Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 973

The Giant Claw of the divine beast chaos has been caught, which is difficult to avoid, and the breath is suffocating. The black feather eagle king has long been frightened and trembled, and he has no will to resist. Lin Feng\'s face is also pale. Facing the attack of a divine beast chaos, Lin Feng only feels despair.


At this time, Lin Feng\'s body exuded an amazing smell.

This is the breath of the demon king.

After feeling the breath, Lin Feng\'s face showed a happy look.

It\'s a surprise that the demon king has recovered from his deep sleep.

It seems that after refining the origin of God, the demon king got a lot of good things.

The monster chaos quickly retracted its huge claws after the demon king sent out his breath.

Behind Lin Feng, a virtual shadow appeared, which was a mysterious space, a solitary grave, and a figure sitting alone on the solitary grave.

Demon king is always full of melancholy.

The whole mountain forest is filled with suffocating breath. Whether it\'s the demon king or the divine beast chaos, now they don\'t speak.

Because these two beings feel that each other is not easy to provoke.

Before swallowing the origin of God, the demon king may not be the opponent of chaos, but after swallowing the origin of God, Lin Feng doesn\'t know how strong the demon king is.

But obviously, it has risen to the point of chaos and fear of divine beasts.


The divine beast chaos retreated into the endless abyss where it was, and dormant again.

And the demon king disappeared.

"Thank you for your help...". Lin Feng speaks.

The demon king said, "help you because Shenwu mountain has what we need. Otherwise, we will help you? Dream...".

Lin Feng has a black face.

But he also likes this way of getting along.

It is impossible to communicate with the demon king, and it is impossible for the demon king to communicate with you, but the exchange of interests can maintain the relationship between the two is also quite good.

"Let\'s go...". Lin Feng patted the black feather eagle king.


The black feather eagle king turned into a flash of lightning and rushed to the depths with Lin Feng on his back.


At the bottom of the abyss, the beast squinted through the heavy black fog and looked in the direction of Shenwu mountain.

"Lord, the existence hidden in the boy\'s body shows an archaic smell. Is it the ghost of the strong in the archaic era?". The three fire apes said in disbelief.

The beast nodded and said, "there\'s nothing wrong. It\'s the ghost of the ancient strong. The legend has come true.".

"Legend? What legend?". The three fire apes asked in surprise.

"It is said that in a certain life, there will be a human friar riding a fierce bird and guarded by the ghost of an ancient strong man. It seems that it is the boy. I thought the legend was ethereal and untrustworthy for a moment, but now I really believe it.".

The divine beast chaos said.

"Where did the legend come from?" the three fire apes were shocked.

"In ancient times... The people\'s 100 saints entered the extraterritorial star world. From then on, this legend has been left.". The divine beast chaos said.

"Does that boy really have the ability to enter Shenwu mountain? Even if he is the Lord, he won\'t set foot in that place easily.". Said the three fire apes.

"Maybe he has a way to do it. He tells us to go down and make all the overlord fierce beasts dormant. Let the friars who enter the Shenwu mountain come to Shenwu mountain smoothly and smoothly. Let\'s see these people kill each other.".

The divine beast chaos said sadly, "the remnant soul usually doesn\'t fight. He is restricted by some mysterious rules. Although the boy is not weak, he is not particularly strong. If he is killed by a human monk, it\'s best for us to fight and rob the boy\'s body. Anyway, we didn\'t kill him, and there\'s no reason for the remnant soul of the strong in the ancient times.".

"The Lord is so wise. My subordinates will order it now.". Three fire apes left quickly.


"Is that Shenwu mountain?". Lin Feng looked deep. In the fog, a mountain peak stood like a giant pillar, separating the sky from the earth.

There are powerful prohibitions around.

Anyone who dares to intrude will be banned and killed.

The black feather eagle king became about half a meter long, stood on Lin Feng\'s shoulder and said in a trembling voice, "There\'s nothing wrong. That\'s Shenwu mountain. Master, you see, the surrounding void is distorted. The prohibition here is enough to kill gods. Unless you know the route to Shenwu mountain, breaking into Shenwu mountain without permission is the way to death, but the jade amulet recording the route to Shenwu mountain has long been lost in ancient times.".

"No harm! I have my own way"!


Lin Feng smiled.

He has two ways to enter Shenwu mountain. One is to let the dragon and rabbit lead the way.

The second is to enter it by yourself.

This time, Lin Feng didn\'t let the Dragon rabbit lead the way, because Lin Feng recently studied Tianshi Dao. He learned a lot from ancient bronze books and had a new understanding of the big array. Lin Feng planned to sharpen his ability to shuttle through the prohibition of the big array and always relied on the Dragon rabbit. After all, it wasn\'t his ability.

Lin Feng opened the sky demon snake eye. He used the sky demon snake eye to cooperate with the inheritance of Tianshi road he learned, and rushed into the prohibition in the frightened cry of the black feather eagle king.

The black feather eagle king thought he was dead, but he found that Lin Feng could shuttle freely among various prohibitions. Suddenly, he began to flatter Lin Feng with bursts of ecstasy, "master, you are so awesome. The slave\'s admiration for you is like a flowing river, and the flood of Tianhe river is out of control".

Lin Feng patted the black feather eagle king\'s head and motioned to shut it up.

The black feather eagle king quickly shut up and knew he couldn\'t disturb Lin Feng at this time.

All kinds of unique kills came from the big array, but under the combination of the snake eye of the heavenly demon and the secret arts of the Heavenly Master, Lin Feng avoided the dense prohibition.

"What a powerful Heavenly Master! Indeed, it deserves to be the most terrible spirit array master!".

Lin Feng\'s heart was full of joy.

There were more than thirty miles of prohibitions around Shenwu mountain, but Lin Feng couldn\'t stop him. Finally, Lin Feng passed through all the prohibitions and came to the foot of Shenwu mountain.

He looked up to the sky and saw the Shenwu mountain. He couldn\'t see where the end was.

Standing at the foot of Shenwu mountain, Lin Feng had a small feeling.

"This is Shenwu mountain. There are such huge peaks in the world.". Lin Feng couldn\'t help feeling.

At the foot of Shenwu mountain, there is an ancient stone tablet with four words written on it.


Lin Feng was surprised. What do these four words mean?

What does immortality imply?

He didn\'t stop and walked towards Shenwu mountain. Suddenly, on Shenwu mountain, one end was 60000 or 70000 meters long. He didn\'t know how many thousands of years he had lived. His body was wrapped around Shenwu mountain. Now, the existence of terror opened his eyes and looked at Lin Feng with cold eyes.

Shua Shua.

When the two eyes opened, it was like two more suns in the sky.

"What\'s that?". Lin Feng felt a creepy breath enveloping his whole body.