Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 978

These people look quite embarrassed. They may have experienced a war before.

They each found a place to sit down and rest.

"Elder martial brother fan, what treasure did you get from the Star River this time?" asked a friar.

The friar called senior brother fan looked around the age of twenty-eight, wearing a golden robe.

These people are from Wufeng state.

There are five forces in Wufeng Prefecture, one of which is called Wuhua mountain, and these people are monks of Wuhua mountain.

The friar surnamed fan is called "fan Jinbang".

As the grandson of an elder of Wuhua mountain, he also has some voice among the younger generation of Wuhua mountain.

Fan Jinbang said, "I didn\'t get anything good. I got three Xingyu grasses.".

"Star rain grass? This is a treasure. A star rain grass is worth at least 150000 top-grade spirit stones", and the other monks showed envy.

Although they have also got some things, they are far from being compared with xingyucao.

"Younger martial Sister Li got the star moon stone. The treasure is more precious and worth 800000 yuan.". A monk said admiringly.

The nun known as Sister Li is the only woman among the six.

The younger martial Sister Li, whose name is Li yingdie, heard several people talking about the star moon stone she got. She said, "it\'s just a fluke. Your senior brothers will get more precious treasures than the star moon stone sooner or later.".

This Li yingdie looks around the age of twenty-three or four. She is petite and exquisite. She has a weak temperament. She has a face that can be broken by blowing.

In Wuhua mountain, Li yingdie is one of the five beauties.

Now, Li yingdie is very tired after many wars.

"Younger martial Sister Li, I have a bottle of zhenlinglu. After taking it, you can quickly restore mana.".

Fan Jinbang took out a porcelain vase and handed it to Li yingdie.

"Thank you, senior brother fan. Yingdie really doesn\'t dare to accept such valuable things." Li yingdie saluted fan Jinbang and didn\'t accept fan Jinbang\'s zhenlinglu.

Fan Jinbang smiled and did not insist.

Five male disciples gathered together. One male disciple said, "Li yingdie dared to refuse elder martial brother fan. She thought that the extraterritorial star world was still Wuhua mountain? A pair of high cold goddess fan. I think Li yingdie didn\'t pay attention to elder martial brother fan at all.".

Another male disciple added a few words, "Li yingdie has come into contact with the most top talents in the sect. It\'s normal to look down on us, but Li yingdie even looks down on senior brother fan. It\'s too self righteous.".

Fan Jinbang\'s face is not different. He is a kind of person who hides a knife in a smile. He is vicious. During this time, they do tasks together. Fan Jinbang thinks of getting the moon first, and keeps paying attention to Li yingdie, hoping to get Li yingdie\'s heart.

But Li yingdie has always been alienated.

This made fan Jinbang extremely angry.

"The disciple of elder Li yingdie\'s broken tea must have a lot of treasures. Now he has a treasure like Xingyue stone. We might as well...". The disciple said darkly.

"It\'s a pity to kill directly". Fan Jinbang had a cold expression in his eyes. "I\'ve been so attentive to her these days that I turned a blind eye. Since I can\'t get it, I\'ll destroy her.".

Fan Jinbang took out some dry food, and then took out a packet of medicine powder and sprinkled it on the dry food.

This kind of medicine powder will dissolve immediately when it touches things. It can\'t be seen that medicine powder is sprinkled on dry food.

Fan Jinbang came to Li yingdie and said, "younger martial sister, this is the food made of Jinyu rice produced in Wuhua mountain. I think younger martial sister hasn\'t eaten it for a long time? Younger martial sister, eat some to replenish your strength.".

It\'s just food. It\'s not valuable, so Li yingdie can\'t refuse. She thanks, takes it, pinches a small piece and puts it in her mouth.

But soon, Li yingdie felt soft.

The strength of the whole body dissipated in an instant and could not move.

Her face changed greatly, "elder martial brother fan, did you put medicine in the food?".

"Hahaha, yes, there is a little cartilage powder in the food. After eating it, you can\'t move for three days.".

Fan Jinbang said with a laugh.

Li yingdie\'s face turned pale. She asked in a trembling voice, "elder martial brother fan, why? We are the same school!"

"Same door?".

Fan Jinbang sneered and said, "bitch! Since you and I are the same family, why do I pursue you and you turn a blind eye?".

Li yingdie said, "yingdie is dedicated to the Tao and will not consider the feelings of men and women".

"Where\'s the ghost?". Fan Jinbang said disdainfully, "since you don\'t promise me, I will destroy you!".

As the voice fell, fan Jinbang walked towards Li yingdie step by step.

"Four senior brothers, help me...".

Li yingdie looked at the other four with begging eyes.

"Ha ha, younger martial Sister Li, we are powerless.".

The four people immediately laughed.

Hearing what the four said, Li yingdie\'s face was white and full of despair.

Li yingdie knows that she will die today. Although she looks weak, she is a tough character in her heart.

Better die than be humiliated.

Li yingdie will bite her tongue and kill herself.

But at this time, fan Jinbang\'s right hand was a little, and a mana broke into Li yingdie\'s body.

Li yingdie was immediately imprisoned.

I can\'t even bite my tongue and kill myself.

"I\'ve been guarding against you for a long time.".

Fan Jinbang sneered again and again.

Li yingdie closes her eyes in despair. Tears slip from the corners of her eyes.

"My fellow martial brothers and sisters... Have experienced life and death together. Even if you can\'t be as close as brothers and sisters, you should respect each other? You treat your fellow martial sisters like animals. No, to be precise, using animals to describe you five is an insult to the word animals".

At this time, a cold laugh came from a big tree more than ten meters away.

"Who?". Fan Jinbang and others suddenly sank. They turned around and saw that a young monk in his early twenties jumped down from the big tree.

The young friar walked towards the crowd step by step, and a black eagle stood on his shoulder.