky City!

Lin Yuan is not such an irresponsible person!

The king\'s blood jackal clan has been entrenched in this wasteland for an unknown period of time, and the palace was built in a very grand style.

From the building and layout of the palace, Lin Yuan could see that the king blood jackals liked gold very much.

The entire palace is made of pure golden ores and metals.

In the territory, Lin Yuan could see that many members of the non-king blood jackal clan were maintaining the operation of the territory as servants.

These ethnic groups living in the territory of the King\'s Blood Jackal Clan as servants are the best among the various families of the King\'s Blood Jackal Clan.

Without exception, they are extremely intelligent people.

But if you are a little bit stupid and your eyesight is lacking, UU Reading www. is probably already disposed of!

The members of the king blood jackal clan were all imprisoned in the palace by Chun and Xia.

These servants are well aware that the sky has changed in the territory.

These new people who entered the territory will be the real new owners of the territory from now on.

Seeing Lin Yuan from a distance, these servants quickly lowered their heads and knelt down on the ground.

The behavior of these servants made Lin Yuan understand that the king blood jackal clan is extremely particular about status.

Different status levels enjoy completely different authorities in the territory.

The queen of the king blood jackal clan is the figure on the top of the pyramid in the entire territory.

I am used to being superior, and if I want to submit to him, I have to break the dignity that is firmly guarded by the superior status.

Only in this way is it possible to make this proud queen submit.

On this wasteland, the existence that is only one step away from stepping into the domain mountain-level holy spirit realm does have such arrogance.

Entering the palace, Lin Yuan saw the members of the king blood jackal clan waiting in line in the palace, one by one wearing golden armor, looking extremely heroic. (end of this chapter)