Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 985


The sky can\'t roar up to the sky. He is crazy. He is a powerful man of the ancient giant level. Now he is slapped out by a young monk. For the sky, it can be described as a great humiliation.

God can\'t just feel that the anger in the body will burn the whole person.

He rushed towards Lin Feng and roared, "boy, I want your life"!


A terrible smell filled the air. Tianwu could not find another treasure in his hand. This is a long flame knife, which is made of flaming gold spar. It is a medium-level Taoist weapon with great power.

Tian couldn\'t use his crazy knife to cut thirty-six times and came to Lin Feng.

A knife is fiercer than a knife.

A knife is more violent than a knife.

I saw the sword light all over the sky, flooding Lin Feng like a raging wave.

"Heaven can\'t even sacrifice medium-level Taoist instruments.". Many people exclaimed that it was obviously impossible. Now they have to work hard.

Lin Feng looked indifferent. Holding the black dragon sword, he cleaved out with a sword. The bright sword was condensed and broke the attack that could not be attacked in an instant.


The black dragon sword collided with the middle-level Taoist flame long knife that could not be seen in the sky.

Days can not immediately feel like he was hit by an ancient mountain.

His hands holding the long flame knife were cracked and blood flowed out.

And the whole person was hit and flew out, and his face became as white as paper.


Lin Feng caught up and wanted to seize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to cut the sky.

Many people were surprised and moved. Obviously, we didn\'t expect that Lin Feng was so strong that it was impossible to kill heaven.

If an ancient giant dies, it will cause an uproar, just like an earthquake.

The sky couldn\'t look frightened. He wanted to avoid, but it was too late.

Lin Feng\'s sword has been chopped down.

Seeing that Lin Feng was about to kill the sky with a sword, a cold awn came.


Accompanied by a sonorous and dull sound of collision.

Mars is everywhere.

Lin Feng flew hundreds of meters away and stopped hard.

It\'s you, something like an ant.

A cold voice came out, and a young man like the emperor appeared.

He came with his feet on the hot sun, and his whole body was wrapped in endless divine light. He was like an immortal God\'s residence.

He is obviously so young, but he gives people a feeling of towering, like facing an old antique that has lived for tens of thousands of years.

"It\'s the emperor\'s Day"!

Many people exclaimed.

Emperor Shengtian.

One of the most powerful Tianjiao in 3000 states.

It is said that emperor Shengtian was reincarnated by the God of heaven. Now the power shown really makes people feel like facing the God of heaven.

Even the friars who are higher than him are trembling and have to choose to retreat.


Lin Feng looked at the emperor Shengtian with a gloomy look. That day, the emperor Shengtian looked for Zhuge Ye. He once looked down on Lin Feng, regarded Lin Feng as a mole ant, and forced him to ask about Zhuge Ye\'s whereabouts. If he didn\'t say it, he threatened to kill Lin Feng.

Since then, the hatred between Lin Feng and Emperor Shengtian has ended.


Lin Feng didn\'t speak too much. He tried his best to use the mana in his body.

Then pour it into the black dragon sword.

Emperor Shengtian suddenly appeared. Lin Feng knew that there must be a war today.

"The young monk wants to duel with emperor Shengtian. Isn\'t that death?".

"It\'s just hitting the stone with an egg"!

Many monks shook their heads and felt that there was no suspense about the war.

Some people think Lin Feng should run away.

But it was soon refuted.

Locked by the existence of emperor Shengtian, there is no chance to escape. If you want to escape, the final result may be ruthlessly killed by Emperor Shengtian.

"Within three moves! Kill you!"

Emperor Shengtian stepped in and held the God war gun. He was powerful and overbearing. He didn\'t pay attention to Lin Feng at all.

Three moves to kill Lin Feng can be said. It can be seen that emperor Shengtian despises Lin Feng.

"Who will cut who is still uncertain".

Lin Feng looked gloomy and his voice was cold. He urged the strongest state. The five devoured the soul of martial arts, and his strength was improved to the extreme.

Lin Feng knew that he could not have any reservation at all, otherwise he would have to die.

I have to say, you are stupid. Emperor Shengtian looked indifferent and drew the God war gun towards Lin Feng.

This shot was so terrible that even the void was torn apart.

Lin Feng urges the black dragon sword to resist.


Emperor Shengtian hit the black dragon sword.

Black dragon sword and Lin Feng were pulled out.


Lin Feng vomited blood when he was shocked.

His hands holding the black dragon sword were also cracked.

Blood flowed out.

The attack of emperor Shengtian is powerful and unimaginable.

Lin Feng thought he could compete with emperor Shengtian after breaking through the realm of nature, but now he knows that he is very wrong.

First of all, Emperor Shengtian is also a demon level existence that can challenge beyond the level.

Secondly, Emperor Shengtian\'s constitution and blood are no worse than himself.

Third, Emperor Shengtian is also blessed with good luck in recent years. He has many adventures. I don\'t know how many powerful magical powers he has obtained.

Finally, it is said that emperor Shengtian is the reincarnation of God, which is definitely not groundless. It must be that emperor Shengtian has mastered some extremely terrible means, so there are such rumors outside.

After emperor Shengtian shot Lin Feng away, he soared into the air, like a roc spreading his wings, hundreds of meters away, and came in an instant. He stabbed Lin Feng with a gun in his hand, trying to pierce Lin Feng\'s body.

Lin Feng\'s face changed slightly. He waved his sword and tried to resist the attack from emperor Shengtian\'s assassination.

However, the emperor suddenly changed his moves in the sky.

The original stab at Lin Feng turned into a pull at Lin Feng.

Just like the first move, he took the God war gun in his hand as a stick.

"A mole ant like you doesn\'t even have the qualification to let me show my marksmanship. It\'s enough to kill you with the simplest move.".

The emperor said disdainfully.

As he said, the move of emperor Shengtian is really simple.

The first move was to shoot Lin Feng.

The second move was to shoot Lin Feng.

Emperor Shengtian didn\'t even use other moves, that is, the basic move of shooting "pumping".

You can see how much you despise Lin Feng.


The second shot hit Lin Feng again.

Lin Feng\'s body fell rapidly towards the Xinghe river.

Lin Feng\'s face changed slightly. It was a no fly space. He couldn\'t fly. Lin Feng twisted his waist and wanted to jump on the platform in the middle of the air.

"Get down". Emperor Shengtian\'s voice was indifferent. He had jumped and shot Lin Feng again.

Lin Feng\'s body was out of control and fell to the galaxy like a meteorite falling in the starry sky.

A splash.

His body fell into the galaxy.

Within the Star River, huge waves overwhelmed Lin Feng in an instant.