Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 992

For more than a year, Tan taixuan and the Zhao family naturally miss and worry about each other.

Now the two sides have finally met. Naturally, it is inevitable to greet each other. Both sides talk about their experiences over the past year.

Obviously, whether it\'s Zhao\'s sister and brother or Dan taixuan, it\'s good news but not bad news.

The accomplishments of the Zhao family are much higher than those of Dan taixuan. The accomplishments of the elder sister Zhao Yangping are the triple heaven of the realm of yin and Yang, while the accomplishments of the younger brother Zhao Yangan are higher, the five Heaven of the realm of yin and Yang.

At their age, they can be called a genius if they can have such powerful accomplishments. As for Dan taixuan, he is only the dual heaven of yin and Yang. His talent can only be regarded as very general.

"Cousin, we have something good for you," Zhao Yangping whispered.

Tan taixuan asked in surprise, "good thing? What thing?".

"We don\'t know what it is, but it contains pure energy, which can quickly restore mana.".

Zhao Yangan whispered. He took out a green stone and handed it to Dan taixuan.

Dan taixuan observed and didn\'t recognize what the green stone was. She handed it to Lin Feng. Lin Feng looked at it and showed a surprised expression.

This green stone is called "Biye stone", which is an extremely rare "spirit stone".

It is said that this Biye stone seals the purest mysterious energy and absorbs the energy in Biye stone.

Dry mana will recover in a very short time.

You know, when monks fight, their combat effectiveness will become weaker and weaker with the consumption of mana. If the mana is consumed, it is not far from death.

Absorb the spirit stone, even if it is the best spirit stone, the mana recovery is extremely slow.

Some pills or natural materials and land treasures that can quickly restore mana have been fried to sky high prices.

A piece of green leaf stone is worth at least 200000 yuan.

Lin Feng said, "this is the green leaf stone. You put it away temporarily. If it is found, it will inevitably cause no small trouble.".

Zhao Yang\'an nodded and quickly put away the green leaf stone. Dan taixuan said, "you two are lucky enough to get the green leaf stone.".

Dan taixuan has naturally heard of Biye stone. Now he is surprised to hear Lin Feng say that the stone Zhao Yang\'an took out is Biye stone.

This kind of thing is extremely precious. Naturally, it can\'t be exposed casually.

"We got more than a thousand such stones",. Zhao Yangping said.

Lin Feng almost stumbled and fell to the ground.

This kind of thing is very rare. The young lady and the younger brother got so many green leaf stones, which can be called Tianda opportunity.

Lin Feng is now thinking about whether to exchange other Tiancai Dibao for Biye stone with his sister and brother later.

Because Bi ye stone is also very important to Lin Feng.

"Here...". Suddenly, a group of people rushed over, and someone pointed to Zhao Yangping and Zhao Yangan.

"It\'s those people. They\'ve been with us all the time. Cousin, let\'s run." the two brothers and sisters were pale with fear when they saw the small faces of the chasing monks.

Although they got a lot of Biye stones, they were found by a group of passing monks.

The two brothers and sisters escaped by luck.

But obviously, the monks have been looking for them.

Green leaf stone is too precious.

Let these people be greedy.

"Run? It\'s too late to run now.". Cold laughter came, and more than 20 monks quickly rushed in, led by a monk in his thirties.

"This is the son of the Qin Empire, win Musen?" someone whispered.

The great Qin Empire, one of the four ancient imperial dynasties in Zhongzhou, was a very powerful force. It also belonged to the Big Mac level in 3000 states.

Lin Feng had no contact with the monks of the Qin Empire. If the only contact was in the ruins.

He joined hands with the female emperor and grandma Tianshan and robbed the treasures in the world of thirty-three heavenly ladders.

At that time, Ying prison day, the royal family of the Qin Empire, was also among them.

It\'s just that the means of winning prison day and others are not as good as those of Lin Feng, the female emperor and grandma Tianshan. If they are robbed of their baby, they can only blame themselves for their lack of skills.

Since then, Lin Feng had little contact with the people of the Qin Empire.

When the monks around saw that it was the royal family of the Qin Empire, they quickly dispersed. Who dares to wade in such muddy water?

"You can still live if you hand over the Biye stone, otherwise you will only have a dead end", Ying Musen\'s eyes were gloomy.

Zhao Yangping and Zhao Yangan were pale.

They naturally know how powerful these people are. Now they are surrounded for fear that they will not escape.

Green leaf stone is extremely precious.

Now let them hand over the green leaf stone, which is also extremely unwilling in their hearts.

When the monks around heard the words "Bi Ye Shi", their eyes suddenly brightened. Many people guessed that Zhao Yangping and Zhao Yangan should get a lot of Bi Ye Shi. Otherwise, they wouldn\'t let the people of the Qin Empire come so much.

"Don\'t you think it\'s too much to bully two children? Don\'t you think you\'ve lost the face of the Qin Empire?".

A faint smile came out.

"Brother Feng......". Zhao Yangping and Zhao Yangan both looked at Lin Feng and then at Dan taixuan.

Dan taixuan motioned them not to speak. He looked at them quietly. The sister and brother nodded, but they were very shocked in their hearts.

Elder brother Lin, who looks a few years older than them, can he deal with the experts of the Qin Empire?

When did my cousin know such a powerful person?

"When do we need to explain to others when we act in the Qin Empire? What are you? Dare to point out three or four here?". Win Musen said with a sneer.

"Those who don\'t know how to live or die don\'t dare to be so presumptuous when the prison day comes. What\'s more, they are just an unworthy son of the Qin Empire? Kneel down and apologize, then take your people away, and I\'ll spare you.".

Lin Feng carried his hands and showed his domineering spirit.

The people around are completely stupid.

Who is this boy?

Dare you let the son of the Qin Empire kneel down?

Isn\'t this death?

"Good good"!

Win Musen laughed angrily and said three good words. It can be seen how angry he was in his heart.

He said coldly, "I\'ve never seen so afraid of dead people. Come on, break the boy\'s legs first.".


Immediately, an expert of the Qin Empire got the order and plundered Lin Feng. He was an expert in the five Heaven realm of creation.

Powerful mana poured out of his right hand, and he chopped at Lin Feng with one palm.

"The friars of the Daqin Empire have made a move. I\'m afraid the boy will regret what he just said. People who offend the Daqin empire are no different from looking for death.".

Many of the monks who watched said that they would not be optimistic about Lin Feng, a young monk.