Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 999

"Shit! Again!".

Lin Feng turned his head and looked at the red flaming Golden Dragon beast photographed by that claw. Suddenly, he was speechless.

He hurried to avoid, but he didn\'t completely avoid.

Lin Feng was patted by the claw of the red burning Golden Dragon and flew out. His body fell heavily to the ground and rolled on the ground for more than a dozen times.

The red flaming Golden Dragon made a deep roar. It was still patted with a claw and wanted to kill Lin Feng.

Lin Feng quickly got up from the ground and rushed to the deep, but the red burning Golden Dragon had rushed and shot Lin Feng out again.

After being photographed by the red burning Golden Dragon beast twice in a row, Rao Shilin Feng could hardly bear it, and his seven orifices bled.

Smelling the smell of blood, the red flaming golden dragon became more crazy, roared, opened its big mouth and tore away at Lin Feng.

Shrink to inches!

Lin Feng jumped and quickly jumped out hundreds of meters.

The red flaming golden dragon was in the air this time.

But the reaction speed of the red burning golden dragon was too fast. At the moment of flying, its limbs suddenly kicked on the ground and rushed towards Lin Feng like a sharp arrow.

"Don\'t come here. If you come here, I\'ll smash this animal egg.".

Lin Feng was already unavoidable. He took out the animal eggs he got, took them in his hand and threatened them loudly.

"Roar... Roar...". The red flaming Golden Dragon stopped in mid air, but from time to time sent out bursts of low roars.

The roar contained a terrible killing intention.

However, now the ChiYan Golden Dragon doesn\'t dare to rush forward. Even if it wants to kill Lin Feng again, it should also take into account the animal eggs in Lin Feng\'s hands.

Seeing that the red burning Golden Dragon didn\'t rush up immediately, Lin Feng also breathed a sigh.

He took out a piece of Biye stone and quickly refined it.

The mana that had consumed almost recovered to its peak soon.

Lin Feng held the animal egg in his hand and flew away in the distance.

The red flaming Golden Dragon beast followed all the way. It seemed to be looking for the most appropriate time, and then launched a must kill attack on Lin Feng.

So Lin Feng still didn\'t relax his vigilance against the red flaming Golden Dragon.

An hour later, Lin Feng suddenly felt a cold breath in the mountains.

The red flaming Golden Dragon beast gave out bursts of low roars. Lin Feng heard the mood of "irritability" from the roar of the red flaming Golden Dragon beast.

The red burning Golden Dragon beast is a fierce beast with fire attribute. It is antagonistic to the power of yin and cold, so the red burning Golden Dragon beast hates this cold breath very much.

Lin Feng showed a happy look.

All things grow and conquer each other.

It seems that there is something here that can restrain the red burning Golden Dragon. Maybe I can take this opportunity to get rid of the red burning Golden Dragon.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng accelerated his speed.


He dashed into the depths.

Before long, Lin Feng heard the surging sound of the river.

He gave a sudden look and quickened his speed.

The red flaming Golden Dragon in the back was obviously more irritable and attacked Lin Feng directly.

Lin Feng threatened it with animal eggs.

The red fire and the golden dragon are ignored.

This makes Lin Feng sure that the red flaming Golden Dragon must be afraid of something.

So Lin Feng didn\'t mean to fight with the red burning Golden Dragon. He avoided the attack of the red burning Golden Dragon and rushed into the depths as a streamer.

Finally, Lin Feng saw a river.

The river exudes a cold smell.

Within a dozen miles, there is no grass, even with Lin Feng\'s strong physique.

When they approached the river, they all shivered with cold.

He hasn\'t touched the river yet. It\'s hard to imagine how low the temperature of the river is.


The red burning Golden Dragon beast who came to the cold river was completely crazy. He roared and shook the sky, waved his huge claw, and patted Lin Feng with one claw.

In the void, there are destructive forces diffused from the body of the red flaming Golden Dragon beast.

The red fire Golden Dragon beast broke out the most terrible combat power.

The smell from the fierce beast made Lin Feng feel the crisis of death.

Lin Feng knew that he would die if he fought with the fierce beast again.

He bit his teeth and rushed directly to the cold river.

A splash.

Lin Feng jumped into the cold river, and the attack of the red burning Golden Dragon swept in the air.

"Roar! Roar!"

The red burning Golden Dragon roared above the cold river. It flew quickly across the sky, and its powerful mind swept out, trying to find the trace of Lin Feng.

However, the mind can only sweep above the cold river.

Because the mind can\'t invade the cold river at all.

This cold river is so terrible that even the mind can be frozen.


The temperature in the cold river was too low. Lin Feng jumped into it and quickly collected the eggs of the red burning Golden Dragon. The red burning Golden Dragon above didn\'t leave, and Lin Feng didn\'t dare to leave the cold river.

Before long, Lin Feng could hardly hold on, and his body was frozen stiff.

Water conquers fire.

Now even Lin Feng\'s sky fire can\'t be sacrificed.

If you are a monk who has practiced the ice attribute skill, you may be able to get through the cold river smoothly, but it is obvious that Lin Feng is in great trouble.

After only staying in the cold river for half an hour, Lin Feng couldn\'t hold on. He felt that his consciousness was going to fall into a deep sleep, and his body fell towards the bottom of the cold river.

"Roar..." Lin Feng was awakened by an earth shaking roar at the bottom of the cold river.

Lin Feng opened his eyes hard. He saw that there was a cave at the bottom of the cold river.

The cave, which exudes an ancient flavor, is shrouded in a light mask.

But the roar just disappeared. Lin Feng\'s consciousness had fallen into confusion before, and he was not sure whether he really heard the roar of the beast or his own illusion.

But now he was sober and looked at the cave below.

There is a cave at the bottom of the Han River, which is really strange.

Lin Feng swam towards the cave and finally fell into the light mask.

At this time, Lin Feng found that the cold breath had completely disappeared, and his whole body was very comfortable.

The light mask of the cave blocked the cold breath of the cold river.

"Cold burning God\'s house"!


Lin Feng read the name of the cave. He immediately showed a surprised expression.

This is a shrine.

A God, an inherited cave.

Lin Feng immediately felt his heart beat violently.

He didn\'t expect that there would be such a God\'s house at the bottom of the cold river. Most people jumped into the cold river and were estimated to have frozen to death. That is, Lin Feng\'s body was too strong, so he didn\'t die until he fell to the bottom of the cold river, and he also found this cold burning God\'s house.

"Demon king, what do you think?". Lin Feng asked.

The demon king didn\'t respond. He didn\'t know if he was in seclusion.

Or unwilling to take care of yourself.

Lin Feng looked inside the cold burning God\'s house.

Seeing a dazzling light inside and unable to see anything clearly, Lin Feng carefully entered the cave.

However, just entering the cave, a terrible threat filled the air, and then the pungent smell came.

An ice dragon opened its mouth and swallowed it at Lin Feng.

"It\'s over...".

Lin Feng\'s face was as pale as paper. Facing the sudden attack of a giant dragon, it was too late to avoid.