Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 975

The stone hall is ancient and vicissitudes, thick and atmospheric. Some places even have green skin, and some places are covered with moss. No one has come here for too many years.

Lin Feng is the first monk to come to the stone hall after endless years. He is staring at the stone hall. He is sensing the history and details of the stone hall.

Why is there such a stone hall at the top of Shenwu mountain? What\'s its origin?

Lin Feng thought of the python in Wushan, the patron saint.

It seems that what the python really guards may be the stone hall.

"Master, there may be treasures in this stone hall. Let\'s go in and have a look.".

The black feather eagle king can\'t wait to say.

The stone hall is ancient and mysterious, with the breath of years.

However, Lin Feng did not act immediately. In such a place, being cautious is not a big mistake.

"Elder, what is the origin of the stone hall?" Lin Feng asked the demon king.

The demon king said, "it should have something to do with God.".

Obviously, the God in the demon king\'s mouth is not an ordinary God.

Ordinary gods can\'t build such a stone temple at all.

Lin Feng walked carefully towards the stone hall.

The door of the stone hall was closed. He came to the stone hall and pushed the huge stone door open.

When the stone gate was pushed open, dazzling light shone from it.

The light enveloped Lin Feng. Lin Feng only felt that an ancient world appeared in front of him.

All creatures in this world, whether human, demon or other races, believe in the God who lives in the "holy mountain".

"God" will appear in this world from time to time, and then God will send down "miracles" to help those who pray.

And the whole planet lives and works in peace and contentment.

Until one day, black clouds rolled and thunder intertwined.

Do not know what exists, came to this world.

"God" came out of the temple and fought with it.

The war was so tragic that countless lives on the planet were destroyed.

The "God" was beheaded.

Endless thunder clouds dispersed and took away the head of God.

Almost all living creatures on the originally prosperous planet have been extinct.

God is dead.

It rained blood for three days and nights.

"Hissing, hissing...". A small snake kept by God found the headless body of God.


God sat up.

"My life has come to an end. I hope you can live and wait for someone to come.".

God\'s headless body finally left a divine thought.

Then God\'s headless body exploded, turned into the purest source of God, and poured into the "little snake" body.

The little snake made a hoarse cry.

It shed tears.

It was a wounded snake that almost died.

God benefits everyone.

Save it and enlighten it.

It has its own wisdom.

Now God is dead.

It is said that snakes are cold-blooded animals.

But snakes also have feelings.


The origin of God was gradually absorbed by the body of the little snake. The little snake became bigger and bigger, and finally turned into a huge python.

He is still waiting long for the arrival of the man whom God says is destined.

Even the boa constrictor doesn\'t know who the predestined person is?

Its mission is to stay here.

Until you die.


All the pictures have disappeared. That\'s something that happened in the past. Now it\'s happening again.

Lin Feng was speechless for a long time.

God, so kind.

Who wants to kill God?

Lin Feng doesn\'t understand.

The demon king said, "the road is ruthless! The way of heaven will not let you live because you are kind, nor will it let you be doomed because you are evil".

Lin Feng said, "do you mean that God was destroyed by the way of heaven?".

"I didn\'t say anything. I only know that the heaven rules everything. Even if I was like me, although I was a big man in the undead world, I was as humble as an ant in front of the heaven.".

The demon king sighed.

"The way of heaven! The way of heaven! What is the way of heaven?". Lin Feng asked, it is really difficult for him to understand what kind of existence the way of heaven is.

"He has no specific body, he is the embodiment of rules, he has immortal will, and he has the most powerful power. The world we live in is the condensation of the laws mastered by the way of heaven, even in the immortal world. Whoever the way of heaven allows to live will live, and whoever the way of heaven wants to die will die.". The demon king sighed.

"Can\'t anyone get rid of the shackles of heaven?". Lin Feng asked.

The demon king\'s voice was quiet, "how could it not be? In this world, there will always be some demons to unimaginable existence, who can get rid of the shackles of heaven and be free...".

Lin Feng said, "in that case, I will become such a strong man in the future.".

The corner of the demon king\'s mouth twitched. Lin Feng\'s words pressed back what he had to say.

The demon king finally said, "it\'s good to have an ideal. Without an ideal, what\'s the difference between living and salted fish? If the ideal can be realized one day?".

After knowing the demon king for so long, Lin Feng finally heard a comfortable word from the demon king.

He entered the stone hall, which was very empty. After entering it, Lin Feng only saw a stone statue without a head.

The stone statue should be the stone statue of the dead "God".

"And mind power"!

The demon king was surprised. This was what he was looking for. The next moment, the Demon King appeared, took a big breath, and the mind in the stone statue was swallowed by the demon king.

This is the power of sentient beings and the so-called power of faith.

The greater the power of faith absorbed by God, the greater the power of God.

For God, the power of faith is equivalent to tonic, but for other monks, the power of faith is of no use.

Because other monks cannot absorb the power of faith generated by all living beings.

The broken stone statue that lost the power of faith began to crack.

Among the cracked stone statues, there is a palm sized golden stone with dense runes on it.

Lin Feng was surprised and hurried over. He took the golden stone in his hand and carefully observed the runes on it.

His face suddenly showed an expression of shock.

The content recorded on this golden stone is actually a three thousand Avenue cultivation method.

This three thousand Avenue is called "great ballast".

"Ha ha, great town pressure, this trip to Shenwu mountain is really worth it," Lin Feng smiled.

"Congratulations to the master for getting 3000 Avenue"! Black feather Eagle Wang Daoxi.

The demon king was also surprised and said, "God left the inheritance and didn\'t let the orthodoxy lose after all".

Lin Feng saluted the broken stone statue and said, "the elder left 3000 Avenue. Since the younger generation was lucky to get the inheritance of the elder, if you have strength in the future, you will find the head of the elder, and then bury it under the hall, so that the elder can sleep here."

Lin Feng\'s voice fell, and the cracked stone statue stood up.

Although he had no head, Lin Feng felt that he was staring at himself.

It was a grateful look.

Click, click.

Immediately, the broken stone statue was completely broken.