Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 988

"Keng"! When it was dangerous, a cold sword crossed Lin Feng\'s body and swept it suddenly. The sword Qi vibrated and shot out.

Sword Qi broke the opponent\'s attack and drove everyone out.

Emperor Shi Xuan appeared in front of Lin Feng with a long sword, and his eyes swept around coldly.

"Who are you, boy? How dare you stop me?". A group of strong men shouted angrily.

They wanted to kill Lin Feng to win the treasure, but now they are stopped, and their hearts are furious.

"Dare to come forward and kill".

Emperor Shi Xuan\'s voice was cold.

He has such a personality that he is not good at talking.

It is naturally impossible to let these greedy people retreat.

"Those who don\'t know how to live or die, go together and kill this boy.".

A monk said coldly.

Emperor Shi Xuan protected Lin Feng behind him.

Later, the stars are surging.

Don\'t worry about being attacked.

Emperor Shi Xuan killed these people with a long sword.

Keng Keng

There was a sound of metal and iron attack, and sparks were everywhere in the void.

Emperor Shi Xuan collided with these masters.

Poof! Poof!

Emperor Shixuan\'s sword, soon.

As fast as lightning.

Monks were stabbed to death by Emperor Shixuan\'s sword.

But there were too many people on the other side, and Emperor Shixuan also left a deep bone visible wound.

From the very beginning, the war was extremely tragic. Neither side had any reservations. It was the ultimate killing move directly.

Cold bodies lay on the ground.

And Emperor Shi Xuan had already become a blood man.

Many people were frightened when Emperor Shi Xuan killed them.

"What are you afraid of? He\'s just a person and can\'t last long. He\'s so young and powerful. I think like the boy he guards, he has many secrets. As long as we can kill him, these secrets will be ours.".

A friar sneered and encouraged more friars to participate in the war.

There are many friars on this platform deep in the Xinghe river. Naturally, not everyone has participated in the battle between Shi Xuan and Lin Feng.

Many people stood in the distance and watched. Many people shook their heads and felt that what emperor Shi Xuan did was really stupid. How could he compete with so many experts alone?

The monks who besieged emperor Shi Xuan and Lin Feng were killed and injured more and more seriously. Finally, someone said reluctantly.

"Boy, how much blood do you have? Now leave quickly and spare you.".


These people naturally want to kill even emperor Shixuan, but the vitality of emperor Shixuan is too tenacious, which makes them tremble in their hearts.

"My life, my blood, just to protect one person"!

Emperor Shixuan\'s body was shaky, but he still didn\'t flinch.

"Everybody, attack with all your strength. Don\'t give him a chance to breathe.".

A monk said in a cold voice.

The attacks of these monks are becoming more and more violent.

Emperor Shi Xuan is about to run out of oil and the lamp is dry.

"Heaven and earth"!

Emperor Shi Xuan drank cold.

He condensed his Dharma, heaven and earth, and saw the dark fog rolling in the void.

In the dark fog, a terrible statue appeared.

This statue has nine blood colored eyes. His body is shrouded in darkness. He holds a painted black war hammer.

No one knows what kind of existence this statue is. He is like a terrible demon God, whose power envelops the world.

He smashed the people around him with a hammer.

Emperor Shi Xuan\'s Dharma, heaven and earth were very powerful and smashed a famous monk out.

Some people also sacrificed the heaven and earth of Dharma, and various heaven and earth of Dharma appeared, colliding with the heaven and earth of emperor Shi Xuan.

However, Emperor Shi Xuan\'s FA Tianxiang was so powerful that many monks\' FA Tianxiang was broken. Then the Warhammer Lun in the hands of the FA Tianxiang moved and smashed a powerful monk into meat and mud.

"What a powerful heaven and earth...". The monks in the distance were shocked.

The heaven and earth of emperor Shi Xuan\'s Dharma is amazing, which has moved many people.


Suddenly, a cold light came.

With endless penetrating power, he pierced the heaven and earth of emperor Shixuan in an instant.


This shot directly pierced emperor Shixuan\'s chest.

The man who did it was a young monk.

Although he is young, he is extremely powerful.

"Autumn cliff!"

Someone exclaimed. He had a great history and was the top Tianjiao of the Shenzong of the Taigu forces.

In the past years, Dugu Xuan killed by Lin Feng was one of the top Tianjiao of shangshenzong.

But Dugu Xuan\'s ranking is still below Qiuming cliff.

This autumn, Mingya shot. It was really terrible. He held a war gun in his right hand and wanted to pick up emperor Shi Xuan.

Emperor Shi Xuan vomited blood and suffered heavy losses.

He cut a sword with his right hand and swept the sword to Qiuming cliff.

Qiu Mingya frowned and had to avoid. He pulled out the gun that pierced emperor Shixuan\'s chest.

Blood suddenly splashed out.

Emperor Shixuan knelt on the ground and gasped.

"Qiumingya is worthy of being the top Tianjiao of shangshenzong. It\'s really powerful..." some people lamented that qiumingya has surpassed many older generation strong men in cultivation and has a high reputation in the whole tianwu continent.

The cold eyes of Qiuming cliff swept to Lin Feng, "this son has already entered my list of Shenzong must kill, but I didn\'t expect to lose myself now. Killing such a person is really humiliating my identity".

Many people\'s hearts moved. From the voice of qiumingya, we can hear that Lin Feng seems to have a grudge with the ancient sect door of shangshenzong.

But what exactly is the grudge is unknown.

Qiuming cliff retreated, stood in the distance, and never shot again.

As for him, don\'t regard it as a shame to kill Lin Feng today.


The rest of the monks didn\'t care so much. They came up again.

"Go to hell"!

Emperor Shi Xuan struggled to get up from the ground and swept out with a sword, but now his attack power is greatly reduced.

Under the siege of many monks, Emperor Shi Xuan\'s sword Qi was broken in an instant.


Instead, many monks\' attacks swept on emperor Shixuan and directly tore his flesh.

In many places on emperor Shi Xuan\'s body, thick white bones can be seen.

"It\'s a pity for a foolish and loyal man to die like this.".

In the distance, a monk looked at emperor Shixuan and sighed slightly.


At least dozens of monks sneered, and all kinds of powerful magic weapons exploded to the emperor Shixuan.

Now, Emperor Shi Xuan has no power to resist.

With his last strength, he tried to stand up and put his body in front of Lin Feng.

Even if you die!

Also block the last blow for the master!

This is what emperor Shixuan insisted and guarded in his heart.

Even if he has only 15 years of master servant relationship with Lin Feng.

However, for Lin Feng, he did not hesitate to give his life.

"Hard work for you"!

Just when everyone\'s attack was going to kill emperor Shixuan.

A voice came from the back of emperor Shi Xuan.

Lin Feng, whose eyes were blurred and completely lost himself, restored Qingming in his eyes.

A sense of terror and murder that startled nine days and destroyed all the world suddenly emanated from Lin Feng\'s body.

Click, click.

The terrible killing intention diffused out, and all kinds of magic weapons from bombing were directly dismembered in mid air.