Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 990

Lin Feng looked indifferent. Even facing the Qiuming cliff that activated the blood of Li dragon, he was still calm.

He clenched his right hand and hit it.


The dull collision came out.

The two fiercely bombarded each other. Then, everyone saw that Lin Feng stood still, and Qiuming cliff, which activated Li Long\'s blood, was blown out with a punch.

Everyone was stunned. No one thought that this war would be such a result. Originally, everyone thought that this duel should be a battle between dragons and tigers.

But now, it shows a one-sided posture, which is really incredible.

"You...". Qiumingya was hard to accept. His eyes were gloomy, which activated the blood of Li dragon and was suppressed like this, which was a great blow to his self-confidence.

Lin Feng stepped forward without too much words. He waved his right fist and hit it again.

Qiuming cliff retreats quickly, but it\'s too late to retreat at this time.

Lin Feng has rushed over and swept to Qiuming cliff with a fierce fist.

Qiumingya had to resist.


The two sides collided again.

Click, click!

The arm of qiumingya was directly broken.

"My God, isn\'t that boy too cruel? Qiumingya turns into a half dragon man with infinite power. Now he is crushed?".

Many monks exclaimed with deep shock.

"Weak poor"!

Lin fenglun moved his right fist and hit it again, strong and overbearing.

"Li dragon claw".

Qiu Mingya Leng shouted, and he condensed a new attack.

Every special blood has a special ability.

This move of Li dragon claw is a special ability obtained after activating special blood vessels.

In the void, a gray brown claw condensed out, which is the claw of Li dragon.

Li dragon claws suddenly grabbed.

The void was caught with cracks.

It shows the horror of the blow.


Lin fengleng shouted, three kinds of potentials in his body.

White tiger kill! Xingtian war intention! Fighting potential!

At the same time, it broke out completely.

With the superposition of the three potentials, Lin Feng\'s combat power soared.

He hit the front with another punch, and the fist head looked like a giant hammer.

With a violent force.


The sound of tearing came out.

Li dragon\'s claw was smashed through by Lin Feng\'s fist in an instant, and then Lin Feng\'s fist was castrated and continued to hit Qiuming cliff.

This punch has made qiumingya feel the breath of death, and qiumingya\'s body is shaking violently.

He cried in horror, "boy, do you really want to be the enemy of my God Pope? Maybe we can sit down and talk and turn fighting into friendship".

"Isn\'t it already endless? Is it possible to negotiate?".

Lin Feng looked indifferent, and the powerful punch had fallen.

The fist fell on Qiuming cliff like a heavy hammer. The half dragon body of Qiuming cliff couldn\'t bear it. It exploded directly and died miserably on the spot.

Everyone looked at the handsome young man in rags in a trance.

It\'s too powerful.

Even the top Tianjiao like qiumingya was killed.

This event is bound to cause great shock.


Lin Feng and Emperor Shixuan didn\'t stay. They left quickly.

Soon, what happened here quickly spread.


Deep in an ancient dense forest.

When Emperor Shengtian heard the news, he opened his eyes.

"Falling into the Star River and not dying, the life of this mole ant is really hard enough.".

God couldn\'t gnash his teeth and say, "what should I do now?".

"Let him live a few more days", Emperor Shengtian said and closed his eyes again.


"Not dead? Lin Feng is not dead?". Li yingdie was very excited when she heard the news.

The eyes of broken red sleeves became very cold.


In a valley, Lin Feng and Emperor Shixuan rest here.

Emperor Shixuan was seriously injured. He didn\'t have Lin Feng\'s physique. His injury could only be recovered with miraculous medicine.

Lin Feng didn\'t lack precious medicine here. He took out a 50000 year old medicine king and asked emperor Shixuan to take it.

Emperor Shi Xuan\'s injury soon recovered, but his body was still weak.

The injury is easy to recover, and the weak body needs time to recuperate.

Emperor Shixuan cultivated for three days, and his strength probably recovered about 60% or 70%. Lin Feng and Emperor Shixuan left.

"Why do I feel that there are many fewer people on this planet?". Lin Feng frowned slightly.

Emperor Shixuan said, "someone found the star transmission array, and many people took the star transmission array to other planets".

Lin Feng nodded.

For more than a year, many resources on this planet must be rapidly reduced.

It\'s also normal for friars to stare at other undeveloped planets. There are many life planets in this star domain. They can always find good things on other planets.

"Have you ever known where the planetary transmission array is?". Lin Feng asked.

"Yes, master, come with me.". Emperor Shixuan said.

Lin Feng nodded and flew with emperor Shixuan towards the direction of the planetary transmission array.

On the way, Lin Feng and Emperor Shixuan met two groups of fighting monks, one of whom died miserably.

But Lin Feng didn\'t pay attention to his plan.

This is the law of the cultivator\'s world. There are murders and treasures everywhere. He doesn\'t have so much time to take care of other people\'s affairs.

What\'s more, the life and death of others has nothing to do with him.

When Lin Feng and Emperor Shixuan were about to leave, a trembling voice came from the direction of fighting.

"Are you... Lin Feng?".

Hearing the sound, Lin Feng frowned slightly, because the sound was familiar.

He looked around and saw that more than a dozen of the surrounded monks had been killed.

There are three monks struggling to support, talking to a young woman looking at her thirties.

"Dan taixuan"!

Lin Feng was slightly stunned. Even after many years, Lin Feng recognized Dan taixuan again.

Lin Feng went to look for Ziyan\'s heart fire at the beginning. In the death Jedi, he narrowly escaped death. He once got along with Dan taixuan and Ji Yuhan for a short time.

Lin Feng has never seen Dan taixuan since they parted.

Many years later, Lin Feng didn\'t expect to see Dan taixuan again during the extraterrestrial space trial.


The sound of tearing came out, and two monks around Dan taixuan were also killed.

"Go to hell".

A burly monk with a long knife waved his long knife and killed Dan taixuan.

Tan taixuan turned pale and looked desperate.