Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 993

"Brother Feng, be careful...". Zhao Yangping, Zhao Yangan and their younger siblings couldn\'t help crying out and looked at Lin Feng with worried eyes.

Although cousin Dan taixuan seems to have more confidence in Lin Feng, in the eyes of Zhao Yangping and Zhao Yangan, Lin Feng is facing experts of the Qin Empire.

My cousin has never had contact with the people of the Daqin empire. I don\'t know how terrible the monks of the Daqin empire are, but they know.

Just when sister and brother were extremely worried about Lin Feng\'s safety.

Suddenly, sister and brother heard a cold drink.

"Get out...".

With the sound of this cold drink, the sister and brother looked at each other and immediately showed a very shocked expression.

Because the master of the Qin Empire was shocked by a cold drink.


The master of the Qin Empire vomited a mouthful of blood in the air, and his face was very white.

"Brother Lin is so powerful?". The Zhao brothers and sisters were stunned.

That\'s a master of the five heavens of the realm of creation. He was shocked out by a cold drink.

How strong can this cultivation be?

Not only the Zhao brothers and sisters were shocked, but even the monks who were watching around showed an extremely surprised expression.

It seems that today\'s conflict will not end easily. A monk said excitedly.

"Boy, no wonder you dare to be so arrogant. You have two skills. Do you think you have some ability to be so presumptuous in front of the Qin Empire? Give it to me and catch the boy. I\'ll teach him a lesson and let him know that he can\'t offend some people.".

Win Musen waved.

"Yes..." immediately, the monks of the Qin Empire surrounded Lin Feng. There were more than 20 monks, all of whom were strong.

A group of people all shot.

All kinds of supernatural powers bombarded Lin Feng.

"Fire snake fist".

Storm palm.

"Snow Lion Tiangang magic skill".

"Nine spirits".


Violent fluctuations swept the world. These supernatural powers gathered together and smashed Lin Feng.

A long river of supernatural powers swept through.

The long river of magic power turned into a giant dragon, opened its teeth and claws, roared and shook the sky, and killed Lin Feng.

"Magic dragon!"

Many people exclaimed.

Supernatural powers have spirits and condense the real dragon. Generally, only when the supernatural powers gathered together are strong to a certain extent, can they have the opportunity to condense the spirit of supernatural powers.

Now, the power of the supernatural power exerted by more than 20 monks in the Qin Empire has obviously reached an extremely powerful level. Otherwise, it will not condense the dragon of supernatural power.

At this moment, don\'t mention the Zhao brothers and sisters. Even Dan taixuan, who was very confident in Lin Feng, can\'t help worrying about Lin Feng. The other party\'s attack is too strong.


At this time, Lin Feng sneered and stepped forward to show off Taigu\'s star picking hand.

As soon as Taigu picked up the stars, picking up the stars and taking the moon was just a matter of thought, not to mention dealing with a mere magical dragon.

Everyone saw a huge palm condensed out of the void. That palm captured heaven and earth and the void.


The big hand directly grabbed the neck of the magical dragon. The magical dragon struggled and roared, but it was useless. No matter how hard he struggled and roared, he couldn\'t get rid of it.

Lin Feng shook hard, and the dragon of magic power dissipated directly.

Then the big hand turned and photographed more than 20 strong men in the Qin Empire.

Bang Bang

A violent collision and a dull hum came out.

More than 20 experts of the Qin Empire were all blown out.

Their faces were as white as paper.

Splash! Splash!

These people fell to the ground, their mana collapsed, and they no longer had the power of a war.

"My God, isn\'t that great?". Many monks shouted in shock.

They thought Lin Feng would be defeated under the siege of more than 20 experts, but they didn\'t expect that it would be such a result.

Lin Feng walked to win Musen step by step. His voice was as cold as ice. "Don\'t you kneel down and apologize to me? Can you let me do it myself?".

Many people were surprised because Lin Feng was so strong that he really let win Musen kneel.

If win Musen really kneels down, he will not only lose his face.

Even the Qin Empire will lose face together.

In this way, the resentment will be too deep.

"Boy! I\'m a member of the royal family of the Qin Empire. If you let me kneel, do you know the consequences?"

Ying Musen said with a gloomy look. His cultivation is the six heaven of the realm of creation. Although his strength is good, he is not a top expert.

Among the friars of the Qin Empire who have just dealt with Lin Feng, there are those at the same level as Ying Musen.

But in front of Lin Feng, he was still vulnerable. Win Musen knew that no matter how he resisted, he could not be Lin Feng\'s opponent.

He now moved out of the Daqin Empire to frighten Lin Feng with the Daqin empire.

But obviously Lin Feng doesn\'t like to win Musen. What about the Qin Empire?

Lin Feng always does things as he pleases.

What\'s more, the existence of Wangu giant level cannot be humiliated.

How dare a son of the Qin Empire challenge himself?

I don\'t know what to do.

"Kneel down".

Facing Ying Musen\'s threatening words, Lin Feng took a step forward and sent out a strong momentum in his body, which directly shrouded Ying Musen.

At the next moment, sakuraki Sen felt a great pressure enveloping his whole body.

With a splash, his knees softened and he knelt directly on the ground.

Win Musen\'s eyes suddenly turned red and roared, "boy, you dare to humiliate me like this. You\'re looking for your own death.".

Lin Feng looked indifferent, "just a son of the Qin Empire, where does he get the sense of superiority?".

Lin Feng made a hollow stroke with his right hand.

A sword cut out.


The sound of tearing came out.

Then there was a deep bone wound on win Musen.

"Spare my life, I\'m wrong. Please spare me.".

Win Musen pleaded.

Lin Feng was stunned.

This guy was just so tough and turned into a soft egg in the twinkling of an eye. Lin Feng was speechless and extremely disdained by the changes before and after winning Musen.

"Give me your storage ring.". Lin Feng said indifferently.

"Then you might as well kill me.". Win Musen gritted his teeth.

"It\'s my dirty hand to kill you. Now I officially inform you that I\'m going to rob.".

When the voice fell, Lin Feng kicked yingmusen to the ground, and then searched out all the three storage rings on him.

"Go away".

Then Lin Feng kicked win Musen out.

Seeing the bruised yingmusen falling to the ground, many people\'s corners of the mouth became violent.

The young monk was so cruel that he beat people half to death and looted them all.

Everyone looked at Lin Feng with an alert look. In the eyes of many monks, Lin Feng was as terrible as a little devil. We quickly hid the storage ring and thought that we should not be concerned by the guy who seemed harmless to humans and animals, but actually had a very dark belly.