Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 1000


Lin Feng thought he was going to be swallowed up by the ice dragon, but he didn\'t expect the sound of chain collision at this time, and the ice dragon made a painful roar.

The ice dragon is three meters away from Lin Feng. Its huge body is penetrated by 18 chains, which are connected with hanhuo Shenfu.

No matter how the ice dragon struggled, he couldn\'t open these chains. Lin Feng\'s face suddenly showed a shocked expression.

Who locked such an ice dragon here?

The ice dragon guarded the entrance of the shrine.

Lin Feng wants to enter unless he can defeat the ice dragon, but obviously this is unrealistic.

So now Lin Feng can\'t enter the cold burning God\'s house.

"Unfortunately, the cold burning God\'s house is guarded by an ice dragon. Now I can only look and sigh.".

Lin Feng is quite sorry.

If you can enter the cold burning God\'s house, there will be a great opportunity, but Lin Feng can\'t think of a way to go in now.

A day later.


In the cold river, a head melon came out.

It\'s Lin Feng.

He quickly swam up from the middle of the cold river and stayed away from the cold river.

Lin Feng remembers the location of hanhuo Shenfu. When he becomes a strong man in the realm of gods in the future, he will inevitably pass here.

Revisit your hometown then.

At that time, you should have the ability to explore the cold burning God\'s house.

At this moment, it was late at night. Lin Feng left the scope of the cold river, which made him feel better.

He raised a campfire. The barbecue on the campfire gave off an attractive smell, and the golden oil drops dropped from time to time, making a hissing sound.

"Beibei is hungry, Beibei is hungry...".

The little guy flew out and danced around Lin Feng, making a milky sound.

Lin Feng took out several elixirs of the medicine King level.

A seven color light was brushed in the eggshell, and several elixirs of the king of medicine were wrapped. Those elixirs were transformed into the purest energy and absorbed by Beibei.

The little guy eats the most precious natural and local treasures every time.

The little guy doesn\'t even look at ordinary things.

"Big brother, egg! Egg!".

Beibei cried.

Obviously, Beibei is not talking about herself. It should be the eggs of the red flaming Golden Dragon.

Lin Feng quickly took out the eggs of the red flaming Golden Dragon beast.

Seeing the animal egg, Lin Feng\'s mouth twitched violently.

The original intact animal eggs now have dense cracks, which are all over the whole animal eggs.

A trace of essence emanates from the cracked animal eggs.

Originally, there was pure power of life in the animal eggs, but now Lin Feng can\'t feel the breath of life.

This shows that the eggs have died.

It seems to be frozen by the water of the cold river. Lin Feng couldn\'t help sighing.

The moment he jumped into the cold river, he collected the animal eggs.

But after all, the animal eggs met the water of the cold river, even for a moment.

The temperature of the water in the cold river is too low. The animal eggs are frozen and cracked, and the vitality is lost.

"Laozi\'s flaming Golden Dragon beast, Laozi\'s divine animal pet, the cold river with thousands of knives".

Lin Feng wants to cry without tears.

In fact, Lin Feng also knows that the eggs of ChiYan Golden Dragon are very difficult to hatch.

If this animal egg is hatched by the red flaming golden dragon, it may hatch after a long time.

But if he is allowed to hatch, the probability of hatching is very low.

But after all, there is hope, and now all hope has been cut off.

"Eat... Eat...".

Beibei hovered around Lin Feng and shouted excitedly.

This little guy is a real snack.


With a flash of light, the sleepy dragon and rabbit jumped out of the slave bag.

Then the green Mantis Scorpion King came out of the slave bag.

They all looked at the eggs of the red flaming Golden Dragon.

This is the animal egg of the descendant of the divine beast!

The essence contained is unimaginable.

The improvement of cultivation is also extremely significant.

Anyway, the animal eggs had lost their vitality. Lin Feng directly baked the animal eggs on the campfire.

Soon, the attractive smell came out of the animal eggs.

"Eat... Eat...".

Beibei\'s milk voice came out and couldn\'t wait.

The Dragon rabbit\'s big eyes are also shining.

The green Mantis Scorpion King drooled.

Lin Feng took down the roasted eggs.

Then pull the outer shell away.

He cut the eggs into pieces with a knife for everyone to enjoy.

Lin Feng took a bite. Suddenly, a majestic essence came out of his body.

Sure enough, it is worthy of being the animal egg of the descendants of divine beasts. The essence contained is too amazing.

The taste of animal eggs can only be regarded as general, but Lin Feng ate it with relish.

After eating three pieces, Lin Feng\'s essence began to overflow.

Every pore emits essence.

As for the green Mantis Scorpion King, he can\'t eat any more after eating only one piece. If he eats again, his body\'s majestic essence like the sea is enough to explode his body.

After eating three pieces, the dragon and rabbit have reached the limit. Together with the green mantis and scorpion king, they began to refine the majestic essence in their body.

Although Beibei hasn\'t hatched yet, this little thing ate five pieces, which shows how amazing its race is.

But after eating five pieces, Beibei has reached the limit.

Lin Feng ate seven pieces in a row. He felt the essence in his body escape from the pores of his body.

He\'s almost at his limit.

But there are still two pieces. If you don\'t eat them, your essence will soon dissipate.

So Lin Feng hardened his head and ate the last two pieces.

Lin Feng\'s body swelled at this time.

The essence in the body seems to explode.

If it really explodes, Lin Feng knows he has only one way to die.

Lin Feng\'s face changed greatly. He hurried to run the "big ballast" to suppress the essence in his body.

Under the suppression of the great pressure technique, Lin Feng\'s essence that was supposed to explode was finally suppressed for the time being.

Lin Feng didn\'t dare to hesitate and began to devour the soul of Wu and the essence of his body.

The majestic essence like the sea was swallowed by Lin Feng.

Lin Feng\'s cultivation has made a breakthrough again.

When the essence in his body was completely refined, Lin Feng finally broke through the triple heaven of the realm of creation to the quadruple heaven of the realm of creation.

You know, with Lin Feng\'s savings, it\'s hard to break through.

Now he has refined the original essence in the animal eggs, but Lin Feng has made a breakthrough. It can be said to be a great opportunity.

Dragon, rabbit, Beibei, green mantis and scorpion king have also received great benefits.

Among them, the green Mantis Scorpion King began to shut down and seemed to be about to change.

This makes Lin Feng very happy. Every time the green Mantis Scorpion King degenerates, the life level will evolve and the combat power will be more powerful.

Lin Feng set out with his savings and went to the depths of the fierce region. Naturally, he didn\'t forget to look for the "Holy Spirit fruit" for Beibei.

Ten days later, Lin Feng finally came to the depths of the fierce region, with four peaks ten thousand meters high.

That is the four holy mountains. The Holy Spirit fruit grows in the four holy mountains, but the four holy mountains are extremely terrible. It is said that it is a place comparable to the death Jedi. Even if the gods intrude without permission, they may die.