Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 998

Lin Feng stood in the distance and watched. He didn\'t rush forward, but he didn\'t leave, because Lin Feng was also thinking of ChiYan Golden Dragon cubs or eggs.

Although this place is dangerous, it is a treasure mountain. If you can really get the young red inflammatory golden dragon or its eggs, it will be a great opportunity.

"Spread out and use treasure to attack these fierce beasts from a long distance.".

The friar shouted and stepped back quickly.

The ChiYan Golden Dragon beast is really too strong and arrogant. Even though it can\'t compare with their ancestors, the people who besieged the ChiYan Golden Dragon beast were not the living family of the Red Emperor and others.

The endless sea of fire burns heaven and earth, and the smell of terror pervades the heavens.

The red flaming Golden Dragon beast exudes endless ferocity. Some friars with slightly lower strength have a feeling of suffocation and can\'t bear the pressure emitted from the red flaming Golden Dragon beast.

"Cut..." hundreds of monks urged the magic weapon to kill the red burning Golden Dragon.


The red flaming golden dragon that rushed out was hurt.

Its body was torn, a deep bone wound, and blood immediately flowed out.

No matter how powerful the red flaming Golden Dragon is, it is difficult to resist the attack of hundreds of monks.

Just that blow, the strong of the eternal giant came, and it is estimated that they will be killed.

Many people\'s spirits were shocked by the injury of ChiYan Golden Dragon.

"Work together and cut it"!

Many friars said excitedly that these friars who besieged the red flaming Golden Dragon not only wanted to get the cubs or eggs of the red flaming golden dragon, but also wanted to kill the red flaming Golden Dragon.

Because the red fire Golden Dragon is full of treasures, such as bones, blood, origin, internal alchemy... And so on.

Hundreds of magic weapons were blasted out again. The injured red flaming golden dragon was blasted out. Its huge body hit a mountain peak, and the whole mountain collapsed.

The red flaming golden dragon was greatly hurt.

It tried to get up from the ruins, but fell again, which excited hundreds of monks.

They urged the magic weapon again to completely solve the red burning Golden Dragon beast.

But at this time.

Four more flaming Golden Dragon beasts rushed out from the depths of the mountains.

These red flaming Golden Dragon beasts roared angrily.

Every red flaming Golden Dragon beast contains a monstrous killing intention.

Hoo Hoo

Huge fireballs were sprayed out by the red flaming Golden Dragon beast.

The fireballs exploded in the crowd.

Many monks were immediately drowned, issued a miserable cry, and finally died miserably.

"Don\'t panic. Continue to attack these red inflammatory Golden Dragon beasts from a long distance. We can grind them to death sooner or later.".

A strong man sneered.

These strong men are stabilizing people\'s hearts. They also need the help of the monks around them. Otherwise, it is not easy for them to deal with the red burning Golden Dragon alone.

But privately, several leaders of the forces have sent people to lurk in the nest of the red burning Golden Dragon beast.

Because now several red flaming Golden Dragon beasts have come out, and the nest is empty, which is a good opportunity to rob young animals or animal eggs.


Lin Feng disappeared into the jungle, hid his breath from the mountain on the side, and lurked towards the nest of the red flaming Golden Dragon.

In the void, the red flaming Golden Dragon fighting with the monks is very cautious. The mind has been sweeping back and forth to prevent someone from lurking into their nest at this time.

However, Lin Feng\'s concealment method is very powerful, and he successfully deceived several red flaming Golden Dragon beasts.

When Lin Feng lurked into the valley, five monks lurked in. They should represent five top forces.

The means of these people are not simple.

After lurking into the valley, they all looked very excited.

Deep in the valley, there was a huge cave with flames. That was where the cave of the red flaming Golden Dragon beast was located. Five friars rushed in quickly.

Lin Feng also followed and followed in.

The cave is extremely long and hot.

After walking for more than 100 meters, there were three branches.

"Boom...". There was a violent fluctuation at the fork in the middle. It was obvious that the five friars fought with the red burning Golden Dragon beast.

"It seems that there are still red flaming Golden Dragon beasts guarding the cave, but it\'s not as powerful as the outside ones according to the fluctuation of breath.". Lin Feng thought in his heart.

He chose to enter the cave through the passage on the left.

Soon, Lin Feng rushed in.

The passage is unobstructed to the deepest position.

In the deepest place, Lin Feng found a huge mountainside.

All three channels outside can enter the mountainside.

There was also a passage in the mountainside to a deeper position. Lin Feng vaguely felt that there were several faint smells in it, which should be young animals.

And there is a beast egg in the magma ejected from the mountainside.

It seems that the red flaming Golden Dragon is hatching its eggs with the help of underground magma.

The rest of the eggs hatched successfully, and now there is only the last one left.

Lin Feng enters the mountainside and collects the eggs of the red flaming Golden Dragon. He originally wanted to go deeper and take away several young animals together.

But at this time, Lin Feng felt a cold breath enveloping his whole body.

In the middle passage, flames came.

In the flames, a red flaming Golden Dragon rushed over. The body shape of this red flaming golden dragon was smaller and its strength was slightly worse than that of the other red flaming golden dragons.

But it\'s not that the red flaming Golden Dragon is not powerful.

In fact, this red flaming Golden Dragon is as terrible as a beast.

Its speed was so fast that it rushed into the hinterland of the mountain in an instant. Lin Feng\'s current cultivation made him feel frightened.

Where does Lin Feng dare to stay? Hurried to the outside. At this time, the red burning Golden Dragon patted Lin Feng with a claw.

This blow was unavoidable. Lin Feng had to resist it. With a move of supreme reincarnation fist, he blasted away at the red burning Golden Dragon.


With a dull sound of collision, Lin Feng collided with the red burning golden dragon, and then Lin Feng was patted out by the red burning Golden Dragon.


Lin Feng vomited a mouthful of blood and was extremely depressed. The strength of the red burning golden dragon was too strong.

The red flaming Golden Dragon roared and killed.

Lin Feng hurriedly used the means of "shrinking the ground into an inch" and rushed into the cave to avoid the blow of the red flaming Golden Dragon.

Then he cast his golden wings.

Lin Feng urged the speed to the extreme and rushed out quickly.

ChiYan Golden Dragon beast is not only powerful, but also its speed is not much worse than Lin Feng.

All the way, Lin Feng couldn\'t get rid of the red flaming Golden Dragon.


Lin Feng rushed out of the cave and flew directly to the depths of the mountain forest.

The red burning Golden Dragon quickly chased out and roared angrily.

The other red flaming Golden Dragon beasts did not chase, but quickly retreated to the valley.

In the valley, because these red flaming Golden Dragon beasts want to protect several young animals.


Lin Feng has been flying all the way for three days and nights, but the red burning Golden Dragon has been chasing after him, which makes Lin Feng very depressed.

The red flaming Golden Dragon raised its huge claw and patted Lin Feng at a distance of more than 1000 meters.

In the void, a mountain like giant animal claw exploded at Lin Feng.