Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 991


Just when Tan taixuan thought he was going to die, suddenly a figure appeared in front of him, bending his fingers and bouncing his right hand.

The burly friar holding the long knife was immediately shocked and flew out.

"What a great boy". Among the group, a middle-aged monk looked at Lin Feng with cold eyes.

Lin Feng was a little afraid of this man\'s cultivation. He was a strong man at the level of eternal giant.

"My Lord, I can chop the boy with my next knife.". The burly friar who was shocked by Lin Feng felt that he had lost face and said fiercely.

Waving the long knife in his hand, he was about to kill Lin Feng again.

Stop, you\'re not his opponent. Said the middle-aged monk.

The burly friar was very unconvinced, but he did not dare to disobey the words of the middle-aged friar.

There are twelve people in this group.

Their strength is obviously too strong. Because of the two groups of friars\' wars, all the dead are friars on Dan taixuan\'s side.

On their side, don\'t mention the dead, even if there are no injured people.

"Are you okay?". Lin Feng turned to look at Dan taixuan.

Dan taixuan was even in a trance. She thought she was going to die this time, but she didn\'t expect to live now.

Hearing that Lin Feng was concerned about his health, Tan taixuan quickly said, "I\'m fine. You don\'t have to worry.".

"Why do these people want to surround you?" Lin Feng asked.

"We got a batch of Star Destroyers. These people want to rob our Star Destroyers.". Dan taixuan said.

Starburst stone is a kind of stone formed when the stars burst. This kind of stone is very special and contains destructive energy.

It can not only forge the most top Taoist weapons, but also absorb the destructive power of the star killing stone and enhance the power of the magic power if you cultivate some "Destructive Magic Powers".

For example, cultivating the "great destruction" in the three thousand Avenue can absorb the destructive power in the star destruction stone.

The power of mass destruction will be greatly improved.

Knowing that these people came to kill the stone, Lin Feng quickly collected the dead Friar\'s storage ring.

There must be a Star Destroyer in it.

"Boy, you want to die...". A group of monks who looked at Lin Feng covetously suddenly roared out, even if five or six people came to kill Lin Feng.

"Get out...". Lin Feng gave a cold drink and swept out.

Bang Bang

All the monks were swept out tens of meters away.

Lin Feng didn\'t take away all the storage rings. He left half of them. Then he looked at the middle-aged friar in the lead and said, "do you have a problem sharing them equally?".

The middle-aged monk nodded and said, "no problem.".

Lin Feng hugged his fist and left quickly with emperor Shi Xuan and Dan taixuan.

"Sir, why don\'t you kill the boy? He took half of the star killing stone"! A monk asked suspiciously.

"He has the right to take it," said the middle-aged monk.

The rest were shocked.

Qualified to take it?

Do you mean to recognize the strength of the young friar?

That guy already has the strength that adults are afraid of?

At the thought of this, these monks were shocked.

No wonder adults didn\'t do it.

The world of cultivators is always respected by the strong, and the young monk, so young and so powerful, will he be able to do it in the future? Obviously, adults don\'t want to make enemies with him for the sake of xingmieshi.


"Lin Feng, I didn\'t expect you to be so powerful"! Dan taixuan looked at Lin Feng with a complicated look.

Lin Feng smiled and said, "this strength is nothing.".

Then he said, "aren\'t you hurt?".

Tan taixuan felt a warm current in his heart, shook his head and said, "no injury.".

Lin Feng was not sad to see Tan taixuan. He guessed that most of the dead monks and Tan taixuan were a temporary exploration team.

Such temporary teams can be seen everywhere.

Lin Feng inquired. As he guessed, Tan taixuan and the friars temporarily combined to explore a dangerous place. They got xingmieshi. These people shared xingmieshi. When they left, they were met by the friars just now. The other side was too strong. They fled all the way, but they still didn\'t escape. Finally, they fought to the death, but it was a one-sided massacre.

If Lin Feng hadn\'t come, Dan taixuan would have been the soul of the sword.


At night, the three found a cave to rest.

Emperor Shixuan went out and didn\'t know where he went. Lin Feng smiled bitterly. Emperor Shixuan obviously wanted to leave Lin Feng and Dan taixuan some private space.

After only Lin Feng and Dan taixuan were left, the atmosphere became a little subtle. Lin Feng asked, "how are you these years?".

Dan taixuan said in a quiet voice, "it\'s not good or bad. It\'s not easy to survive. The world of practitioners is very cruel.".

It seems that you have experienced a lot. Lin Feng looked at Dan taixuan.

Dan taixuan said, "there will always be some unsatisfactory things in life, but the difficulties will always pass, and there may be surprises.".

Lin Feng\'s heart moved and said, "is it a surprise that he met me?".

Dan taixuan blushed, but did not answer again. Lin Feng leaned over and held Dan taixuan\'s Willow snake waist with his right hand.

"What are you... Doing?", Tan taixuan\'s voice trembled.

She has known Lin Feng for a long time and has a good feeling for Lin Feng, so she doesn\'t resist Lin Feng

Just as a woman, she is still a little shy.

"Don\'t do anything. I haven\'t seen you for so many years. I miss you very much. Now I just want to hold you like this and have a chat.".


The next day, Lin Feng, Dan taixuan and Emperor Shixuan set out to the direction of the star transmission array.

Five days later, they came here, where many monks gathered.

The star teleportation array is controlled by people. If you want to leave through the star teleportation array, you need to pay a great price.

Many monks are filled with righteous indignation, but the strength of the other side is too strong, and there are strong people at the level of eternal giants.

"Cousin...". Suddenly, two surprised voices came not far away at this time.

A 17-year-old girl and a teenager of the same age looked very excited when they saw Tan taixuan.

Ping\'er, an\'er. After seeing them, Tan taixuan was also very happy.

"Cousin, it\'s hard for us to find", the girl jumped and jumped excitedly.

The young man was much calmer.

I\'ve been looking for you, too. Thank God you\'re okay. Tan taixuan looked like a breath.

"Did these two eldest brothers experience together with their cousins?" the young man looked at Lin Feng and Emperor Shi Xuan.

Emperor Shi Xuan had a cold expression, and strangers were not allowed to enter.

Lin Feng nodded.

Tan taixuan introduced the boy as Zhao Yangan and the girl as Zhao Yangping.

And Tan taixuan are cousins.

This time they entered the star trial together, but when they entered the planet, they were transmitted to different places, and the planet was so huge that they couldn\'t find each other.