Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 989

"He woke up...".

The sound of exclamation came out, and many monks quickly retreated and turned extremely pale.

Many people know the power of Lin Feng.

Now Lin Feng\'s recovery is naturally not a good thing.

But some friars sneered and said, "what are you afraid of? Can\'t we deal with this boy with so many people? Go up together and kill him.".

Many people responded to the monk\'s words, and many people were bold.

Hundreds of monks surrounded Lin Feng and Emperor Shixuan. Now emperor Shixuan has no power to fight again. No matter how you look at such a large number of people, you don\'t seem to need to worry.


Lin Feng moved. His speed was too fast. He rushed into the crowd in an instant and came to the friar who encouraged everyone to move. He grabbed his neck and lifted him up.

The monk looked at Lin Feng in horror, and his body trembled violently.

He didn\'t expect that Lin Feng dared to take the initiative to rush into the crowd, and caught him in an instant.

\'spare your life \'!

The friar pleaded.


The next moment, Lin Feng broke his neck.

"Kill this boy".

A friar drank and took the lead in killing Lin Feng.

Then more and more monks took action.

"Sword spirit".

"Knife awn".


Lin Feng\'s hand was full of sword Qi, and the blade awned vertically and horizontally.

With the sound of tearing, monks were killed by Lin Feng, and the casualties were extremely heavy.

No one can survive Lin Feng\'s attack.

The bodies on the ground fell one after another. Many people shouted in horror and retreated quickly.

Lin Feng did not intend to let these people go, such as a god of murder rushed forward.

Poof! Poof!

The heads of monks kept rising.

"I\'m from Daoxu sect. If you dare to kill me...".

A monk threatened loudly, but his voice had not fallen, and his head had risen to the sky.

"I\'m from Shuiyue gate...".


Head moving.

Lin Feng doesn\'t care where these friars come from. He only knows that these people wanted to kill him before.

And almost killed emperor Shixuan.

That\'s enough.

These people, even if they die, can\'t eliminate Lin Feng\'s killing intention.

There were stunned onlookers around. There were so many friars, including strong ones, but they were so vulnerable under Lin Feng\'s attack.

Let a lot of people feel incredible, incredible, but all this is really happening in front of them.

Lin Feng is as simple as a tiger into a sheep and launches a massive slaughter.

Hundreds of corpses lay on the ground.

All the monks were killed by Lin Feng.

The blood flowed into the galaxy and attracted many star beasts to wander in the galaxy.

The star beasts are eyeing the corpses on the other side.

It\'s your turn.

Lin Feng\'s indifferent eyes looked at Qiuming cliff.

"Good... Now you are qualified for me to kill you.". Qiu Mingya looks indifferent.

This man is extremely arrogant, because he has arrogant capital.

Qiu Mingya is the owner of special blood. His talent can be called demon level.

Such figures are as dazzling as stars, high above the world and respected by the world.


The body of Qiuming cliff exudes a powerful "potential".

The breath in his body is getting stronger and stronger. Qiumingya is improving his combat effectiveness through "potential".

"Fist can control mountains and rivers, and martial arts can break heaven and earth"!


Qiu Mingya used a fist to stop the mountains and rivers. He used his martial arts to break through the universe and suppressed Lin Feng directly.

All over the sky.

Shrouded in.

Many people were surprised that the magic power of qiumingya was really powerful. It condensed the artistic conception of boxing and killed Lin Feng.

Many people whispered in secret that they didn\'t know Lin Feng could catch the attack of Qiuming cliff.

"Star picking"!

Lin Feng stepped forward and leaned out his right hand, as if he could pick off the stars in the extraterritorial starry world.

A star picking hand.

In the void, a huge palm appeared and grabbed it towards Qiuming cliff.

The magic fist technique of Qiuming cliff is broken in an instant. The big hand condensed from the ancient star picking technique wants to catch Qiuming cliff.

"With such strength, how dare you speak up in front of me?".

Lin Feng looked indifferent.

Qiumingya looked gloomy. He quickly retreated to avoid Lin Feng\'s star picking.

It\'s just the beginning.

Qiu Mingya\'s voice was cold, and his body turned into a murderous spirit.

The murderous spirit tore the void and came.

"Incarnation of murderous Qi" is a very surprising means to turn the body into a material. Obviously, qiumingya has integrated the will into murderous Qi.

"I broke your murderous spirit.".

Lin Feng stepped forward with incomparable strength, and the power of death was wrapped around his fist.


He swept forward with a blow.

It collides with the murderous Qi formed by Qiuming cliff.

Suddenly, the murderous Qi of Qiuming cliff was shocked and flew out in an instant, and turned into his true self again.

"It\'s really far from good. I\'m disappointed.".

Lin Feng stepped forward and swept out with another punch, directly sweeping Qiuming cliff out.


Qiu Mingya vomited a mouthful of blood and his face was pale.

Many people can\'t even believe that qiumingya was also a brilliant figure in the last Tianjiao war. Its strength is terrible. Now it has been crushed.

"Compared with the war with emperor Shengtian a year ago, the combat power has improved a lot," said a friar. He once saw the war between Lin Feng and Emperor Shengtian a year ago.

"Li dragon blood".

Qiu Mingya roared. He revived the blood in his body.

His body turned into a half dragon man in an instant.

Half dragon man is a human body, but the surface of the body is covered with dragon scales.

The head is the head of a dragon.

This is the Li dragon blood of Qiuming cliff. After reviving the special blood, the strength of Qiuming cliff is rising. He said with a grim smile, "boy, I\'m forced to revive my blood. I want you to die and I want to tear you up".

Qiuming cliff gave a long roar, and then killed Lin Feng.

After becoming a half dragon, the cultivation of qiumingya has been greatly improved.


He came with a blow, and the power of an avalanche broke out.

There are even cracks in the void where Qiu Mingya\'s fist passes.

The power of Qiuming cliff is really powerful.

"Li dragon is one of the most terrible branches of the dragon family. This autumn cliff has activated Li dragon\'s blood. His power has been raised to an unimaginable height".

A monk exclaimed.

"Li dragon\'s blood can not only enhance strength, I heard that there are some terrible abilities, but I don\'t know what they are.". Another monk said so.

However, any blood related to the "dragon" can not be an ordinary blood.

"Boy, die.".

Qiu Mingya\'s eyes turned into half dragon people are full of killing intention. That terrible fist has been killed.