Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 979

Li yingdie was full of despair. Now, when she heard the sudden sound, she saw a glimmer of hope. Only Li yingdie\'s body was imprisoned. She couldn\'t move, and she didn\'t know who the monk suddenly appeared.

However, listening to the voice, it seems to be a young monk.

He is just a person. Can he deal with fan Jinbang?

"Who are you, boy?".

Fan Jinbang looked coldly at Lin Feng and made a gesture to the other four people.

The other four quickly dispersed and surrounded Lin Feng.

Now things have been exposed, so fan Jinbang will never let Lin Feng go.

Lin Feng seemed to turn a blind eye to these people surrounded him. He disdained to look at fan Jinbang and said faintly, "scum like you, also want to know my name?".

Fan Jinbang\'s face was gloomy and terrible. He smiled grimly and said, "at the end of his life, he dared to talk big in front of me. I don\'t know whether you are ignorant and fearless or stupid?".

Lin Feng said indifferently, "there are always some people in the world who think they are right. In the final analysis, they still take themselves too seriously. They don\'t know that they are just watching the sky.".

"What a arrogant boy, come together and take off the boy\'s head.". Fan Jinbang waved.


The other four monks answered and immediately jumped out and besieged Lin Feng.

Li yingdie is also nervous, because if Lin Feng is defeated or killed, her fate is doomed to be extremely tragic.

Her body could not move, she could not see the specific situation, and her heart was only anxious and uneasy.


Facing the siege of four Wuhua mountain friars, the black feather eagle king screamed and rushed out.

The black feather eagle king is too fast.

Poof! Poof! Poof! Poof!


The sharp claws grabbed directly at the necks of the four friars in Wuhua mountain.

The four had not even reacted, and their necks had been broken.

Blood splashed out.

Four monks fell to the ground and died.

Seeing this scene, fan Jinbang\'s face changed greatly. Instead of attacking Lin Feng or the black feather eagle king, he grabbed Li yingdie.

Fan Jinbang obviously wants to use Li yingdie as his shield.


As soon as the black feather eagle king beckoned, the Phoenix claws grabbed fan Jinbang.

Blinking, he had rushed to fan Jinbang.

Fan Jinbang\'s look changed greatly and had to retreat quickly.

He dodged the attack of feifeng\'s claw, turned and fled to the distance.

The black feather eagle king has turned into a black lightning to catch up.

The sharp claw snapped down.

Fan Jinbang used his fist to break through the mountains and rivers to resist the attack of the black feather eagle king.

But how could he resist the attack of the black feather eagle king with the strength of the seven heavens in the realm of creation?

The black feather eagle king broke fan Jinbang\'s magic power in an instant, and then his sharp claws broke fan Jinbang\'s head.

Fan Jinbang died miserably on the spot.

The mountain forest became silent. Lying on the tree, Li yingdie was shocked. Although she didn\'t see the scene of the black feather eagle king killing the other four people, she saw how the black feather eagle king killed fan Jinbang.

Is that black eagle the monk\'s pet just now?

He is such a powerful pet.

At this time, Li yingdie finally saw Lin Feng.

That is a very comfortable looking face.

It can be described as beautiful.

He saved himself.

Li yingdie is full of gratitude, but then he is worried. Will he also have bad thoughts when he sees that he is so beautiful?

But soon Li yingdie knew she was thinking too much.

The young man hit a mana. After the mana poured into his body, Li yingdie felt that his soft body resumed action.

"You will still be weak in three days, so I suggest you find a place to stay for three days and take action when you recover." Lin Feng waved and walked away.

Li yingdie bit her lip. She didn\'t understand why Lin Feng was so calm when she saw her. She didn\'t even have a surprised look.

He is one of the five beauties of Wuhua mountain, the goddess of heaven in Wufeng Prefecture and the goddess in the hearts of countless people.

But it didn\'t even cause a stir in that guy.

Doesn\'t he think he\'s not beautiful?

Li yingdie thinks about it in her mind. Women are very concerned about their appearance. Naturally, Li yingdie is the same.

Seeing that Lin Feng was about to leave, Li yingdie\'s weak voice came out, "the vast ancient forest is full of dangers. Yingdie has lost all her mana. Elder martial brother, can\'t you have the heart to leave yingdie a weak woman here?".

Lin Feng frowns slightly. What he is most afraid of is being entangled by Li yingdie, because Lin Feng doesn\'t like carrying a mop around.

Just hearing Li yingdie\'s soft and weak voice, I still can\'t bear to leave her here after all.

If she meets another monk or fierce beast, Li yingdie is afraid that she will die. Didn\'t she save her in vain?

Lin Feng stopped.

He turned to Li yingdie and came to Li yingdie. Lin Feng asked, "what\'s your name?".

"Li yingdie".


"What\'s your senior brother\'s name?".

"Lin Feng".


"Try and see if you can walk by yourself," Lin Feng said.

Li yingdie tries to stand up, but she still feels weak and can\'t get up.

I can\'t get up. Li yingdie blushed and said.

"Offended". Lin Feng apologized. Then, amid Li yingdie\'s exclamation, he picked Li yingdie up.

Li yingdie put her arms around Lin Feng\'s neck and looked at Lin Feng\'s beautiful face. Her pretty face was slightly red. It was the first time she had such close contact with a man.

Li yingdie has always felt that she has no interest in the relationship between men and women.

But now he was held in his arms by Lin Feng, and his heart was as nervous as a deer.

Lin Feng did not pay attention to Li yingdie\'s subtle changes.

In Lin Feng\'s opinion, Li yingdie just met him by chance.

Others have no plans to provoke Li yingdie.

Lin Feng found a cave that could shelter from the wind and rain and placed Li yingdie here. He said, "you can rest here for three days. When you recover in three days, you can leave. When you leave, I will arrange several hidden Dharma arrays to hide the cave, so you don\'t have to worry about being found by other monks or fierce animals.".

Then Lin Feng walked out.

Li yingdie feels a little lost. Why does this guy turn a blind eye to such a charming beauty?

Is he so unattractive in his eyes?

Seeing that Lin Feng was about to go out of the cave, Li yingdie bit her red lip and said, "senior brother, yingdie has something to say to you.".

Lin Feng reluctantly looked at Li yingdie and asked, "what else do you have?"