Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 977

The situation is really in crisis.

Now Lin Feng doesn\'t even have time to hide.

Because he has been completely locked by the three masters, especially the Jiuyou killer behind him, Lin Feng didn\'t even feel his presence at all.

When the feeling came out, the sword was about to pierce Lin Feng\'s chest.

"No...". Lin Feng\'s look changed greatly. He planned to sacrifice the seven treasures glass tower for defense, but it was too late.

An unprecedented sense of crisis swept through, making Lin Feng a threat of death.

Seeing that the sword of the Jiuyou killer behind him was about to pierce Lin Feng\'s chest.

At this time.

In Lin Feng\'s body, the Holy Light surged out.

The dazzling holy light wrapped Lin Feng.

"Divine Guardian"!

Lin Feng exclaimed, and then his face showed a happy look.

This is the holy guardian of the four holy order holy array masters when they were crowned the elder of the holy array masters\' Union.

A few years later, there was no movement in the divine guardian, and Lin Feng even forgot the divine guardian.

Now in the crisis of life and death, the divine guardian has finally shown amazing defense.

The back Jiuyou killer stabbed his sword on the defense mask of the holy guard, and there was no way to break the defense of the holy guard.

The sword was resisted by the divine guard.

The attack of the old devil in front and the attack of the Jiuyou killer above were resisted by the divine guardian.

At the same time, Lin Feng quickly shot like lightning.

The five devouring martial spirits are instantly integrated.

The powerful power of imprisonment surged out.

All three friars were involved in Lin Feng\'s magnetic field.

Lin Feng stabbed the old devil with a sword in his right hand.

The left hand is patted to the Jiuyou killer behind.

The look of the three strong men changed greatly because they felt like they were in a quagmire.

It\'s hard to move.

However, the three were still very powerful. The old devil moved to the left to avoid Lin Feng\'s killing sword. Lin Feng reacted very quickly and should be stabbed.

The sword swept the void.


The old devil had his arm cut off.

The nine yous killer above broke the magnetic field and escaped quickly.

Now Lin Feng has two choices and tries his best to kill the old devil.

Or kill the Jiuyou killer behind.

Lin Feng chooses to kill Jiuyou killer, because the means of Jiuyou killer is too strange.

If there is only one Jiuyou killer, you can rest assured, but there are two Jiuyou killers lurking around you, it\'s impossible to prevent.

As for the sharp decline of the old devil\'s strength after he broke his arm, it\'s not a worry.

Lin Feng abandoned the old devil and rushed towards the Jiuyou killer behind him. The Jiuyou killer was going to break Lin Feng\'s confinement magnetic field, but when Lin Feng applied all the confinement force to him.

The Jiuyou killer was imprisoned and could not move.

Lin Feng showed great pressure reduction.

The word "town" was condensed and suppressed on the Jiuyou killer.

Suddenly, the Jiuyou killer completely lost his ability to move. His cold-blooded eyes showed a frightened expression at this moment.

Then Lin Feng slapped and killed the Jiuyou killer.

There was a dull bang.

The body of Jiuyou killer exploded directly and died on the spot.

"Damn......" another Jiuyou killer looked very gloomy.

The old devil had his arm cut off, and his eyes were full of killing intention.

After the black feather eagle king and Xiao Zhanbo hit each other, they quickly retreated.

It shouted excitedly, "the master is so wise and powerful. He killed a powerful killer so soon...".

"Dead bird! Shut up!".

Another Jiuyou killer said fiercely.

"Shut your uncle". The black feather eagle king shouted and scolded tit for tat.

Now he has killed a Jiuyou killer, and the old devil is also seriously injured. Lin Feng\'s pressure is greatly reduced.

He looked at these people coldly, "Jiuyou killer is really annoying like a dog skin plaster, but I also tell you how many Jiuyou killers come and how many I kill, and sooner or later, your killer temple will be overturned".

"Boy, with what you just said, it\'s enough to die thousands of times.". There was no emotion fluctuation in the voice of Jiuyou killer.

Lin Feng looked indifferent. His cold eyes immediately looked at the old devil with broken arms and asked, "who are you? It seems that I don\'t know you.".

"Boy, don\'t you know xuansha?".

Xiao Zhanbo shrugged and looked at xuansha\'s ancestor with a trace of sarcasm. Although Xiao Zhanbo had a cooperative relationship with xuansha\'s ancestor, it seemed that he had been unhappy, so he would ridicule xuansha\'s ancestor.

"Are you the ancestor of xuansha?" Lin Feng was surprised.

Xuansha, xuanmo, xuanming.

These three are martial brothers.

The three famous demons in tianwu continent are more cruel and ruthless than one.

Both xuanmo and xuanming have died in Lin Feng\'s hands.

Lin Feng, the ancestor of xuansha, had heard about it for a long time, but he had never seen or thought about it. The old devil who attacked himself today was the ancestor of xuansha.

If Xiao Zhanbo dared to ridicule him at ordinary times, xuansha\'s ancestor would have done it long ago, but now xuansha\'s ancestor\'s attention is all on Lin Feng and has no time to pay attention to Xiao Zhanbo.

Xuansha looked at Lin Feng with bitter eyes: "boy, break my arm. This hatred will not end like this...".

Although xuansha wanted to cut Lin Feng thousands of times now, he was deeply hurt and knew that he might fall down if he fought again, so he sprouted a retreat.

"Old devil, if you want to kill me, just come. I\'m going to take your life and kill you. I don\'t know how many innocent people I can save.".

Lin Feng flicked his sleeve and sneered.

"Let\'s ride a donkey and read the libretto. We\'ll see.". Old xuansha flew away.

Then Jiuyou killer and Xiao Zhanbo also withdrew. Obviously, they also know that even if they work together, it is unrealistic to kill Lin Feng who has opened the sacred guard.

What\'s more, Lin Feng also has a black feather eagle king of the ancient giant level to help. Now the time to kill Lin Feng has been missed, so he can only look for other opportunities.


"Let\'s go too". Lin Feng said.

"唳"! The black feather eagle king roared, his wings vibrated and rose into the sky.

Lin Feng jumped on the back of the black feather eagle king.

The black feather Eagle flew out of the mountains and forests.


"Lord, the boy\'s life is too big.". Deep in the mountain forest, three fire apes said fiercely.

The divine beast chaos said, "it seems that this son is really shrouded in Qi. In that case, let him go."

Soon, the depths of the mountains and forests became silent.


After an hour, the divine guard dissipated.

"Unfortunately, the divine guardian can only be activated once. Now it has been activated and will lose its effect in the future. However, it is worth picking up a life by relying on the divine guardian.".

Lin Feng took a deep breath.

At night, Lin Feng and the black feather eagle king rest in front of a pool.


Six monks in the distance flew quickly in their direction.

Lin Feng sat on the branch of a big tree and looked into the distance. He found that it was five men and one woman. These people landed more than ten meters away.