Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 987

At the bottom of the galaxy, I don\'t know the passage of time. Lin Feng is still lost. He has lost himself, his soul is sleeping, and he has only subconscious action.

His body has become as thin as wood because he has no nutritional supply for a long time. However, his breath has not weakened, but has become stronger and stronger.

In fact, the monks trapped by the big array are Lin Feng.

Although the array trapped them and made them lose themselves.

However, the big array also has something extraordinary.

That is, it can devour the power of the sun, moon and stars.

And the monks trapped in them, even if they can\'t take the initiative to absorb the power of the sun, moon and stars.

However, in such a strong environment of the power of the sun, moon and stars, a large number of the power of the sun, moon and stars are still absorbed by their bodies.

Therefore, the strength of these monks trapped at the bottom of the galaxy has been increasing, especially the soul power.

However, they haven\'t absorbed nutrients for a long time, but their bodies are getting thinner and thinner. If it weren\'t for the fact that they are powerful monks, they would have starved to death.

Lin Feng seems to be no different from the rest.

Every day in the big array at the bottom of the galaxy.

If the only difference is that Lin Feng\'s hands are constantly changing all kinds of decisions under the control of his subconscious mind.

These Dharma formulas are all array Dharma formulas, which are unpredictable.

Lin Feng also stopped from time to time, and then under the control of his subconscious mind, deduced the formula to crack the array at the bottom of the galaxy, but each time he failed.

At the bottom of the galaxy, even friars who knew nothing about the array could become array masters.

Because the law here controls everyone to constantly deduce various arrays under the state of being lost.

Lin Feng, who used to be the master of heaven level spiritual array, now deduces all kinds of large arrays thousands of times a day.

Of course, all this is done in the subconscious.

With the passage of time, Lin Feng\'s body is getting thinner and thinner.

His steps began to falter.

Many monks who had been with him had fallen on the road and died.

They will turn into dead bones here and indulge in it forever.

Lin Feng is still struggling.

He pinched out the array with both hands faster and faster.

Lin Feng\'s first method is still relatively simple, but with the passage of years, his method is becoming more and more complex.

Go to the back.

Lin Feng\'s changing formula has even become many arrays inherited from Tianshi Dao.

The inheritance of Tianshi Dao is more mysterious.

This Taoist tradition is known as the oldest and most mysterious spiritual array Master inheritance in the world.

Various arrays are also extremely amazing.

As time went by, Lin Feng repeated the Heavenly Master array in his mind every day.

It even includes the inheritance of Heavenly Master\'s farewell, such as the eight seals of forbidden gods and so on.

day in and day out.

three months.

six months.


Lin Feng seems to have practiced all the inheritance of Tianshi Dao to the extreme under the control of this subconscious.

In Lin Feng\'s mind, a book came out.

That book is a stone Sutra.

The most sacred thing of the Heavenly Master is the "stone Sutra".

Naturally raised!

It records all the inheritance of the Heavenly Master.

However, the stone Sutra has been lost.

As a result, the inheritance of Tianshi Dao has become incomplete.

Now Lin Feng\'s mind condenses the stone Sutra, which is naturally not the real stone Sutra.

This is the brand of Tianshi Dao.

There is such a saying in the myths of ancient legends.

The sacred stone Scripture of Tianshi Dao can communicate with the heirs.

However, the followers of Tianshi Taoism recognized by the stone Scripture will condense the brand of Tianshi Taoism in their minds.

This brand of Tianshi Dao is the appearance of the stone Sutra, the holy object of Tianshi Dao.

In the future, the preacher of Tianshi Taoism may be able to find the whereabouts of the sacred stone Scripture with the brand of Tianshi Taoism in his mind.

The stone Sutra in Lin Feng\'s mind began to unfold slowly.

Virtual shadows appear on the stone Sutra.

A total of 36 virtual shadows.

This is the 36 generations of the Heavenly Master.

Now, the breath of Lin Feng is also branded on the stone Sutra, and the 37th virtual shadow appears on the stone Sutra.

Vaguely, it seems that the virtual shadow has some similarities with Lin Feng.

That is the virtual shadow of Lin Feng branded by the stone Sutra.

On the last page of the stone Sutra, a text appeared.

The 37th generation descendant of Tianshi Road, name: Lin Feng.

Age: 24.

Blood: Immortal blood. Dominate the emperor\'s blood.

Origin: the undead Protoss and the descendants who dominated the imperial family.

Achievements: learned the eight seals of forbidden gods and 321 kinds of array of Heavenly Master Tao.

Then the handwriting on the stone Scripture disappeared completely.

This is the way of Heavenly Master.

It\'s so weird that people can\'t imagine.

The stone Sutra condensed in Lin Feng\'s mind showed something Lin Feng didn\'t know.

There seems to be a mysterious fate involved in this.


The stone Sutra suddenly shook.

The big array in front of Lin Feng split.

Lin Feng subconsciously walked towards the front. He entered a star cave.

This star hole is not simple.

Because there is a pool of spirit liquid in the star cave.

This kind of spiritual liquid occasionally appears in the outside world, but each time it appears, it is only a drop or a few drops.

This spirit liquid is the star river god liquid.

It is said that the most precious treasure in Xinghe is integrated into the origin of Xinghe emperor.

In the outside world, you may not be able to see a drop of Xinghe divine liquid for a long time, but there is a pool here.

Lin Feng entered the pool and sat cross legged.

The five devouring martial spirits in his body took the initiative to operate.

Lin Feng began to devour the Xinghe divine liquid in the pool.

A large amount of Xinghe divine liquid was absorbed by Lin Feng\'s body. Lin Feng\'s lean body soon recovered as before. Moreover, a layer of old skin had fallen off his body, and his newborn skin was as delicate as a baby.

Lin Feng\'s accomplishments have been improved all the way. Originally, he was only one heaven cultivation in the realm of creation. Finally, he was promoted to the top of the triple heaven in the realm of creation, and just stopped.

Lin Feng\'s soul power has risen from the one heaven of the realm of life and death to the four heaven peak of the realm of life and death.

At this time, there was still more than half of the Xinghe divine liquid in the pool. Under the control of the latent meaning, Lin Feng collected all the Xinghe divine liquid.

Then, he suddenly stepped on the ground, rose into the sky, and quickly rushed out of the array. From time to time, star beasts killed Lin Feng, but he felt the terrible smell in Lin Feng\'s body, and those star beasts fled in all directions.


Finally, Lin Feng rushed out and landed on the platform outside.

There are many monks here. Originally, everyone was practicing. Suddenly, they were shocked to see Lin Feng jump out of the galaxy, but soon these people recovered their composure.

"It\'s him. The boy who was knocked down by Emperor Shengtian a year ago, he came out alive.".

"You see his eyes, completely lost. What has he experienced?".

A monk exclaimed.


Soon, a friar shot to kill Lin Feng, wanted to kill Lin Feng, and then took Lin Feng\'s storage ring.

Killing and looting are too common.

If Lin Feng is still a normal person, these people naturally dare not do it, but now Lin Feng is lost, they are no longer afraid.

What\'s more, after a year, Lin Feng came out alive from the bottom of the galaxy. Everyone knows that Lin Feng definitely has a great opportunity at the bottom of the galaxy. Now is the best time to kill Lin Feng and win the treasure.

Lin Feng didn\'t move. He didn\'t seem to know that these people were going to kill him. The terrorist attack was about to tear Lin Feng\'s flesh to pieces.