Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 974


Like a mountain moving in the void.

The huge head leaned over.

Lin Feng finally saw what it was, a python.

Lin Feng has never seen such a huge python. Even the ancient sky snake doesn\'t have such a big body, right?

Now, there is such a huge python, which is shocking and moving.

Lin Feng couldn\'t believe his eyes.

But this is the real thing.

Deng Deng Deng Deng

Lin Feng was scared back.

What kind of existence is this?

It\'s at the patron saint fog mountain?

Now Lin Feng finally knows why Shenwu mountain is a forbidden area.

There is such a terrible python.

Did you break into this place at will?

Say it impolitely.

Whoever dares to break into such a place will die.

"Human...". Suddenly, the python spoke.

Lin Feng took a deep breath. The boa constrictor was afraid that it was stronger than the divine beast chaos outside. Lin Feng didn\'t know how it lived for so long.

But now its strength is absolutely beyond the ordinary gods.

This extraterritorial starry world can absorb the "power of Qi".

Therefore, you can break through the divine realm.

The chaos of the divine beast is like this, and so is the python in front of us.

Lin Feng felt his mouth dry, although he was extremely frightened, because he felt that even the demon king who had recovered a lot of strength was not the opponent of this python.

But Lin Feng tried to calm himself down.

The huge Python didn\'t attack him immediately, which showed that the python didn\'t want to kill him. Otherwise, he would have been eaten by the python.

But Lin Feng didn\'t know what to say now. In the face of such a terrible existence, he didn\'t dare to talk nonsense. If he angered the existence, the consequences would be unimaginable.

"Show your blood"!

The python spoke again.

Lin Feng murmured in his heart, what is the purpose of this terrible existence to let him show his blood?

Of course, Lin Feng didn\'t hesitate. He didn\'t die.


In an instant, the immortal God\'s blood revived and the blood light surged.

"Immortal blood, unfortunately only awakened 20% of the blood, but it is barely qualified to enter Shenwu mountain".

The Python\'s huge body retracted again.

"Eh, you didn\'t attack me...". Lin Feng was surprised.

Followed by excitement.

And listen to the meaning of Python\'s words, can you enter Shenwu mountain?

Thinking of this, Lin Feng didn\'t stop and quickly entered the Shenwu mountain.

Just entering Shenwu mountain, I saw a ten thousand year fire scorpion grass growing on a cliff.

"Ten thousand year elixir, I\'m really rich.". Lin Feng quickly flew to the cliff and picked the Wannian fire scorpion grass.

"Master, there\'s another one over there. It\'s a red practice flower. No, it\'s three red practice flowers. They are all 10000 years old"!


The black feather eagle king also shouted, waving his wings and pointing in the direction not far away.

There are three red flowers scattered in that place.

This kind of red practice flower, wrapped in fog, is flirtatious and beautiful, but it has deadly poison.

Lin Feng flew over and collected the three red practice flowers.

He flew up the Shenwu mountain and encountered miraculous medicine for more than ten thousand years all the way.

"There are many miraculous medicines for thousands of years in the outside world, but they can\'t be found for more than ten thousand years. Can\'t they all come to Shenwu mountain?".

Lin Feng murmured in his heart.

These elixirs of more than ten thousand years are so precious that he now feels like a dream.

The black feather Eagle said, "there are three or four dangerous places above the stars, which are full of dangers. Some places are even more terrible than Shenwu mountain. Therefore, the elixirs for more than ten thousand years should be hidden in these Jedi".

Lin Feng nodded. He continued to fly up and collected all kinds of miraculous drugs.

When he arrived at the 10000 meter position of Shenwu mountain, Lin Feng had collected more than 30 million elixirs over ten thousand years.

Obviously, there must be many elixirs scattered around, but Lin Feng is too lazy to save and look for them.

When the place is more than 10000 meters, miraculous drugs of more than 20000 years begin to appear.

This makes Lin Feng more and more excited.

"It seems that the more you go up, the more precious the magic medicine appears on Shenwu mountain.".

Lin Feng came to the position of 100000 meters of Shenwu mountain.

He has collected 30 million year old elixirs, 2000 20000 year old elixirs, 800 30000 year old elixirs, 300 40000 year old elixirs, and 100 over 50000 year old elixirs.

In addition, sixty, forty, twenty-three and nine strains of elixirs with a drug age of 60000 years, 70000 years, 80000 years and 90000 years were collected respectively.

As for the holy medicine of more than 100000 years, "three strains" were collected.

"I\'m really rich. If these miraculous drugs are taken to tianwu mainland, all major forces will be crazy".

Lin Feng was very excited.

Even the elixir stored in the treasure house of the ancient forces is definitely not as much as Lin Feng got from Shenwu mountain.

"Go up and have a look. What I need may be right above.".

At this time, the voice of the demon king rang through Lin Feng\'s mind.

Lin Feng nodded and continued to walk up.

There will be no miraculous medicine in the mountains above 100000 meters.

The more you go up, the colder it gets.

The cold wind roared, and the black feather eagle king was shivering with cold.

"You go down and wait.". Lin Feng looks at the black feather eagle king.

"I\'d better follow my master.". The black feather eagle king said in a trembling voice.

Lin Feng doesn\'t know what the black feather eagle king is thinking. This guy doesn\'t go down because he\'s worried about being eaten by a python.

About 30000 meters up, Lin Feng was also understood to be cold.

He had to sacrifice the sky fire and wrap his body.

To withstand the cold.

"There is a long way to go...". Suddenly, at this time, a sigh sounded through Lin Feng\'s mind.

This is not the voice of the demon king. It seems to float from the top of the divine fog mountain.

"Hundreds of millions of monks are like ants and dogs...".

The voice came out again, compassionate.

But it seems to be lamenting the difficulty of cultivation.

"Carrying a sword, straddling and waving ghost rain, white bones like mountain birds flying. The world is like tide and people like water. Only a few people in the Jianghu come back"!

"Who is the peak at the end of the divine road? The long cultivation is like clouds and smoke. It is appropriate to go down the mountain to open up the land, and the emperor plans to dominate the industry and take the hand"!

The voice came again.

Seems to want to break Lin Feng\'s will.

Let Lin Feng give up cultivation.

Instead, he went to open up Xinjiang and expand the territory to achieve some hegemony.

Lin Feng was unmoved. He shouted coldly, "the situation in the world is out of our generation. As soon as we enter the Jianghu, the years urge us. It\'s impossible to get drunk in life when Huang Tu dominates the industry."

Lin Feng stepped forward, bold and unrestrained. The so-called imperial power was not seen by him at all.

His will to practice became stronger and stronger.

The mysterious voice dissipated.

And Lin Feng went all the way up for ten miles.

Finally, he saw that at the top of the mountain, an ancient stone hall stood.

If it has existed here for hundreds of millions of years, even if it lasts for hundreds of millions of years, it will still be immortal and stand.