Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 986

"Fell into the star river. Now, I\'m afraid I\'m dead?". Many people exclaimed.

In their opinion, Lin Feng, who can defeat Tianbu, is definitely regarded as the top Tianjiao.

Once such a person grows up in the future, he will be dazzling. But now, I\'m afraid I can\'t wait for that day.

No one of the monks who fell into the Star River can come out alive. Naturally, they don\'t think Lin Feng will be lucky.

"Through the ages, there have been countless Tianjiao, but Tianjiao who really grew up and became the supreme power is rare, because Tianjiao rises and falls all the time.".

Some monks lamented that they may have seen such a situation too many times in the long years of cultivation. It\'s no wonder.


Lin Feng was involved in the star river.

Around, dozens of fierce beasts killed Lin Feng like wolves who smelled the fishy smell.

When the friar falls into the Star River, his movement will be greatly limited. Lin Feng is no exception. He feels that his body can hardly move and can only watch the star beast kill.

Lin Feng runs the Taigu dragon elephant formula to restore the body to action.

But he found that even the ancient dragon elephant formula was useless at this time.

"Is it really going to be the food of these star beasts?". Lin Feng\'s face was a little pale.

Naturally, he was unwilling to die in the hands of these star beasts.

But there\'s no way.

There seems to be nothing to do now.

"By the way, five emperors dragon boxing......".

Lin Feng suddenly thought of this magic power.

The five elements of the black emperor water dragon boxing belong to water.

Black emperor is the Supreme Master who controls the "road of water".

Star River! It is condensed by the power of endless stars, which has long been turned into liquid.

Well, theoretically speaking, it is still restricted by the "black emperor".

Thinking of this, Lin Feng didn\'t hesitate to show the black emperor\'s water dragon fist.

Now the black emperor water dragon boxing has also been cultivated by Lin Feng to the realm of Dacheng.

After the black emperor water dragon fist was used.

Suddenly, a water dragon appeared at Lin Feng\'s feet and a holy emperor appeared behind him.

Black emperor and water dragon appear.

Suddenly, Lin Feng\'s pressure suddenly decreased.

Originally he could not move in the galaxy, but now he has resumed his action.

A star beast came, and Lin Feng blew out one punch after another.

It is the black emperor\'s water dragon fist that he exerts. This unique skill is more powerful in the galaxy than outside.

Bang Bang

All the star beasts were blown out by Lin Feng, but their bodies were hidden in the galaxy, and their combat power would be stronger. Although they were blown out by Lin Feng, these star beasts were not hurt.

Lin Feng\'s attack made these star beasts more angry and irritable.

A group of fierce beasts came again, and then opened their mouths to gather a powerful natural magic attack.

Lin Feng\'s face changed slightly. It\'s easier to deal with only a few star beasts, but it\'s too difficult to deal with such a large group of star beasts.

These star beasts blocked Lin Feng\'s way. Now Lin Feng can only dive down.

Facing the attack of a group of stars and beasts, Lin Feng didn\'t hesitate and rushed down quickly.

And the attack of a group of star beasts killed in the air.

Those star beasts roared angrily and came quickly. Lin Feng was also very fast and walked through the galaxy quickly.

Suddenly, an amazing wave surged out of the deepest position of the galaxy.

Then a mass of black fog came out quickly, blocking out the sky and the sun.

In the dark fog, a huge magic hand turned out. The magic hand grabbed Lin Feng.

"What the hell is this?". Lin Feng\'s face suddenly changed. He wanted to avoid the capture of the magic hand, but Lin Feng failed.

He was caught by a magic hand.

The magic hand quickly retracted to the deepest position of the galaxy.

"Big array...".

Lin Feng was surprised.

The magic hand threw Lin Feng into the array and then dissipated. Lin Feng looked around and saw that there were all kinds of bones piled up here. It should be the monks who entered the array for various reasons and were trapped and died in it.

In the distance, Lin Feng saw some monks who seemed to have lost themselves and walked towards the distance.

The whole array is extremely huge. Lin Feng guesses that the bottom of the galaxy may be shrouded by the array.

Lin Feng chased up. He came to several monks and wanted to wake them up, but he found that they couldn\'t wake up anyway.

Lin Feng also found a terrible thing at this time. His connection with all magic weapons was cut off.

I can\'t even get in touch with dragon rabbit.

"There is something wrong with this big array. These monks are trapped here and are still moving aimlessly. It seems that they are only subconscious.".

Lin Feng frowned.

The big array is so weird that these friars are lost. Their hidden meaning deduces the way to leave the big array in the big array.

Unless they can deduce the correct method, they will not be able to leave the array until they die.

Lin Feng wants to crack the big array here, but he has no clue.

The big array here is too clever, which has exceeded Lin Feng\'s understanding of the big array.

I don\'t know how long it\'s been.

Lin Feng also gradually lost.

Despite his efforts, he tried to keep himself awake.

But he couldn\'t.

He also became one of the monks at the bottom of the array, walking aimlessly at the bottom of the galaxy.

We can only deduce the way to leave by virtue of the underlying meaning.


The battle between Lin Feng and Emperor Shengtian is so popular that many people know that emperor Shengtian has cut off a supreme Tianjiao.

The friar who met Lin Feng once. After hearing this, some people regretted, some gloated, and some didn\'t respond.

But some people are concerned about Lin Feng\'s comfort.

For example, Li yingdie and her master Duan Hongxiu were already in the galaxy. After hearing the news that Lin Feng was cut off, she came to the place where there was a war in the depths of the galaxy.

"The young friar is not simple. He is not even his opponent in the realm of life and death. However, Emperor Shengtian is too powerful. He broke him into the Star River with only two moves. Now I\'m afraid he has been eaten by the star beast.".

There are still many people talking about the war at that time.

"How could this happen? Lin Feng, you died miserably...". Li yingdie\'s crying pear blossom brings rain.

Broken tea standing not far away, the corners of his mouth evoke a touch of indifference.

In the other direction, a young man in black was standing.

It was Emperor Shi Xuan.

After hearing the news, he hurried over, and Emperor Shixuan looked at the Xinghe river.

Through the blood oath, he vaguely felt that Lin Feng didn\'t seem to be dead.