Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 972

A sword breaks the void.

The black dragon sword untied the black feather eagle king.

Lin Feng said with an unfathomable voice, "it\'s just a thousand chapter poison king. It\'s not a small idea to kill it?".

The black feather eagle king immediately looked at Lin Feng with admiration.

Lin Feng took out a scabbard, inserted the black dragon sword into it, and then carried the black dragon sword behind him.

"Wow, master, you look so handsome"! The black feather eagle king shouted again.

Lin Feng couldn\'t help showing a trace of satisfaction. Obviously, his praise for the black feather eagle king was also quite useful.

The black feather eagle king then said, "unfortunately, the scabbard on the master is just an ordinary scabbard. I know there is a treasure called Taishang sword tomb. This treasure is the best match with the divine sword"!

"Taishang sword tomb? What is this?". Lin Feng asked in surprise.

"It\'s a treasure in the shape of a box. It\'s said that the supreme sword tomb can hold tens of thousands of swords. Non peerless swords cannot enter the supreme sword tomb"!

Black feather eagle king way.

"Oh? A box for a sword, and such a request?". Lin Feng was surprised.

Black feather eagle king, "Master, don\'t underestimate the supreme sword tomb. The origin of the supreme sword tomb is extremely ancient. It is said that it was made from the divine wood that separated heaven and earth. To open the power of the supreme sword tomb, you need to cultivate the supreme sword control formula. If the sword is loaded into the supreme sword tomb, you will get the blessing of the supreme sword tomb, and then the sword control formula on the ether will control the sword against the enemy and the power of the sword The force will increase ten times or even tens of times ".


Lin Feng couldn\'t help taking a breath, because the sword tomb was too terrible.

"Where is the tomb of the supreme sword?" Lin Feng asked.

If you can get this baby, I\'m afraid it will be against the sky.

"This treasure has been lost," said the black feather eagle king.

Such a powerful treasure was lost.

Lin Feng couldn\'t help feeling a little pity.

But Lin Feng soon withdrew his mind.

He jumped on the back of the black feather eagle king and crossed his knees.

And the black feather eagle king soared into the sky and flew to the depths.

Now the black feather eagle king has more courage than before, because Lin Feng\'s strength is too strong, which shocked the black feather eagle king.

With Lin Feng\'s support, what are you afraid of? This is the idea of the black feather eagle king.

Shenwu mountain is getting closer and closer.

A three headed fire ape flew from a distance with a stone stick in his hand.


The three fire apes hit it directly with a stick. The stick in its hand could automatically become larger and thousands of meters long in the blink of an eye, just like a huge mountain.

The black feather eagle king screamed and trembled all over his body.

The strength of this three headed fire ape is at least the existence of the six heaven realm of life and death, or even the seven heaven realm of life and death.

The realm of life and death is ten Heaven, and there is a great difference in cultivation between each heaven.

The black feather eagle king, a fierce bird at the beginning of the realm of life and death, was almost killed for the existence of the three fire apes.

Lin Feng also felt an unprecedented pressure.

If Lin Feng\'s own strength alone, he is far from the opponent of the three fire apes.

But Lin Feng has the black dragon sword that unties the second seal.

He grabbed the black dragon sword and rose into the air.

In mid air, a sword struck the stone stick that came from the blast.


The two treasures collided with each other.

A black dragon turned out and killed three fire apes.


It\'s like two wild beasts colliding together.

The surrounding mountains were instantly destroyed by the energy aftershock of the collision, while the three fire apes were knocked out.

The power of the black dragon sword was so powerful that even three powerful beasts such as fire apes were blown out.


Lin Feng jumped up and killed three fire apes again. The mana in his body poured into the black dragon sword.

A sword with a length of more than ten miles condensed and chopped at three fire apes.

Even though the three fire apes cried in horror, its strength was not enough to compete with Lin Feng\'s sword.

Seeing that Lin Feng was about to cut off three fire apes, an ancient smell filled out from the depths of the mountain forest.

Then a huge animal claw came out.

It\'s like the fierce beast of the ancient times recovering from its deep sleep.

The huge animal claw, which covered the sky and blocked the sun, directly patted the sword cut by Lin Feng in the air.

"What a powerful blood, it\'s you...".

The low roar came out, and it was the owner of the beast\'s claw.

It broke Lin Feng\'s sword with one claw. The owner of the animal claw didn\'t know what kind of terrorist existence it was. Its strong strength made people tremble.

After breaking Lin Feng\'s sword, the beast claw grabbed Lin Feng. Obviously, the fierce beast wanted to catch Lin Feng. It was peeping at Lin Feng\'s powerful blood.

"It\'s an ancient giant beast chaos! The rumor is true. There\'s an ancient giant beast chaos near Shenwu mountain. Now we\'re finished."


The black feather eagle king saw the behemoth like a meat mountain in the depths and uttered a cry of horror.

The shape of the chaotic beast is like the flesh. It is extremely ugly, but its strength is extremely powerful.

This is the existence as famous as Taotie, poor and strange, and Taowu.

Moreover, the chaotic beast Shouyuan has a very long history, far surpassing the other three fierce beasts.

Some chaotic giants can live for millions of years.

The long years will make the strength of chaotic giants stronger and stronger. After all, even an ant that everyone can easily crush to death will become an adverse existence if it lives for hundreds of thousands of years.

What\'s more, chaos itself is a divine beast.

The chaos in front of us is the existence that has lived for hundreds of thousands of years, a terrible existence that has survived in the world in ancient times.

This is the existence of divine beast level.

The blood is no worse than the real dragon, Phoenix, unicorn and other sacred animals.

Lin Feng took a breath. There were such terrible creatures outside Shenwu mountain. I\'m afraid it\'s troublesome. Facing a terrible beast that survived in ancient times, there\'s no way to fight this war. Even the gods may not be the opponent of this "divine beast chaos".