Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 980

Li yingdie said in a quiet voice, "elder martial brother Lin, have you ever heard of Xinghe?".

Lin Feng shook his head and said, "I haven\'t heard of it.".

Li yingdie said, "the star river suddenly appeared a month ago. There are many treasures in the star river. Many people go to the Star River to look for treasures. I want to invite senior brother to the star river. What do you think?".

"Oh? Is there such a star river?". Lin Feng was surprised. He looked at the black feather eagle king standing on his shoulder.

The black feather eagle king shook his head. Obviously, he didn\'t know the galaxy.

After all, Li yingdie also said that Xinghe only appeared a month ago.

The black feather eagle king has been with Lin Feng all this time. It\'s normal not to hear about it, but looking at the black feather eagle king\'s look, I\'m afraid the star river hasn\'t appeared before.

"I heard you said before that Xingyu grass, Xingyue stone and other things are treasures obtained from Xinghe?". Lin Feng asked.

Li yingdie nodded and said, "yes, it\'s the treasure from Xinghe. There are more precious treasures in Xinghe, but it will be very difficult to get them.".

"It seems that this galaxy is extremely dangerous?". Lin Feng asked in surprise.

Li yingdie said, "it\'s more than danger. There are star beasts in the galaxy. Many star beasts have very strong attack power. If they are careless, they may be killed by star beasts. Moreover, there will be big waves sweeping the galaxy from time to time. All monks involved in the galaxy will eventually die in them, and no one can come out alive.".

"So weird...". Lin Feng was surprised.

Then Lin Feng said his doubts, "friars know how to fly. Even if the huge waves in the Star River sweep through, they should not be involved in it?".

Li yingdie said, "within the scope of the Star River, it is a no fly space"!

Lin Feng nodded. No wonder the Star River is so dangerous.

Once a monk can\'t fly, he is like a tiger with its teeth pulled out.

All kinds of abilities will decline, especially in case of danger. If you lose the ability to fly, it will be even more difficult to avoid danger.

"Sister Li, have a good rest. After three days, let\'s go to Xinghe together.". Lin Feng found a place to sit down.

Xinghe aroused his interest, and Lin Feng felt that this Xinghe was definitely not simple. It suddenly appeared. Where did it come from? Where does it flow?

What\'s the secret?


Li yingdie nodded. Seeing Lin Feng stay, she felt both happy and lost.

The reason for the loss is that Lin Feng chose to stay, not for her, but for Xinghe.

Time passed quickly, and three days passed quickly.

Three days later, Li yingdie\'s body recovered.

Lin Feng and Li yingdie go to Xinghe.

Xinghe is about three days away from here, but Lin Feng and Li yingdie can arrive in only one day by taking the black feather eagle king.

Sitting on the black feather eagle king, Li yingdie looks surprised and uncertain.

Because she can feel a powerful and unimaginable terrorist force from the black feather eagle king.

Li yingdie has only felt this feeling from the giant friars of all ages.

This black feather eagle king is an eternal giant level existence?

Li yingdie was filled with shock.

Naturally, she would not think that the black feather eagle king was the fierce bird subdued by Lin Feng.

Li yingdie guesses that Lin Feng is likely to be the descendant of a top power, and the black feather eagle king is sent by Lin Feng\'s elders to protect Lin Feng.

As for Lin Feng\'s accomplishments, Li yingdie can also feel them vaguely. It seems that the realm of creation is a heaven, three levels lower than his own realm.

One day later, Lin Feng and Li yingdie came to Xinghe.

From a distance, a huge river poured down from the starry world.

The river formed dense and crisscross branches, and some stone steps can be seen from time to time in the river.

The friar jumped on the stone steps, looking for the treasure in the Star River, and then salvaged it.

From time to time, we can see many monks flying from all directions and then rushing into the star river. These monks entering the Star River are obscured by the starlight, and the monks outside can\'t see them.

"Elder martial brother Lin, that\'s Xinghe......". Li yingdie points to the big river in the distance.

Endless starlight shrouded, when close to the Star River, the body of the black feather eagle king quickly fell down.

"I don\'t want to be killed.".

The black feather eagle king screamed.

The wind roared, and the black feather eagle king retreated quickly and stopped on a mountain in the distance, trembling all over.

For this kind of bird, if it loses its flying ability, it is an extremely terrible thing and a serious blow to its inner self-confidence.

Lin Feng and Li yingdie jump down from the black feather eagle king.

Lin Feng knows that the black feather eagle king is afraid of the galaxy. In addition, the black feather eagle king will be restricted by the galaxy when he enters the galaxy.

So Lin Feng said to the black feather eagle king, "wait outside for me to come back.".

Yes, master. The black feather eagle king breathed.

Lin Feng and Li yingdie quickly swept towards the Xinghe river. The Xinghe River fell from the sky and flooded a large area of mountains and forests. They didn\'t know where the end was.

Lin Feng and Li yingdie enter the Star River, surrounded by stars, isolating them from the outside world.

"The law of space...".

Entering the Star River, Lin Feng was not surprised.

The Star River has its own space. It seems that what appears in front of us is not a river, but a vast ocean.

But in these vast seas, many stone terraces can be seen floating from time to time.

Many monks jumped on the stone steps and swept towards the depths of the star river.

"Elder martial brother Lin, be careful. You must not step in the air. Once you step in the air, you will be swallowed by the star river.". Li yingdie said.

She looked very nervous. It was obvious that Xinghe had made a terrible impression on her.

Lin Feng nodded. He and Li yingdie quickly swept away into the depths.

There are more than a dozen monks in front, which should be a small team formed temporarily.

Suddenly, a star lotus came from the Star River, which is the treasure to improve the soul.

A monk fished out Xinglian.


But the next moment, the monk was beheaded by the people around him, and his body fell into the galaxy.

"Xinglian is mine...".

The rest of the friars roared and killed the friar who robbed Xinglian. A dozen people who were originally allies immediately killed each other, and one body fell into the Xinghe river.

Within the galaxy, a giant gradually emerged, devouring bodies directly.

"Hahaha, Xinglian belongs to me now.". Finally, there was a monk left. He grabbed Xinglian and laughed loudly.

But the next moment, a 100 meter long, dragon like ox, covered with scales jumped out of the Star River, swallowed the friar, and then the star beast drilled into the Star River with a few clicks.

The star beast bit the monk\'s body and swallowed it.